Commit e8e83de2 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add GIL-free string implementation

parent 786421d8
This diff is collapsed.
from stdlib._string cimport string, string_view, hash_string, stoi, transform
from libcythonplus.list cimport cyplist
cdef extern from "<cctype>" namespace "std" nogil:
int isalnum(int c)
int isalpha(int c)
int isblank(int c)
int iscntrl(int c)
int isdigit(int c)
int isgraph(int c)
int islower(int c)
int isprint(int c)
int ispunct(int c)
int isspace(int c)
int isupper(int c)
int isxdigit(int c)
int tolower(int c)
int toupper(int c)
cdef cypclass Str:
string _str
__init__(self, const char *s):
self._str = string(s)
size_t __len__(self):
return self._str.size()
bint __eq__(self, Str other):
return self._str == other._str
bint __ne__(self, Str other):
return self._str != other._str
size_t __hash__(self):
return hash_string()(self._str)
char __getitem__(self, int index) except 0:
cdef int end = self._str.size()
cdef int idx = index
if index < 0:
index = -index
idx = end - index
if index >= end:
with gil:
raise ValueError('index out of range')
return self._str[idx]
int find(self, Str s, size_t start=0, size_t stop=0):
if start < stop and stop <= self._str.size():
sw = string_view(, stop)
return sw.find(, start)
return self._str.find(s._str, start)
Str substr(self, int start=0, int stop=0) except NULL:
cdef int end = self._str.size()
cdef int tmp = stop
if stop <= 0:
stop = -stop
tmp = end - stop
if stop > end:
with gil:
raise ValueError('substr bounds out of range')
stop = tmp
if start < 0:
start = -start
if start > end:
with gil:
raise ValueError('substr bounds out of range')
start = end - start
if start > stop:
with gil:
raise ValueError('substr bounds out of order')
cdef size_t size = stop - start
result = Str()
result._str = self._str.substr(start, size)
return result
cyplist[Str] split(self, Str delimiter=NULL) except NULL:
cdef cyplist[Str] result = cyplist[Str]()
cdef int start = 0
cdef int stop = 0
cdef int end = self._str.size()
if delimiter is NULL:
while True:
while stop < end and isspace(self._str[stop]):
stop += 1
start = stop
if start >= end:
return result
stop = start + 1
while stop < end and not isspace(self._str[stop]):
stop += 1
result.append(self.substr(start, stop))
while start < end:
stop = self.find(delimiter, start)
if stop == -1:
stop = end
result.append(self.substr(start, stop))
start = stop + delimiter._str.size()
return result
Str join(self, cyplist[Str] strings) except NULL:
cdef Str joined = Str()
if strings is NULL or strings.__len__() == 0:
return joined
last = strings[strings.__len__() -1]
del strings[strings.__len__() - 1]
cdef int total = last._str.size()
for s in strings:
total += s._str.size()
total += self._str.size()
for s in strings:
return joined
Str lower(self):
cdef Str result = new Str()
result._str = self._str
transform(result._str.begin(), result._str.end(), result._str.begin(), tolower)
return result
Str __add__(self, Str other):
cdef Str result = new Str()
result._str = self._str + other._str
return result
int __int__(self) except +:
return stoi(self._str)
const char * to_c_str(Str s):
if s is NULL:
return NULL
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