Commit f384ff0c authored by Julia Radzhabova's avatar Julia Radzhabova Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #84 from ONLYOFFICE/release/v5.0.0

parents c5e22a6a aad5adca
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
if (typeof _config.document.fileType === 'string' && _config.document.fileType != '') {
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var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm)|(doc|docx|doct|odt|gdoc|txt|rtf|pdf|mht|htm|html|epub|djvu|xps|docm|dot|dotm|dotx))$/
if (!type) {
window.alert("The \"document.fileType\" parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it.");
......@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
app = appMap[config.documentType.toLowerCase()];
} else
if (!!config.document && typeof config.document.fileType === 'string') {
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides))$/
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm))$/
if (type) {
if (typeof type[1] === 'string') app = appMap['spreadsheet']; else
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loadText: function () {
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var textBox = this.commentsView.getTextBox();
textBox && textBox.val(this.textVal);
getEditText: function () {
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this.$window.find('> .body').css('height', height-header_height);
this.$window.find('> .body > .box').css('height', height-85);
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this.$window.css('left',(maxWidth - width - borders_width) / 2);
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this.$window.css('top',(maxHeight - height - this._headerFooterHeight) / 2);
onWindowResize: function() {
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.asc-about-office {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
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width: 340px;
height: 55px;
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
border: 1px solid @gray-dark;
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title: 'Left arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-15.svg',
type: 'leftArrowCallout'
type: 'leftArrow'
title: 'Right arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-16.svg',
type: 'rightArrowCallout'
type: 'bentUpArrow'
title: 'Flow chart off page connector',
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......@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ define([
title: 'Left arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-15.svg',
type: 'leftArrowCallout'
type: 'leftArrow'
title: 'Right arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-16.svg',
type: 'rightArrowCallout'
type: 'bentUpArrow'
title: 'Flow chart off page connector',
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if (value) {
item ={value: value});
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item && (value = this.cmbRegSettings.getValue());
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value = this.mode.lang ? parseInt(Common.util.LanguageInfo.getLocalLanguageCode(this.mode.lang)) : 0x0409;
applySettings: function() {
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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......@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ define([
title: 'Left arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-15.svg',
type: 'leftArrowCallout'
type: 'leftArrow'
title: 'Right arrow callout',
thumb: 'shape-16.svg',
type: 'rightArrowCallout'
type: 'bentUpArrow'
title: 'Flow chart off page connector',
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