Commit 1822c4f4 authored by claes's avatar claes

New doc branch

parent 49861796
/*! \file doxygen.dx
\brief Contains group definitions for doxygen.
/*! \mainpage Proview project
\section intro Introduction
This is the part of the souce code that is documented with doxygen format. A large portion of the code still
needs to be converted to be a part of this documentation.
// Group Wb
/*! \defgroup Wb Wb Development environment
Development environment
// Group Co
/*! \defgroup Co Co Common functions
Common routines for runtime and development.
// Group Flow
/*! \defgroup Flow Flow Flowchart editor and tree component
Flowchart-editor and tree-component.
// Group Glow
/*! \defgroup Glow Glow Graphical editor toolkit
This module contains classes to draw graphical objects and components.
// Group Ge
/*! \defgroup Ge Ge Graphical editor
Graphical editor.
// Group Xtt
/*! \defgroup Xtt Xtt Operator interface
Operator interface.
// Group Op
/*! \defgroup Op Op Operator interface with GMS
Operator interface with GMS.
// Group Rs
/*! \defgroup Rs Rs Runtime extentions for SSAB
Runtime extensions for ssab.
// Group Rt
/*! \defgroup Rt Rt Runtime environment
Runtime environment.
// Subgroups in Rt
/*! \defgroup GDH Gdh Global Data Handler
\ingroup Rt
This module contains the access routines to the Global Data
Handler. Those routines are callable from application level.
/*! \defgroup MSGH MhAppl MessageHandler API
\ingroup Rt
This module contains routines for the MessageHandler application interface.
/*! \defgroup QCOM QCOM Queue Communication
\ingroup Rt
This module contains routines for the Queue Communication.
/*! \defgroup Mh Mh
\ingroup Rt
Message handler.
/*! \defgroup Rtt Rtt
\ingroup Rt
Runtime terminal tool.
// Subgroups in Wb
/*! \defgroup Env Env
\ingroup Wb
Development database environment.
/*! \defgroup Wtt Wtt
\ingroup Wb
Workbench navigator.
/*! \defgroup Foe Foe
\ingroup Wb
Plc editor.
// Subgroups in Glow
/*! \defgroup GrowApi GrowApi
\ingroup Glow
Grow API.
/*! \defgroup GlowColPalApi GlowColPalApi
\ingroup Glow
Color palette API.
/*! \defgroup GlowStruct structs
\ingroup Glow
Glow structs.
/*! \defgroup GlowEnum enums
\ingroup Glow
Glow enums.
// Subgroups in Ge
/*! \defgroup GeDyn GeDyn
\ingroup Ge
Ge dynamics.
// Subgroups in Rs
/*! \defgroup NMps NMps
\ingroup Rs
/*! \defgroup Remote Remote
\ingroup Rs
PROJECT_NAME = Pwr Source Code
INPUT = $(pwre_sroot)/doc/dox/src/doxygen.dx \
$(pwre_sroot)/exp/inc/src \
$(pwre_sroot)/lib/glow/src \
$(pwre_sroot)/lib/ge/src \
$(pwre_sroot)/lib/flow/src \
$(pwre_sroot)/lib/co/src \
$(pwre_sroot)/lib/wb/src \
FILE_PATTERNS = *.cpp *.c *.h
__cplusplus=1 \
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = *_bitmap_*.h
INCLUDE_PATH = $(pwr_inc)
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
HTML_OUTPUT = $(pwr_doc)/dox
include $(pwre_dir_symbols)
ifndef variables_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef variables_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
.PHONY : all init copy lib exe clean realclean
all : init copy lib exe
init :
copy :
lib :
exe : $(doc_dir)/dox/index.html
clean : $(clean_dox)
realclean : $(clean_html)
$(clean_html) : clean_%.html : %.html
@ $(rm) $(rmflags) $(doc_dir)/dox/$*.html
$(doc_dir)/dox/index.html : ../../doxygen.dx
@ echo "doxygen documentation $(source) $(target)"
@ doxygen
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<h2 id="mainmenu">Documentation</h2><br>
<table id="mainmenu" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td><a href="qcom.pdf" target="right">QCOM Reference Guide</a></td></tr>
<table id="mainmenu" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td><a href="sourcecode_f.html" target="_top">Source Code Documentation</a></td></tr>
<table id="mainmenu" border="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td><a href="doxygenstyle_f.html" target="right">Doxygen Styleguide</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="wbloadstyle_f.html" target="right">WbLoad Styleguide</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="pwre_f.html" target="right">pwre Guide</a></td></tr>
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<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-11-17</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
In the Object Referens Manual, the classes in a volume is divided into groups.
The groups are declared in cnv_setup.dat in the wbl directory for the volume,
and which group a class is a member if is defined with a @Group tag in the
wb_load file for the class. <br>
New layout for the
<a href="orm_f.html" target="_top">index page</a> of Object Reference Manual.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-11-14</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
New dynamic type in Ge for displaying different texts in a component, AnalogText. <br>
32 texts can be defined for a component, and the text that is displayed is determined
by the value of an analog signal.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-11-11</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
New components for menubars, menues and optionmenues (comboboxes) in Ge. <br>
The new components, MenuBar, PulldownMenu and OptionMenu is found in the "Other" map
in the subgraph palette.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-10-31</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
The handling of fast curves is revised and adapted to Xtt/Ge. <br><br>
The fast curve server rt_fast is now written in c++, and handles the new
<a href="orm/pwrb_dsfastcurve.html">DsFastCurve</a> objects.<br><br>
The curves are displayed in
<li>the Xtt curve window. A DsFastCurve is opened with the command "open fast".
