Commit d0c1d3b3 authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

В класс документа добавлена функция Get_HdrFtr.

parent 538b312c
......@@ -11232,12 +11232,6 @@ CDocument.prototype =
bUpdateSelection = false;
bRetValue = keydownresult_PreventAll;
//else if (e.KeyCode === 113)
// // Для теста
// bRetValue = keydownresult_PreventAll;
else if ( e.KeyCode == 121 && true === e.ShiftKey ) // Shift + F10 - контекстное меню
var X_abs, Y_abs, oPosition, ConvertedPos;
......@@ -16040,6 +16034,10 @@ CDocument.prototype.private_UpdateTargetForCollaboration = function()
this.NeedUpdateTargetForCollaboration = true;
CDocument.prototype.Get_HdrFtr = function()
return this.HdrFtr;
CDocument.prototype.Get_DrawingDocument = function()
return this.DrawingDocument;
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