Commit a1f97058 authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

First Rework at Crib Editor Landing Page

parent a2df389e
......@@ -31,5 +31,72 @@
<p>Have fun building the web :), here is your <a href="../crib-editor/todo.txt">TODO list</a>.</p>
<div data-gadget-url="./gadget_landing_cribjs.html"
<div class="nav_content container">
<h1>CribJS Loader</h1>
<p>Load your Crib from here</p>
<div class="nav_content container">
<h3>Start Editing this Site</h3>
<a class="edit-url btn btn-primary" type="text" size="60" href="">Start Editing This Site Now</a>
<div class="nav_content container">
<form class="crib-load-from-zip-url form-inline">
<h3>Fill This site from a zip URL</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Zip Url:
<input name="load-zip-url" class="load-zip-url form-control" type="text" size="60"></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label> Path in Zip:
<input name="load-from-zip-path" class="load-from-zip-path form-control" type="text" size="30" value="/">
<div class="form-group">
<label> to path:
<input name="load-zip-to-path" class="load-zip-to-path form-control" type="text" size="30" value="/">
<div class="form-group">
<label> And redirect to:
<input name="redirect-url" class="redirect-url form-control" type="text" size="30" value="">
<button name="load-zip-contents" class="load-zip-contents btn btn-default" type="submit">Import from URL</button>
<div class="nav_content container">
<div><span class="info crib-save-to-zip-status"></span></div>
<form class="crib-load-from-zip-file form-inline">
<h3>Import from zip File</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Zip File:
<input name="load-zip-file" class="load-zip-file form-control" type="file" size="30"></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label> Path in Zip:
<input name="load-zip-path" class="load-from-zip-path form-control" type="text" size="30" value="/">
<div class="form-group">
<label> to path:
<input name="load-zip-to-path" class="load-zip-to-path form-control" type="text" size="30" value="/">
<div class="form-group">
<label> And redirect to:
<input name="redirect-url" class="redirect-url form-control" type="text" size="30" value="">
<button name="load-zip-contents" class="load-zip-contents btn btn-default" type="submit">Import from File</button>
<div class="nav_content container">
<p>You can check where it started, and start a crib from the beginning: <a href="jungle.html">The Jungle :)</a>. This one is a simple editor with no import/export functions. First challenge is to use that to add an import/export function :).</p>
<p>A simple editor can be found <a href="base.html">here</a></p>
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/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxerr: 3 */
/*global window, rJS, Handlebars, document, loopEventListener, RSVP */
/*global window, rJS, Handlebars, document, loopEventListener, RSVP,
encodeURIComponent */
(function (window, rJS, document, RSVP) {
"use strict";
function getParameterDict() {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1),
params = {};
hash.split('&').map(hk => {
let temp = hk.split('=');
params[temp[0]] = temp[1];
return params;
function makeid(length) {
var result = '';
var characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var charactersLength = characters.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
function loadCribJSFromZipFile (gadget, event) {
return RSVP.Queue()
.push(function() {
return gadget.getDeclaredGadget("jio_cribjs");
.push(function(jio_cribjs_gadget) {
return jio_cribjs_gadget.loadFromZipFile({
path: document.location.href,
file_list: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-file .load-zip-file").files,
from_path: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-file .load-from-zip-path").value,
to_path: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-file .load-zip-to-path").value,
application_id: "cribjs"
.push(function (url_list) {
document.location = gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-file .redirect-url").value;
.push(console.log, console.log);
function loadCribJSFromZipUrl (gadget, event) {
return RSVP.Queue()
.push(function() {
return gadget.getDeclaredGadget("jio_cribjs");
.push(function(jio_cribjs_gadget) {
return jio_cribjs_gadget.loadFromZipUrl({
path: document.location.href,
zip_url: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-url").value,
from_path: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-from-zip-path").value,
to_path: gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-to-path").value,
application_id: "cribjs"
.push(function (url_list) {
document.location = gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .redirect-url").value;
.push(console.log, console.log);
// ready
......@@ -14,17 +75,48 @@
return g.getElement()
.push(function (element) {
g.props.element = element;
g.props.start_deferred = RSVP.defer();
