Commit d6ceffaa authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov


fix: исправлен подсчеn формулы ODDFPRICE

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 5c7e72a9
......@@ -4665,7 +4665,40 @@
ok( oParser.parse() );
strictEqual( oParser.calculate().getValue(), vdb(2400,300,10*12,6,18) );
} )
test( "Test: \"ODDFPRICE\"", function () {
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFPRICE(DATE(1999,2,28),DATE(2016,1,1),DATE(1998,2,28),DATE(2015,1,1),7%,0,100,2,1)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(), 217.878453038674) );
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFPRICE(DATE(2008,11,11),DATE(2021,3,1),DATE(2008,10,15),DATE(2009,3,1),0.0785,0.0625,100,2,1)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(), 113.597717474079) );
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFPRICE(DATE(1990;6;1);DATE(1995;12;31);DATE(1990;1;1);DATE(1990;12;31);6%;5%;1000;1;1)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(), 790.11323221867) );
} )
test( "Test: \"ODDFYIELD\"", function () {
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFYIELD(DATE(1990;6;1);DATE(1995;12;31);DATE(1990;1;1);DATE(1990;12;31);6%;790;100;1;1)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(),-0.2889178784774840 ) );
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFYIELD(DATE(2008,11,11),DATE(2021,3,1),DATE(2008,10,15),DATE(2009,3,1),0.0575,84.5,100,2,0)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(), 0.0772455415972989 ) );
oParser = new parserFormula( "ODDFYIELD(DATE(2008;12;11);DATE(2021;4;1);DATE(2008;10;15);DATE(2009;4;1);6%;100;100;4;1)", "A2", ws );
ok( oParser.parse() );
ok( difBetween(oParser.calculate().getValue(), 0.0599769985558904 ) );
} )
} );
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ function lcl_GetCoupncd( settl, matur, freq ) {
if ( matur > settl ) {
matur.addYears( -1 );
while ( matur <= settl ) {
while ( matur < settl ) {
matur.addMonths( 12 / freq );
......@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ function getduration( settlement, maturity, coupon, yld, frequency, basis ) {
function oddFPrice(settl,matur,iss,firstCoup,rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis) {
function positiveDaysBetween( d1, d2, b ) {
var res = diffDate( d1, d2, b );
var res = diffDate( d1, d2, b ).getValue();
return res > 0 ? res : 0;
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ function oddFPrice(settl,matur,iss,firstCoup,rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis
var res = 0, DSC,
numMonths = 12 / frequency,
numMonthsNeg = -numMonths,
E = getcoupdays( settl, new Date( firstCoup ), frequency, basis ),
E = getcoupdays( settl, new Date( firstCoup ), frequency, basis ).getValue(),
coupNums = getcoupnum( settl, new Date( matur ), frequency ),
dfc = positiveDaysBetween( new Date( iss ), new Date( firstCoup ), basis );
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ function oddFPrice(settl,matur,iss,firstCoup,rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis
DSC = positiveDaysBetween( settl, getcoupncd( settl, firstCoup, frequency ), basis );
else {
DSC = E - diffDate( getcoupncd( settl, firstCoup, frequency ), settl, basis );
DSC = E - diffDate( lcl_GetCouppcd( settl, firstCoup, frequency ), settl, basis );
var Nq = coupNumber( firstCoup, settl, numMonths, true );
......@@ -3421,11 +3421,23 @@ cODDFPRICE.prototype.getInfo = function () {
function cODDFYIELD() { this, "ODDFYIELD" );
// this, "ODDFYIELD" ); = "ODDFYIELD";
this.type = cElementType.func;
this.value = null;
this.argumentsMin = 8;
this.argumentsCurrent = 0;
this.argumentsMax = 9;
this.formatType = {
def:-1, //подразумевается формат первой ячейки входящей в формулу.
this.numFormat = this.formatType.noneFormat;
cODDFYIELD.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
/*cODDFYIELD.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
cODDFYIELD.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
var settlement = arg[0],
maturity = arg[1],
issue = arg[2],
......@@ -3542,7 +3554,78 @@ cODDFYIELD.prototype = Object.create( cBaseFunction.prototype );
iss = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( issue ),
firstCoup = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel( first_coupon );
this.value = new cNumber( oddFPrice(settl,matur,iss,firstCoup,rate,pr,redemption,frequency,basis) );
var years = diffDate(settl, matur,basis ),
px = pr - 100,
num = rate * years * 100 - px,
denum = px * 0.25 * ( 1 + 2 * years ) + years * 100,
guess = num / denum, x = guess, g_Eps = 1e-7, nIM = 500, eps = 1, nMC= 0, xN;
function iterF(yld) {return pr - oddFPrice( settl, matur, iss, firstCoup, rate, yld, redemption, frequency, basis)}
while ( eps > g_Eps && nMC < nIM ) {
xN = x - iterF( x ) / (iterF( x + g_Eps ) - iterF( x - g_Eps )) / (2 * g_Eps);
eps = Math.abs( xN - x );
x = xN;
if ( isNaN( x ) || Infinity == Math.abs(x) ) {
var max = Number.MAX_VALUE, min = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
step = 1.6,
low = guess - 0.01 <= min ? min + g_Eps : guess - 0.01,
high = guess + 0.01 >= max ? max - g_Eps : guess + 0.01,
i, xBegin, xEnd, x, y, currentIter = 0;
if ( guess <= min || guess >= max ) {
return new cError( cErrorType.not_numeric );
for ( i = 0; i < nIM; i++ ) {
xBegin = low <= min ? min + g_Eps : low;
xEnd = high >= max ? max - g_Eps : high;
x = iterF( xBegin );
y = iterF( xEnd );
if ( x * y == 0 || x * y < 0 ) {
else if ( x * y > 0 ) {
low = (xBegin + step * (xBegin - xEnd));
high = (xEnd + step * (xEnd - xBegin));
else {
return new cError( cErrorType.not_numeric );
if ( i == nIM ) {
return new cError( cErrorType.not_numeric );
var fXbegin = iterF( xBegin ), fXend = iterF( xEnd ), fXi, xI;
if ( Math.abs( fXbegin ) < g_Eps ) {
return this.value = new cNumber( fXbegin );
if ( Math.abs( fXend ) < g_Eps ) {
return this.value = new cNumber( fXend );
do {
xI = xBegin + (xEnd - xBegin) / 2;
fXi = iterF( xI );
if ( fXbegin * fXi < 0 ) {
xEnd = xI;
else {
xBegin = xI;
fXbegin = iterF( xBegin );
} while ( Math.abs( fXi ) > g_Eps && currentIter < nIM )
this.value = new cNumber( xI );
this.value = new cNumber( x );
return this.value;
......@@ -3551,7 +3634,7 @@ cODDFYIELD.prototype.getInfo = function () {,
args:"( settlement , maturity , issue , first-coupon , rate , pr , redemption , frequency [ , [ basis ] ] )"
function cODDLPRICE() {
// this, "ODDLPRICE" );
......@@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ Math.approxEqual = function ( a, b ) {
return this.abs( a - b ) < 1e-15;
Math.sign = function(a){
return (a < 0) ? -1 : (a == 0) ? 0 : 1;
/** @constructor */
function cBaseType( val ) {
this.needRecalc = false;
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