Commit 30365f43 authored by Reinout van Rees's avatar Reinout van Rees

Merge pull request #248 from buildout/reinout-bootstrap-dev-eggs

Bootstrap fixes, including develop-eggs removal
parents ec697eff 12f49be2
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Change History
2.4.0 (unreleased)
- Buildout no longer breaks on packages that contain a file with a non-ascii
filename. Fixes #89 and #148.
- Undo breakage on Windows machines where ``sys.prefix`` can also be a
``site-packages`` directory: don't remove it from ``sys.path``. See .
......@@ -22,6 +26,11 @@ Change History .
- Updated buildout's `travis-ci <>`_
configuration so that tests run much quicker so that buildout is easier and
quicker to develop.
- Note: zc.recipe.egg has also been updated to 2.0.2 together with this
zc.buildout release. Fixed: In ``zc.recipe.egg#custom`` recipe's ``rpath``
support, don't assume path elements are buildout-relative if they start with
......@@ -29,21 +38,6 @@ Change History
- Bootstrap script now accepts ``--to-dir``. Setuptools is installed there. If
already available there, it is reused. This can be used to bootstrap
buildout without internet access. Similarly, a local ```` is used
when available instead of it being downloaded. You need setuptools 14.0 or
higher for this functionality.
- Buildout no longer breaks on packages that contain a file with a non-ascii
filename. Fixes #89 and #148.
- Updated buildout's `travis-ci <>`_
configuration so that tests run much quicker so that buildout is easier and
quicker to develop.
- ``download-cache``, ``eggs-directory`` and ``extends-cache`` are now
automatically created if their parent directory exists. Also they can be
relative directories (relative to the location of the buildout config file
......@@ -52,6 +46,30 @@ Change History
running buildout.
- A new file is released (version 2015-07-01).
- When bootstrapping, the ``develop-eggs/`` directory is first removed. This
prevents old left-over ``.egg-link`` files from breaking buildout's careful
package collection mechanism.
- The bootstrap script now accepts ``--to-dir``. Setuptools is installed
there. If already available there, it is reused. This can be used to
bootstrap buildout without internet access. Similarly, a local
```` is used when available instead of it being downloaded. You
need setuptools 14.0 or higher for this functionality.
- The bootstrap script now uses ``--buildout-version`` instead of
``--version`` to pick a specific buildout version.
- The bootstrap script now accepts ``--version`` which prints the bootstrap
version. This version is the date the was last changed. A date
is handier or less confusing than either tracking zc.buildout's version or
having a separate bootstrap version number.
2.3.1 (2014-12-16)
......@@ -29,3 +29,32 @@ with them do::
The actual Python compilation is only done once and then re-used. So on
subsequent builds, only the development buildout itself needs to be redone.
Releases: zc.buildout, zc.recipe.egg and
Buildout consists of two python packages that are released separately:
zc.buildout and zc.recipe.egg. zc.recipe.egg is changed much less often than
zc.buildout's and changelog is in the same directory as this
``DEVELOPERS.txt`` and the code is in ``src/zc/buildout``.
zc.recipe.egg, including and a separate changelog, is in the
``zc.recipe.egg_`` subdirectory.
A third item is the file in ``bootstrap/``. The
canonical location is at,
(though it is unfortunate that it isn't named just ````). This
file is pulled automatically every 15 minutes from the bootstrap-release
branch. When a new buildout release is made, **the releaser** should update
the bootstrap-release branch, too.
The location doesn't need to be
updated manually: it is a redirect now, to .
If there are changes to, be sure to update the date in the
``__version__`` attribute and to record the bootstrap change (including the
new date/version) in zc.buildout's changelog.
......@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ import tempfile
from optparse import OptionParser
tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp()
__version__ = '2015-07-01'
# See zc.buildout's changelog if this version is up to date.
tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bootstrap-')
usage = '''\
......@@ -40,8 +43,9 @@ this script from going over the network.
