Commit d066de4e authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

не рисуем мега ректы на пдф контексте

parent 3b5a57b6
......@@ -2099,54 +2099,58 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
Element = aUnderline.Get_Next();
// Рисуем красный рект вокруг измененных ранов
var arrRunReviewRectsLine = [];
Element = aRunReview.Get_NextForward();
while (null !== Element)
if (null === RunPrReview || true !== RunPrReview.Is_Equal(Element.Additional.RunPr))
if (arrRunReviewRectsLine.length > 0 && arrRunReviewRects)
arrRunReviewRectsLine = [];
RunPrReview = Element.Additional.RunPr;
arrRunReviewRects = [];
arrRunReviewAreasColors.push(new CDocumentColor(Element.r, Element.g, Element.b));
arrRunReviewRectsLine.push({X : Element.x0, Y : Page.Y + Line.Y - Line.Metrics.TextAscent, W : Element.x1 - Element.x0, H : Line.Metrics.TextDescent + Line.Metrics.TextAscent + Line.Metrics.LineGap, Page : 0});
Element = aRunReview.Get_NextForward();
if (arrRunReviewRectsLine.length > 0)
// Рисуем рект вокруг измененных ранов (измененных другим пользователем)
Element = aCollChange.Get_Next();
while (null !== Element)
pGraphics.p_color(Element.r, Element.g, Element.b, 255);
pGraphics.AddSmartRect(Element.x0, Page.Y + Line.Top, Element.x1 - Element.x0, Line.Bottom - Line.Top, 0);
Element = aCollChange.Get_Next();
// Рисуем подчеркивание орфографии
if(this.LogicDocument && true === this.LogicDocument.Spelling.Use)
pGraphics.p_color( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
var SpellingW = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GetMMPerDot(1);
Element = aSpelling.Get_Next();
while ( null != Element )
pGraphics.DrawSpellingLine(Element.y0, Element.x0, Element.x1, SpellingW);
Element = aSpelling.Get_Next();
if (pGraphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG !== true)
// Рисуем красный рект вокруг измененных ранов
var arrRunReviewRectsLine = [];
Element = aRunReview.Get_NextForward();
while (null !== Element)
if (null === RunPrReview || true !== RunPrReview.Is_Equal(Element.Additional.RunPr))
if (arrRunReviewRectsLine.length > 0 && arrRunReviewRects)
arrRunReviewRectsLine = [];
RunPrReview = Element.Additional.RunPr;
arrRunReviewRects = [];
arrRunReviewAreasColors.push(new CDocumentColor(Element.r, Element.g, Element.b));
arrRunReviewRectsLine.push({X : Element.x0, Y : Page.Y + Line.Y - Line.Metrics.TextAscent, W : Element.x1 - Element.x0, H : Line.Metrics.TextDescent + Line.Metrics.TextAscent + Line.Metrics.LineGap, Page : 0});
Element = aRunReview.Get_NextForward();
if (arrRunReviewRectsLine.length > 0)
// Рисуем рект вокруг измененных ранов (измененных другим пользователем)
Element = aCollChange.Get_Next();
while (null !== Element)
pGraphics.p_color(Element.r, Element.g, Element.b, 255);
pGraphics.AddSmartRect(Element.x0, Page.Y + Line.Top, Element.x1 - Element.x0, Line.Bottom - Line.Top, 0);
Element = aCollChange.Get_Next();
// Рисуем подчеркивание орфографии
if(this.LogicDocument && true === this.LogicDocument.Spelling.Use)
pGraphics.p_color( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
var SpellingW = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GetMMPerDot(1);
Element = aSpelling.Get_Next();
while ( null != Element )
pGraphics.DrawSpellingLine(Element.y0, Element.x0, Element.x1, SpellingW);
Element = aSpelling.Get_Next();
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