// acquired methods
.declareAcquiredMethod("getUrlFor", "getUrlFor")
.declareAcquiredMethod("crib_sw_put", "crib_sw_put")
.allowPublicAcquisition("crib_sw_put", function (argument_list) {
return this.crib_sw_put.apply(this, arguments);
.declareMethod('render', function (options) {
var gadget = this,
page_list = ["url_list", "editor", "save_load", "mass_remove"],
promise_list = [];
promise_list = [],
getURL = window.location,
site = getURL.protocol + "//" +,
params = getParameterDict(),
edit_base = "https://" + makeid(10) + "",
edit_url= edit_base + "#redirect_url=" + encodeURIComponent(edit_base + "#page=editor&url="
+ "index.html" + "&crib_enable_url=" + site + "/crib-enable.html");
gadget.props.element.querySelector("a.edit-url").href = edit_url ;
if ( params.hasOwnProperty("from_path") ) {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-from-zip-path").value = params.from_path;
} else {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-from-zip-path").value = "cribjs-editor-master/";
if ( params.hasOwnProperty("to_path") ) {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-to-path").value = params.to_path;
} else {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-to-path").value = site;
if ( params.hasOwnProperty("zip_url") ) {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-url").value = params.zip_url;
} else {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .load-zip-url").value = "";
if ( params.hasOwnProperty("redirect_url") ) {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .redirect-url").value = params.redirect_url;
} else {
gadget.props.element.querySelector("form.crib-load-from-zip-url .redirect-url").value = site ;
page_list.forEach(function (page) {
promise_list.push(gadget.getUrlFor({page: page}));
......@@ -38,7 +130,32 @@
gadget.props.element.querySelector("." + page_list[i]).href = link_list[i];
.declareService(function () {
var gadget = this;
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return gadget.props.start_deferred.promise;
.push(function () {
var promise_list = [];
// promise to get content from URL
function (event) {loadCribJSFromZipUrl(gadget, event)}
function (event) {loadCribJSFromZipFile(gadget, event)}
return RSVP.all(promise_list);
}(window, rJS, document, RSVP));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,11 +12,5 @@
<script src="./gadget_landing_cribjs.js"></script>
<div data-gadget-url="./crib-sw-gadget.html"
<div data-gadget-url="./gadget_jio.html"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,15 +12,7 @@
return "." + extension;
function getSetting(gadget, key, default_value) {
if (key === "site_editor_gadget_url") {
return window.location.protocol + "//" + +
return default_value;
function loadZipIntoCrib(crib_sw_gadget, zip, from_path, path_to_load) {
function loadZipIntoCrib(gadget, zip, from_path, path_to_load) {
var promise_list = [], url_number = 0;
zip.forEach(function (relativePath, zipEntry) {
var end_url;
......@@ -55,7 +47,7 @@
// This is a ugly hack as mimetype needs to be correct for JS
result = result.slice(0, result.size, "text/css");
return crib_sw_gadget.put(end_url, {blob: result});
return gadget.crib_sw_put(end_url, {blob: result});
......@@ -71,14 +63,11 @@
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return RSVP.all([
return JSZip.loadAsync(file_list[0]);
.push(function (result_list) {
.push(function (zip) {
return loadZipIntoCrib(
result_list[0], result_list[1], from_path, path_to_load
gadget, zip, from_path, path_to_load
.push(console.log, console.log);
......@@ -86,15 +75,11 @@
function loadContentFromZIPURL(gadget, options) {
var path_to_load = options.to_path, file_list, crib_sw_gadget,
var path_to_load = options.to_path, file_list,
from_path = options.from_path, zip_url = options.zip_url,
jio_gadget, url_list = [], url_number = 0;
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return gadget.getDeclaredGadget('crib_sw_gadget');
.push(function (returned_gadget) {
crib_sw_gadget = returned_gadget;
return fetch(zip_url)
.then(function (response) { // 2) filter on 200 OK
if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) {
......@@ -106,7 +91,7 @@
.push(function (zip) {
return loadZipIntoCrib(crib_sw_gadget, zip, from_path, path_to_load);
return loadZipIntoCrib(gadget, zip, from_path, path_to_load);
.push(console.log, console.log);
......@@ -121,8 +106,10 @@
.declareMethod('loadFromZipFile', function (options) {
return loadContentFromZIPFile(this, options);
.declareAcquiredMethod("crib_sw_put", "crib_sw_put")
.declareAcquiredMethod("getSetting", "getSetting")
.allowPublicAcquisition("getSetting", function (argument_list) {
return getSetting(this, argument_list[0], argument_list[1]);
return this.getSetting(argument_list[0], argument_list[1]);
}(window, document, RSVP, rJS, location, console, JSZip));
\ No newline at end of file
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