Commit ec5aed0c authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix bug 33200

parent 2f657b42
......@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@
_insertImagesFromBinary: function(ws, data, isIntoShape)
var activeRange = ws.activeRange;
var activeCell = ws.model.selectionRange.activeCell;
var curCol, drawingObject, curRow, startCol, startRow, xfrm, aImagesSync = [], activeRow, activeCol, tempArr, offX, offY, rot;
//отдельная обработка для вставки одной таблички из презентаций
......@@ -1188,8 +1188,8 @@
xfrm = drawingObject.graphicObject.spPr.xfrm;
activeRow = activeRange.r1;
activeCol = activeRange.c1;
activeRow = activeCell.row;
activeCol = activeCell.col;
if(isIntoShape && isIntoShape.Parent && isIntoShape.Parent.parent && isIntoShape.Parent.parent.drawingBase && isIntoShape.Parent.parent.drawingBase.from)
activeRow = isIntoShape.Parent.parent.drawingBase.from.row;
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