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Commit d0e19b51 authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

проблема с кодировкой при скачивании отчетов teamalab

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a66f3e8d
......@@ -682,6 +682,7 @@ var c_oAscEncodings = [
[ 50, 12000, "UTF-32", "Unicode (UTF-32)" ],
[ 51, 12001, "UTF-32BE", "Unicode (UTF-32 Big Endian)" ]
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case "needparams":
// Проверяем, возможно нам пришли опции для CSV
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var codePageCsv = c_oAscEncodingsMap[t.documentOpenOptions["codePage"]] || c_oAscCodePageUtf8,
delimiterCsv = t.documentOpenOptions["delimiter"];
if (null !== codePageCsv && undefined !== codePageCsv && null !== delimiterCsv && undefined !== delimiterCsv) {
t.asc_setAdvancedOptions(c_oAscAdvancedOptionsID.CSV, new asc.asc_CCSVAdvancedOptions(codePageCsv, delimiterCsv));
......@@ -6746,8 +6746,8 @@ function _downloadAs(editor, command, oDocumentMailMerge, oMailMergeSendData, tx
oAdditionalData['url'] = editor.mailMergeFileData['url'];
oAdditionalData['format'] = editor.mailMergeFileData['fileType'];
// ToDo select csv params
oAdditionalData['codepage'] = 65001;
oAdditionalData['delimiter'] = 4; // c_oAscCsvDelimiter.Comma
oAdditionalData['codepage'] = c_oAscCodePageUtf8;
oAdditionalData['delimiter'] = c_oAscCsvDelimiter.Comma
} else if (c_oAscFileType.TXT === filetype && !txtOptions && null == oDocumentMailMerge && null == oMailMergeSendData) {
// Мы открывали команду, надо ее закрыть.
editor.sync_EndAction(c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, c_oAscAsyncAction.DownloadAs);
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