Commit 651a96b1 authored by root's avatar root

Cleanup in testing process.

parent db793a34
......@@ -34,16 +34,25 @@ class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
self.certificate_path = certificate_path
self.key_path = key_path
self.url = url
self.log("Getting connection to " + str(self.url))
self.connection = self._getConnection(self.certificate_path, self.key_path, self.url)
self.log("Connection done.")
# Get master
master_link = {'href':api_path,'type':"application/;"}
master = self._curl(master_link)
self.person_link = master['_links']['']
self.log("Getting master with href: " + str(api_path))
#master = self._curl(master_link)
#self.person_link = master['_links']['']
self.person_link = { "href": "urn:jio:get:person_module/20170705-995F2E" }
self.log("Getting person with curl to harcoded link.")
# Get person related to specified key/certificate provided
person = self._curl(self.person_link)
self.log("person: " str(person))
self.personnal_collection_link = person['_links']['']
self.log("personal collection link : " + str(self.personnal_collection_link))
# Get collection (of hosting subscriptions)
self.log("Getting collection with curl")
collection = self._curl(self.personnal_collection_link)
self.log("collection: " + str(collection))
# XXX: This part may be extremly long (because here no hosting subscriptions
# has been visited)
self.hosting_subcriptions_dict = {}
......@@ -54,7 +63,8 @@ class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
def _getConnection(self,certificate_path, key_path, url):
api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
#self.log("HTTPS Connection with: %s, cert=%s, key=%s" %(api_netloc,key_path,certificate_path))
#self.log("HTTPS Connection with: api_scheme=%s, api_netloc=%s, api_path=%s, api_query=%s, api_fragment=%s" %(api_scheme, api_netloc, api_path, api_query, api_fragment))
self.log("_getConnection method - api_netloc: " + str(api_netloc))
return httplib.HTTPSConnection(api_netloc, key_file=key_path, cert_file=certificate_path, timeout=TIMEOUT)
def _curl(self, link):
......@@ -69,21 +79,31 @@ class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
max_retry = 10
# Try to use existing conection
self.connection.request(method='GET', url=api_path, headers={'Accept': link['type']}, body="")
self.log("Curl to link: " + str(link))
self.log("GET to api " + str(api_path))
self.connection.request(method='GET', url=api_path, body="")
self.log("Request done. Getting response...")
response = self.connection.getresponse()
self.log(" " + str(
return json.loads(
# Create and use new connection
self.log("Request or response fail! Entering the while-try")
retry = 0
# (re)Try several time to use new connection
while retry < max_retry:
self.log("Retry number: " + str(retry))
self.log("entering _getConnection() to " + str(self.url))
self.connection = self._getConnection(self.certificate_path, self.key_path, self.url)
self.log("_getConnection DONE. Getting response...")
self.connection.request(method='GET', url=api_path, headers={'Accept': link['type']}, body="")
response = self.connection.getresponse()
self.log(" " + str(
return json.loads(
except Exception, e:
self.log("SlapOSMasterCommunicator: Connection failed..")
self.log("EXCEPTION MESSAGE: "+ str(e))
retry += 1
self.log("SlapOSMasterCommunicator: All connection attempts failed after %d try.." %max_retry)
......@@ -203,4 +223,3 @@ class SlapOSMasterCommunicator(object):
return None
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -375,7 +375,8 @@ shared = true
if my_test_type == 'UnitTest':
runner = UnitTestRunner(node_test_suite)
elif my_test_type == 'ScalabilityTest':
runner = ScalabilityTestRunner(node_test_suite)
log("instantiating runner for test suite")
runner = ScalabilityTestRunner(self)
log("testnode, Runner type %s not implemented.", my_test_type)
raise NotImplementedError
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