Commit d7db1c6e authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov

mobile min srcipt building

parent d14653cf
......@@ -7,7 +7,22 @@ echo "----------------------------------------"
BASEDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
npm install
echo npm install
grunt --level=WHITESPACE_ONLY --mobile=true --noclosure=true
cat "../word/sdk-all-min.js" "../word/sdk-all.js" > "../../mobile-apps/ios/Vendor/ONLYOFFICE/SDKData/documents/script.bin"
cat "../cell/sdk-all-min.js" "../cell/sdk-all.js" > "../../mobile-apps/ios/Vendor/ONLYOFFICE/SDKData/spreadsheets/script.bin"
echo grunt --level=ADVANCED --mobile=true --noclosure=true
echo -n $'\r' > temp.txt
cat "../../web-apps/vendor/xregexp/xregexp-all-min.js" "temp.txt" "../../web-apps/vendor/underscore/underscore-min.js" "temp.txt" "../common/native/native.js" "temp.txt" "../common/native/jquery_native.js" "temp.txt" > "banners.js"
cat "banners.js" "../word/sdk-all-min.js" "../word/sdk-all.js" > "../../mobile-apps/ios/Vendor/ONLYOFFICE/SDKData/documents/script.bin"
rm -f -r "banners.js"
cat "../../web-apps/vendor/xregexp/xregexp-all-min.js" "temp.txt" "../../web-apps/vendor/underscore/underscore-min.js" "temp.txt" "../cell/native/common.js" "temp.txt" "../common/native/jquery_native.js" "temp.txt" > "banners.js"
cat "banners.js" "../cell/sdk-all-min.js" "../cell/sdk-all.js" > "../../mobile-apps/ios/Vendor/ONLYOFFICE/SDKData/spreadsheets/script.bin"
rm -f -r "banners.js"
rm -f -r "temp.txt"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -195,43 +195,39 @@
"common": [
"mobile_banners": {
"min": [
"min": [
"common": [
"mobile": [
"exclude_mobile": [
"dst": "../cell",
......@@ -78,6 +78,15 @@ var AscCommonWord = window["AscCommonWord"];
window["AscCommonSlide"] = {};
var AscCommonSlide = window["AscCommonSlide"];
function ConvertJSC_Array(_array)
var _len = _array.length;
var ret = new Uint8Array(_len);
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
ret[i] = _array.getAt(i);
return ret;
function Image() {
this.src = "";
this.onload = function()
......@@ -307,18 +316,8 @@ function setInterval(func, interval) {
if (!window.NativeSupportTimeouts)
// console.log("setInterval");
// var intervalFunc = function() {
// console.log("intervalFunc");
// setInterval(func, interval);
// }
var id = window["native"]["GenerateTimeoutId"](interval);
window.NativeTimeoutObject["" + id] = {func: func, repeat: true, interval: interval}; // intervalFunc;
window.NativeTimeoutObject["" + id] = {func: func, repeat: true, interval: interval};
return id;
......@@ -376,11 +375,6 @@ window["NativeCorrectImageUrlOnCopy"] = function(url) {
return window["native"]["CorrectImageUrlOnCopy"](url);
window["use_native_fonts_only"] = true;
var global_memory_stream_menu = CreateNativeMemoryStream();
window['AscFonts'] = window['AscFonts'] || {};
window['AscFonts'].FT_Common = FT_Common;
window['SockJS'] = createSockJS();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@
if ( window['IS_NATIVE_EDITOR'] && !this.dontUpdateText ) {
window['native'].onCellEditorChangeText( this._getFragmentsText( this.options.fragments ) );
window['native']['onCellEditorChangeText']( this._getFragmentsText( this.options.fragments ) );
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