Commit d1ea727e authored by Julia Radzhabova's avatar Julia Radzhabova

Changed default size of plugin window, debug resizing.

parent a518abfc
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ define([
arrBtns = variation.get_Buttons(),
newBtns = {},
size = variation.get_Size();
if (!size || size.length<2) size = [400, 400];
if (!size || size.length<2) size = [800, 600];
if (_.isArray(arrBtns)) {
_.each(arrBtns, function(b, index){
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ define([
initData: "",
isUpdateOleOnResize: false,
buttons: [],
size: [400, 400],
size: [800, 600],
maximumSize: [],
minimumSize: []
......@@ -252,24 +252,23 @@ define([
setInnerSize: function(width, height) {
var maxHeight = parseInt(window.innerHeight),
maxWidth = parseInt(window.innerWidth),
header_footer = (this.options.buttons && _.size(this.options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
if (maxHeight<height + header_footer)
height = maxHeight - header_footer;
if (maxWidth<width)
width = maxWidth;
header_footer = (this.options.buttons && _.size(this.options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34,
borders_height = (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-top-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-bottom-width'))),
borders_width = (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-right-width')));
if (maxHeight<height + header_footer + borders_height)
height = maxHeight - header_footer - borders_height;
if (maxWidth<width + borders_width)
width = maxWidth - borders_width;
var $window = this.getChild();
var boxEl = $window.find('.body > .box');
boxEl.css('height', height);, height + header_footer);, width);, height + header_footer + borders_height);, width + borders_width);
var top = ((maxHeight - height - header_footer) / 2) * 0.9;
var left = (maxWidth - width) / 2;
this.$window.css('left',(maxWidth - width) / 2);
this.$window.css('top',((maxHeight - height - header_footer) / 2) * 0.9);
this.$window.css('left',(maxWidth - width - borders_width) / 2);
this.$window.css('top',((maxHeight - height - header_footer - borders_height) / 2) * 0.9);
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