Commit f53dbb4a authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

Добавил export

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 89b4e16a
......@@ -1093,6 +1093,121 @@
window["Asc"].generateColor = generateColor;
window["Asc"].hsvToRgb = hsvToRgb;
function CAscTexture()
this.Id = 0;
this.Image = "";
CAscTexture.prototype.get_id = function() { return this.Id; };
CAscTexture.prototype.get_image = function() { return this.Image; };
prot = CAscTexture.prototype;
prot["get_id"] = prot.get_id;
prot["get_image"] = prot.get_image;
window["CAscTexture"] = CAscTexture;
function CAscColorScheme()
this.Colors = [];
this.Name = "";
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_colors = function() { return this.Colors; };
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_name = function() { return this.Name; };
prot = CAscColorScheme.prototype;
prot["get_colors"] = prot.get_colors;
prot["get_name"] = prot.get_name;
window["CAscColorScheme"] = CAscColorScheme;
// цвет. может быть трех типов:
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB : value - не учитывается
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST : value - имя стандартного цвета (map_prst_color)
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME : value - тип цвета в схеме
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SYS : конвертируется в srgb
function CAscColor()
this.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
this.value = null;
this.r = 0;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.a = 255;
this.Auto = false;
this.Mods = [];
this.ColorSchemeId = -1;
if (1 === arguments.length) {
this.r = arguments[0].r;
this.g = arguments[0].g;
this.b = arguments[0].b;
} else {
if (3 <= arguments.length) {
this.r = arguments[0];
this.g = arguments[1];
this.b = arguments[2];
if (4 === arguments.length)
this.a = arguments[3];
CAscColor.prototype.get_r = function(){return this.r};
CAscColor.prototype.put_r = function(v){this.r = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_g = function(){return this.g;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_g = function(v){this.g = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_b = function(){return this.b;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_b = function(v){this.b = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_a = function(){return this.a;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_a = function(v){this.a = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_type = function(){return this.type;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_type = function(v){this.type = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_value = function(){return this.value;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_value = function(v){this.value = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_auto = function(){return this.Auto;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_auto = function(v){this.Auto = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_hex = function()
var a = this.a.toString(16);
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
this.hex = ( a.length == 1? "0" + a: a) +
( r.length == 1? "0" + r: r) +
( g.length == 1? "0" + g: g) +
( b.length == 1? "0" + b: b);
return this.hex;
CAscColor.prototype.get_color = function()
return new CColor(this.r, this.g, this.b);
prot = CAscColor.prototype;
prot["get_r"] = prot.get_r;
prot["put_r"] = prot.put_r;
prot["get_g"] = prot.get_g;
prot["put_g"] = prot.put_g;
prot["get_b"] = prot.get_b;
prot["put_b"] = prot.put_b;
prot["get_a"] = prot.get_a;
prot["put_a"] = prot.put_a;
prot["get_type"] = prot.get_type;
prot["put_type"] = prot.put_type;
prot["get_value"] = prot.get_value;
prot["put_value"] = prot.put_value;
prot["get_auto"] = prot.get_auto;
prot["put_auto"] = prot.put_auto;
prot["get_hex"] = prot.get_hex;
prot["get_color"] = prot.get_color;
window["CAscColor"] = CAscColor;
......@@ -1140,88 +1255,4 @@ CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Id"] = function(){ return this.Id; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_Data"] = function(){ return this.Data; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_W"] = function(){ return this.W; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype["get_H"] = function(){ return this.H; };
CAscMathCategory.prototype.private_Sort = function(){ this.Data.sort( function(a,b){ return a.Id- b.Id; } ); };
function CAscTexture()
this.Id = 0;
this.Image = "";
CAscTexture.prototype.get_id = function() { return this.Id; };
CAscTexture.prototype.get_image = function() { return this.Image; };
function CAscColorScheme()
this.Colors = [];
this.Name = "";
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_colors = function() { return this.Colors; };
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_name = function() { return this.Name; };
// цвет. может быть трех типов:
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB : value - не учитывается
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST : value - имя стандартного цвета (map_prst_color)
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME : value - тип цвета в схеме
// c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SYS : конвертируется в srgb
function CAscColor()
this.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
this.value = null;
this.r = 0;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.a = 255;
this.Auto = false;
this.Mods = [];
this.ColorSchemeId = -1;
if (1 === arguments.length) {
this.r = arguments[0].r;
this.g = arguments[0].g;
this.b = arguments[0].b;
} else {
if (3 <= arguments.length) {
this.r = arguments[0];
this.g = arguments[1];
this.b = arguments[2];
if (4 === arguments.length)
this.a = arguments[3];
CAscColor.prototype.get_r = function(){return this.r};
CAscColor.prototype.put_r = function(v){this.r = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_g = function(){return this.g;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_g = function(v){this.g = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_b = function(){return this.b;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_b = function(v){this.b = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_a = function(){return this.a;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_a = function(v){this.a = v; this.hex = undefined;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_type = function(){return this.type;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_type = function(v){this.type = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_value = function(){return this.value;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_value = function(v){this.value = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.put_auto = function(v){this.Auto = v;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_auto = function(){return this.Auto;};
CAscColor.prototype.get_hex = function()
var a = this.a.toString(16);
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
this.hex = ( a.length == 1? "0" + a: a) +
( r.length == 1? "0" + r: r) +
( g.length == 1? "0" + g: g) +
( b.length == 1? "0" + b: b);
return this.hex;
CAscColor.prototype.get_color = function()
return new CColor(this.r, this.g, this.b);
\ No newline at end of file
CAscMathCategory.prototype.private_Sort = function(){ this.Data.sort( function(a,b){ return a.Id- b.Id; } ); };
\ No newline at end of file
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