Commit fce6f5d7 authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov

( ASCOfficeDocxFile2

themecolor на открытие

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 012e30bf
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ var c_oSerBorderType = {
Color: 0,
Space: 1,
Size: 2,
Value: 3
Value: 3,
ColorTheme: 4
var c_oSerBordersType = {
left: 0,
......@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ var c_oSerPaddingType = {
var c_oSerShdType = {
Value: 0,
Color: 1
Color: 1,
ColorTheme: 2
var g_tabtype_left = 0;
......@@ -380,13 +382,19 @@ Binary_CommonReader.prototype.ReadColor = function()
var b =
return new CDocumentColor(r, g, b);
Binary_CommonReader.prototype.ReadShd = function(type, length, Shd)
Binary_CommonReader.prototype.ReadShd = function(type, length, Shd, themeColor)
var res = c_oSerConstants.ReadOk;
var oThis = this;
case c_oSerShdType.Value: Shd.Value =;break;
case c_oSerShdType.Color: Shd.Color = this.ReadColor();break;
case c_oSerShdType.ColorTheme:
res = this.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.ReadColorTheme(t, l, themeColor);
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
......@@ -408,6 +416,21 @@ Binary_CommonReader.prototype.ReadColorSpreadsheet = function(type, length, colo
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
return res;
Binary_CommonReader.prototype.ReadColorTheme = function(type, length, color)
var res = c_oSerConstants.ReadOk;
if ( c_oSer_ColorThemeType.Auto == type )
color.Auto = true;
else if ( c_oSer_ColorThemeType.Color == type )
color.Color =;
else if ( c_oSer_ColorThemeType.Tint == type )
color.Tint =;
else if ( c_oSer_ColorThemeType.Shade == type )
color.Shade =;
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
return res;
/** @constructor */
function FT_Stream2(data, size) {
this.obj = null;
......@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ var c_oSerProp_rPrType = {
Rtl: 24,
Lang: 25,
LangBidi: 26,
LangEA: 27
LangEA: 27,
ColorTheme: 28
var c_oSerProp_rowPrType = {
......@@ -601,6 +602,12 @@ var c_oSer_HyperlinkType = {
History: 4,
DocLocation: 5,
TgtFrame: 6
var c_oSer_ColorThemeType = {
Auto: 0,
Color: 1,
Tint: 2,
Shade: 3
var ETblStyleOverrideType = {
tblstyleoverridetypeBand1Horz: 0,
......@@ -647,11 +654,78 @@ var ESectionMark = {
sectionmarkNextPage: 3,
sectionmarkOddPage: 4
var EThemeColor = {
themecolorAccent1: 0,
themecolorAccent2: 1,
themecolorAccent3: 2,
themecolorAccent4: 3,
themecolorAccent5: 4,
themecolorAccent6: 5,
themecolorBackground1: 6,
themecolorBackground2: 7,
themecolorDark1: 8,
themecolorDark2: 9,
themecolorFollowedHyperlink: 10,
themecolorHyperlink: 11,
themecolorLight1: 12,
themecolorLight2: 13,
themecolorNone: 14,
themecolorText1: 15,
themecolorText2: 16
var g_sErrorCharCountMessage = "g_sErrorCharCountMessage";
var g_nErrorCharCount = 30000;
var g_nErrorParagraphCount = 1000;
function CreateThemeUnifill(color, tint, shade){
var ret = null;
if(null != color){
var id;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent1: id = 0;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent2: id = 1;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent3: id = 2;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent4: id = 3;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent5: id = 4;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorAccent6: id = 5;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorBackground1: id = 6;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorBackground2: id = 7;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorDark1: id = 8;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorDark2: id = 9;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorFollowedHyperlink: id = 10;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorHyperlink: id = 11;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorLight1: id = 12;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorLight2: id = 13;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorNone: id = 14;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorText1: id = 15;break;
case EThemeColor.themecolorText2: id = 16;break;
ret = new CUniFill();
