Commit f4ab7d93 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

fix pivot buttons

parent e8ffcec6
......@@ -5333,7 +5333,7 @@
Worksheet.prototype.getPivotTableButtons = function (range) {
var res = [];
var pivotTable, pivotRange, j, pos, countC, countR;
var pivotTable, pivotRange, j, pos, countC, countR, cell;
for (var i = 0; i < this.pivotTables.length; ++i) {
pivotTable = this.pivotTables[i];
if (!pivotTable.intersection(range)) {
......@@ -5342,7 +5342,10 @@
for (j = 0; j < pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions.length; ++j) {
pos = pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions[j];
res.push(new AscCommon.CellBase(pos.row, pos.col + 1));
cell = new AscCommon.CellBase(pos.row, pos.col + 1);
if (range.contains2(cell)) {
if (false !== pivotTable.showHeaders) {
......@@ -5351,10 +5354,16 @@
pivotRange = pivotTable.getRange();
if (countR) {
res.push(new AscCommon.CellBase(pivotRange.r1 + countC, pivotRange.c1));
cell = new AscCommon.CellBase(pivotRange.r1 + countC, pivotRange.c1);
if (range.contains2(cell)) {
if (countC) {
res.push(new AscCommon.CellBase(pivotRange.r1, pivotRange.c1 + countR));
cell = new AscCommon.CellBase(pivotRange.r1, pivotRange.c1 + countR);
if (range.contains2(cell)) {
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