Commit f6ee78bb authored by Dmitry.Vikulov's avatar Dmitry.Vikulov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Внутренняя гиперссылка шейпа

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent c580d4a6
......@@ -855,13 +855,19 @@ CShape.prototype =
insertHyperlink: function (options) {
if(isRealObject(this.txBody) && this.txBody.content.Hyperlink_CanAdd(false)
&& options && options.hyperlinkModel && options.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink)
&& options && options.hyperlinkModel)
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterParagraphAddUndo, null, null,
new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
var hyper_props = new CHyperlinkProperty();
hyper_props.Text = options.text;
hyper_props.Value = options.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink;
if ( options.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink )
hyper_props.Value = options.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink;
else {
hyper_props.Value = options.hyperlinkModel.LocationSheet + "!" + options.hyperlinkModel.LocationRange;
hyper_props.ToolTip = options.hyperlinkModel.Tooltip;
......@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@
var graphicObjects = t.handlers.trigger("getSelectedGraphicObjects");
if ( graphicObjects.length && t.enableKeyEvents ) {
if ( (event.which != 99) && (event.which != 118) ) { // Mozilla Fix #20080
if ( !(event.ctrlKey && (event.which == 99) && (event.which == 118)) ) { // Mozilla Firefox Fix #20080
if (t.handlers.trigger("graphicObjectWindowKeyPress", event))
return true;
......@@ -4971,8 +4971,16 @@
if ( drawingInfo.hyperlink && (drawingInfo.hyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlinkStart) ) {
var oHyperlink = new Hyperlink();
oHyperlink.Hyperlink = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value;
oHyperlink.Tooltip = drawingInfo.hyperlink.ToolTip;
var spl = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value.split("!");
if (spl.length === 2) {
oHyperlink.Location = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value;
oHyperlink.LocationSheet = spl[0];
oHyperlink.LocationRange = spl[1];
oHyperlink.Hyperlink = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value;
var _r = this.activeRange.clone(true);
oHyperlink.Ref = this.model.getRange3(_r.r1, _r.c1, _r.r2, _r.c2);
......@@ -5625,7 +5633,7 @@
return sListName + "!" + this.getActiveRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
getSelectionInfo: function (bExt) {
getSelectionInfo: function (bExt, x, y) {
var c_opt = this.settings.cells;
var activeCell = this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(activeCell.startRow, activeCell.startCol);
......@@ -5739,15 +5747,32 @@
// Получаем гиперссылку
var ar = this.activeRange.clone();
var range = this.model.getRange3(ar.r1, ar.c1, ar.r2, ar.c2);
var hyperlink = range.getHyperlink ();
var hyperlink = range.getHyperlink();
if (null !== hyperlink) {
// Гиперлинк
var oHyperlink = new asc_CHyperlink(hyperlink);
oHyperlink.asc_setText (cell_info.text);
cell_info.hyperlink = oHyperlink;
//else if ( graphicObjects.length > 0 ) {
else if ( isGraphicObject && textPr && (x != undefined) && (y != undefined) ) {
var shapeHyperlink = this.objectRender.checkCursorDrawingObject(x, y).hyperlink;
if ( shapeHyperlink && (shapeHyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlinkStart) ) {
var hyperlink = new Hyperlink();
hyperlink.Tooltip = shapeHyperlink.ToolTip;
var spl = shapeHyperlink.Value.split("!");
if ( spl.length === 2 ) {
hyperlink.Location = shapeHyperlink.Value;
hyperlink.LocationSheet = spl[0];
hyperlink.LocationRange = spl[1];
hyperlink.Hyperlink = shapeHyperlink.Value;
var oHyperlink = new asc_CHyperlink(hyperlink);
cell_info.hyperlink = oHyperlink;
cell_info.hyperlink = null;
......@@ -5878,7 +5903,7 @@
if ( drawingInfo && drawingInfo.isGraphicObject ) {
// отправляем евент для получения свойств картинки, шейпа или группы
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo(false, x, y));
} else {
//ToDo this.drawDepCells();
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