ret.setFill(new CSolidFill());
ret.fill.setColor(new CUniColor());
ret.fill.color.setColor(new CSchemeColor());
if(null != tint || null != shade){
ret.fill.color.setMods(new CColorModifiers());
var mod;
if(null != tint){
mod = new CColorMod();
mod.setVal(tint * 100000.0 / 0xff);
if(null != shade){
mod = new CColorMod();
mod.setVal(shade * 100000.0 / 0xff);
return ret;
function BinaryFileWriter(doc)
this.memory = new CMemory();
......@@ -5683,9 +5757,15 @@ function Binary_pPrReader(doc, oReadResult, stream)
case c_oSerProp_pPrType.Shd:
pPr.Shd = new CDocumentShd();
var themeColor = {Auto: null, Color: null, Tint: null, Shade: null};
res = this.bcr.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, pPr.Shd);
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, pPr.Shd, themeColor);
if(true == themeColor.Auto && null != pPr.Shd.Color)
pPr.Shd.Color.Auto = true;//todo менять полностью цвет
var unifill = CreateThemeUnifill(themeColor.Color, themeColor.Tint, themeColor.Shade);
if(null != unifill)
pPr.Shd.Unifill = unifill;
case c_oSerProp_pPrType.WidowControl:
pPr.WidowControl =;
......@@ -5757,6 +5837,7 @@ function Binary_pPrReader(doc, oReadResult, stream)
this.ReadBorder = function(type, length, Border)
var res = c_oSerConstants.ReadOk;
var oThis = this;
if( c_oSerBorderType.Color === type )
Border.Color = this.bcr.ReadColor();
......@@ -5772,6 +5853,22 @@ function Binary_pPrReader(doc, oReadResult, stream)
else if( c_oSerBorderType.Value === type )
Border.Value =;
else if( c_oSerBorderType.Value === type )
Border.Value =;
else if( c_oSerBorderType.ColorTheme === type )
var themeColor = {Auto: null, Color: null, Tint: null, Shade: null};
res = this.bcr.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.bcr.ReadColorTheme(t, l, themeColor);
if(true == themeColor.Auto)
Border.Color = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0, true);
var unifill = CreateThemeUnifill(themeColor.Color, themeColor.Tint, themeColor.Shade);
if(null != unifill)
Border.Unifill = unifill;
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
......@@ -6173,6 +6270,7 @@ function Binary_rPrReader(doc, stream)
this.ReadContent = function(type, length)
var res = c_oSerConstants.ReadOk;
var oThis = this;
var rPr = this.rPr;
......@@ -6295,6 +6393,17 @@ function Binary_rPrReader(doc, stream)
var nLcid = g_oLcidNameToIdMap[sLang];
if(null != nLcid)
rPr.Lang.EastAsia = nLcid;
case c_oSerProp_rPrType.ColorTheme:
var themeColor = {Auto: null, Color: null, Tint: null, Shade: null};
res = this.bcr.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.bcr.ReadColorTheme(t, l, themeColor);
if(true == themeColor.Auto)
rPr.Color = new CDocumentColor(0, 0, 0, true);
var unifill = CreateThemeUnifill(themeColor.Color, themeColor.Tint, themeColor.Shade);
if(null != unifill)
rPr.Unifill = unifill;
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
......@@ -6363,9 +6472,15 @@ Binary_tblPrReader.prototype =
if(null == Pr.Shd)
Pr.Shd = new CDocumentShd();
var themeColor = {Auto: null, Color: null, Tint: null, Shade: null};
res = this.bcr.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, Pr.Shd);
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, Pr.Shd, themeColor);
if(true == themeColor.Auto && null != Pr.Shd.Color)
Pr.Shd.Color.Auto = true;//todo менять полностью цвет
var unifill = CreateThemeUnifill(themeColor.Color, themeColor.Tint, themeColor.Shade);
if(null != unifill)
Pr.Shd.Unifill = unifill;
else if( c_oSerProp_tblPrType.Layout === type )
......@@ -6698,9 +6813,15 @@ Binary_tblPrReader.prototype =
if(null == Pr.Shd)
Pr.Shd = new CDocumentShd();
var themeColor = {Auto: null, Color: null, Tint: null, Shade: null};
res = this.bcr.Read2(length, function(t, l){
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, Pr.Shd);
return oThis.bcr.ReadShd(t, l, Pr.Shd, themeColor);
if(true == themeColor.Auto && null != Pr.Shd.Color)
Pr.Shd.Color.Auto = true;//todo менять полностью цвет
var unifill = CreateThemeUnifill(themeColor.Color, themeColor.Tint, themeColor.Shade);
if(null != unifill)
Pr.Shd.Unifill = unifill;
else if( c_oSerProp_cellPrType.TableCellBorders === type )
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