Commit 68df69a5 authored by Marco Mariani's avatar Marco Mariani

replaced _ with - in parameter names

parent adeeb6ad
No related merge requests found
......@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
recipe = slapos.recipe.maarch:default
htdocs = $${apache-php:htdocs}
db_host = $${postgres-urlparse:host}
db_port = $${postgres-urlparse:port}
db_dbname = $${postgres-urlparse:path}
db_username = $${postgres-urlparse:username}
db_password = $${postgres-urlparse:password}
db-host = $${postgres-urlparse:host}
db-port = $${postgres-urlparse:port}
db-dbname = $${postgres-urlparse:path}
db-username = $${postgres-urlparse:username}
db-password = $${postgres-urlparse:password}
language = en
php_ini = $${directory:php-ini-dir}/php.ini
root_docservers = $${buildout:directory}/srv/docservers
php-ini = $${directory:php-ini-dir}/php.ini
root-docservers = $${buildout:directory}/srv/docservers
dependency = $${apache-php:recipe}
sql-data-file = $${slap-parameter:sql-data-file}
# XXX login should not be hardcoded
login = superadmin
password = $${maarch-configuration:db_password}
password = $${maarch-configuration:db-password}
sql-data-file =
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ part-list = maarch-configuration
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-custom.cfg
md5sum = 2b5888a29f3bfccb76c192e4a9f17c5b
md5sum = 6d73f8a9d47abe3146adadcab4f0bfb0
mode = 0644
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