Commit f951c678 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Fixed a bug in building from source releases with alternate Python


Fixed a bug in installing by direct egg download.
parent 17ab02f8
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ installed.
import glob, logging, os, re, tempfile, shutil, sys, zipimport
import glob, logging, os, re, shutil, sys, tempfile, urlparse, zipimport
import distutils.errors
import pkg_resources
import setuptools.command.setopt
......@@ -32,20 +32,14 @@ default_index_url = os.environ.get('buildout-testing-index-url')
logger = logging.getLogger('zc.buildout.easy_install')
url_match = re.compile('[a-z0-9+.-]+://').match
# Include buildout and setuptools eggs in paths
buildout_and_setuptools_path = [
(('.egg' in m.__file__)
and m.__file__[:m.__file__.rfind('.egg')+4]
or os.path.dirname(m.__file__)
for m in (pkg_resources,)
buildout_and_setuptools_path += [
(('.egg' in m.__file__)
and m.__file__[:m.__file__.rfind('.egg')+4]
or os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(m.__file__)))
for m in (zc.buildout,)
_versions = {sys.executable: '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]}
......@@ -175,13 +169,12 @@ _easy_install_cmd = _safe_arg(
'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()'
def _call_easy_install(spec, dest,
prefix = sys.exec_prefix + os.path.sep
path = os.pathsep.join([p for p in sys.path if not p.startswith(prefix)])
def _call_easy_install(spec, env, ws, dest, links, index,
executable, always_unzip):
path = _get_dist(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools'),
env, ws, dest, links, index, executable, False).location
args = ('-c', _easy_install_cmd, '-mUNxd', _safe_arg(dest))
if always_unzip:
args += ('-Z', )
......@@ -204,24 +197,29 @@ def _call_easy_install(spec, dest,
def _get_dist(requirement, env, ws,
dest, links, index, executable, always_unzip):
dest, links, index_url, executable, always_unzip):
# Maybe an existing dist is already the best dist that satisfies the
# requirement
dist = _satisfied(requirement, env, dest, executable, index, links)
dist = _satisfied(requirement, env, dest, executable, index_url, links)
if dist is None:
if dest is not None:"Getting new distribution for %s", requirement)
# Retrieve the dist:
index = _get_index(executable, index, links)
index = _get_index(executable, index_url, links)
dist = index.obtain(requirement)
if dist is None:
raise zc.buildout.UserError(
"Couln't find a distribution for %s."
"Couldn't find a distribution for %s."
% requirement)
if dist.location.endswith('.egg'):
fname = dist.location
if url_match(fname):
fname = urlparse.urlparse(fname)[2]
if fname.endswith('.egg'):
# It's already an egg, just fetch it into the dest
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp('get_dist')
......@@ -266,8 +264,9 @@ def _get_dist(requirement, env, ws,
dist = index.fetch_distribution(requirement, tmp)
# May need a new one. Call easy_install
_call_easy_install(dist.location, dest,
executable, always_unzip)
dist.location, env, ws, dest, links, index_url,
executable, always_unzip)
......@@ -357,6 +356,8 @@ def build(spec, dest, build_ext,
index_url = index
logger.debug('Building %r', spec)
path = path and path[:] or []
......@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ def build(spec, dest, build_ext,
env = pkg_resources.Environment(path, python=_get_version(executable))
requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(spec)
dist = _satisfied(requirement, env, dest, executable, index, links)
dist = _satisfied(requirement, env, dest, executable, index_url, links)
if dist is not None:
return dist
......@@ -381,11 +382,11 @@ def build(spec, dest, build_ext,
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp('editable')
tmp2 = tempfile.mkdtemp('editable')
index = _get_index(executable, index, links)
index = _get_index(executable, index_url, links)
dist = index.fetch_distribution(requirement, tmp2, False, True)
if dist is None:
raise zc.buildout.UserError(
"Couln't find a source distribution for %s."
"Couldn't find a source distribution for %s."
% requirement)
setuptools.archive_util.unpack_archive(dist.location, tmp)
......@@ -414,7 +415,8 @@ def build(spec, dest, build_ext,
setup_cfg, dict(build_ext=build_ext))
# Now run easy_install for real:
_call_easy_install(base, dest, executable, True)
_call_easy_install(base, env, pkg_resources.WorkingSet(),
dest, links, index_url, executable, True)
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