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", help="use a specific zc.buildout version")
action="store_true", default=False,
help=("Return version."))
parser.add_option("-t", "--accept-buildout-test-releases",
action="store_true", default=False,
......@@ -59,21 +63,24 @@ parser.add_option("-f", "--find-links",
action="store_true", default=False,
help=("Let use existing site packages"))
help="Use a specific zc.buildout version")
help="use a specific setuptools version")
help="Use a specific setuptools version")
help=("allow for re-use of existing directory of "
help=("Allow for re-use of existing directory of "
"setuptools versions"))
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.version:
print(" version %s" % __version__)
# load/install setuptools
if options.allow_site_packages:
import setuptools
import pkg_resources
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen
......@@ -97,7 +104,8 @@ if not options.allow_site_packages:
# are not sys.prefix; this is because on Windows
# sys.prefix is a site-package directory.
if sitepackage_path != sys.prefix:
sys.path[:] = [x for x in sys.path if sitepackage_path not in x]
sys.path[:] = [x for x in sys.path
if sitepackage_path not in x]
setup_args = dict(to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0)
......@@ -140,7 +148,7 @@ if find_links:
cmd.extend(['-f', find_links])
requirement = 'zc.buildout'
version = options.version
version = options.buildout_version
if version is None and not options.accept_buildout_test_releases:
# Figure out the most recent final version of zc.buildout.
import setuptools.package_index
......@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ By default it gets the latest version:
Now trying the `--version` option, that let you define a version for
Now trying the `--buildout-version` option, that let you define a version for
Let's try with an unknown version::
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --version UNKNOWN')); print_('X') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
... ' --buildout-version UNKNOWN')); print_('X') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Now let's try with `2.0.0`, which happens to exist::
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --version 2.0.0')); print_('X')
... ' --buildout-version 2.0.0')); print_('X')
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
X...Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...X
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ which happens to exist::
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --setuptools-version 8.0 --version 2.0.0')); print_('X')
... ' --setuptools-version 8.0 --buildout-version 2.0.0')); print_('X')
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
X...Generated script '/sample/bin/buildout'...X
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ specify the setuptools version, and to reuse the setuptools zipfile.
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --setuptools-version 14.3 --version 2.0.0 '+
... ' --setuptools-version 14.3 --buildout-version 2.0.0 '+
... '--setuptools-to-dir .')); print_('X')
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
X...Using local script '/sample/bin/buildout'...X
......@@ -159,3 +159,16 @@ specify the setuptools version, and to reuse the setuptools zipfile.
You can ask for its version. This is really the day the last
change was made. A date leads to less confusion than a version number separate
from buildout's own version number. Similarly, tracking buildout's version
number leads to bootstraps with a new version number but without changes or to
bootstraps with version number from an already-older buildout. So: a date is
>>> print_('X'); print_(system(
... zc.buildout.easy_install._safe_arg(sys.executable)+' '+
... ' --version')); print_('X')
... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
......@@ -434,6 +434,12 @@ class Buildout(DictMixin):
def bootstrap(self, args):
__doing__ = 'Bootstrapping.'
if os.path.exists(self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']):
if os.path.isdir(self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']):
"Removed existing develop-eggs directory")
# Now copy buildout and setuptools eggs, and record destination eggs:
......@@ -2860,6 +2860,7 @@ or paths to use:
>>> remove('setup.cfg')
>>> print_(system(buildout + ' -csetup.cfg init demo other ./src'), end='')
Creating '/sample-bootstrapped/setup.cfg'.
Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/develop-eggs'.
Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg>=2.0.0a3'.
Got zc.recipe.egg
Installing py.
......@@ -2918,6 +2919,7 @@ for us:
>>> remove('setup.cfg')
>>> print_(system(buildout + ' -csetup.cfg init demo other ./src'), end='')
Creating '/sample-bootstrapped/setup.cfg'.
Creating directory '/sample-bootstrapped/develop-eggs'.
Installing py.
Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/demo'.
Generated script '/sample-bootstrapped/bin/distutilsscript'.
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ if has_distribute and not has_setuptools:
sys.exit("zc.buildout 2 needs setuptools, not distribute."
" Are you using an outdated Make sure"
" you have the latest version downloaded from"
setuptools_loc = pkg_resources.working_set.find(
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