<li>as a component i a Ge graph. The new FastCurve component can be found in the Analog map in the subgraph palette.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-10-17</font> VTV /RK</b><br>
Faster cycle-time - 2 ms on LINUX.
<li>It is now possible to run the PLC-threads and the I/O at a cycletime as fast as 2 ms. This is
valid for Linux-systems only.
<li>To be able to make use of this a new kernel must be installed on your system. Systems generated
from scratch will have the new kernel.
<li>Fast cycle-times must be used with caution. The system-load and possible slip should be
monitored thoroughly.
<li>Be aware of that the filter-time for a DI-card can be 30 ms.
<li>As a result of the above, function time_Uptime has a new return-code TIME__CLKCHANGE. This will
be returned if clock has changed since last call of function. If this code is returned the
resolution of the time returned is 10 ms. Normally the resolution is 1 ms.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-10-15</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
Summary of the work so far in V4.0.
<li>Mysql is replaced by BerkeleyDb.
<li>Ldh is replaced by dussins of c++ classes (wb environment wb_env).
<li>Load files are extended and contains all bodies in the objects. They can be read by wb_env and
displayed in the configurator.
<li>wb_load-files can be read by wb_env and displayed in the configurator.
<li>Class volumes are never loaded into an databases. They are converted by wb_env directly from wb_load-files
to loadfiles.
<li>Loadfiles for pwrs, pwrb, NMps, ssab and TLog class volumes, reside on pwr_load in the base system and
not generated and kept by the project.
<li>Help texts can contain images from GIF or JPEG files.
<li>wb_load documentation can also contain images.
<li>Help texts are displayed in a separate window.
<li>New window with error messages from plc compilation, syntax control etc.
<li>A new website for a proview version is generated on $pwr_doc. The source code is kept in
$pwre_sroot/doc/web/src. A swedish version in doc/web/sv_se. Manuals are stored in doc/man/src.
<li>Generation of doxygen source code documentation from pwre.
<li>New revision of Ge.
<li>Runtime version control of classes.
<div id="news"><p id="news">
<b>2003-10-14</font> VTP /CS</b><br>
New site for Proview developer.
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<h2 id="mainmenu">What is Proview </h2>
PROVIEW/R is a modern, powerful and general process control system. It contains all functions normally required for successful sequential control, adjustment, data acquisition, communication, supervision, etc.
The configuration of a PROVIEW/R system is done graphically, making the application adaptation simple, reliable, and flexible. PROVIEW/R is a distributed system, which means that the system consists of several computers, connected via a network . Via the network computers exchange data with each other. In this way, for instance, the measuring signals will be known on all the process - and operator stations of a PROVIEW/R system.
A PROVIEW/R system is defined with objects. Each object represents a physical or abstract entity in the system. The objects are structured in hierarchical tree structures, making it possible to describe the system in a structured way. The tree structure also imposes a hierarchical naming of all objects. By carefully choosing names when configuring a system, the full name of an object will identify its function, or role in the system.
The hierarchies are divided into two groups; one called the Plant Configuration , describing the logical view of a system; and one called the Node Configuration , describing the physical view of the system. The configuration of these two parts can be done independently. Eventually the two parts are connected to each other.
To configure a system you use the PROVIEW/R Workbench. The workbench comprises a permanent database and a number of tools to help you configuring the objects needed to define the system. From the workbench you create a runnable system as well as documentation about the system.
The purpose of PROVIEW/R is to help you creating automated systems. Suppose you have a process that you wish to control, PROVIEW/R helps you creating the control system for this process. When the system is created, you will find that you have also created the documentation for the system.
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<td><font size="70">Pwr Development v4.0</td>
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<title>Doxygen styleguide</title>
<h2 id="mainmenu">c++ example </h2>
/*! \file glow_growtext.h
\brief Contains the GrowText class. */
/*! \addtogroup Glow */
//! Class for drawing a text.
/*! A text object for drawing a text with specified font, size and color.
Detection of event when the object is clicked on, moved etc.
class GrowText {
//! Brief description of the function
\param x x-coordinate
\param y y-coordinate
\return The returned value from the function
More information...
int some_function( double x, double y);
//! A function with one argument can be written like this to save space.
/*! \param x x-coordinate */
void x_fuction( double x);
int x0; //!< Description of the variable
<h2 id="mainmenu">struct example </h2>
//! Default data structure for events
typedef struct {
glow_eEvent event; //!< Event
glow_eEventType type; //!< Event type
int x_pixel; //!< x-coordinate i pixels
int y_pixel; //!< y-coordinate i pixels
double x; //!< x-coordinate
double y; //!< y-coordinate
} glow_sEventAny, *glow_tEventAny;
<h2 id="mainmenu">enum example </h2>
//! Type of line
typedef enum {
glow_eLineType_Solid, //!< Solid line
glow_eLineType_Dashed1, //!< Dashed line, short dashes
glow_eLineType_Dashed2, //!< Dashed line, medium dashes
glow_eLineType_Dashed3, //!< Dashed line, long dashes
glow_eLineType_Dotted, //!< Dotted line
glow_eLineType_DotDashed1, //!< DotDashed line, short dashes
glow_eLineType_DotDashed2 //!< DotDashed line, long dashes
} glow_eLineType;
<title>Doxygen Styleguide</title>
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include $(pwre_dir_symbols)
ifndef variables_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef variables_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
vpath %.gif $(hw_source):$(os_source):$(co_source)
source_dirs = $(hw_source) $(os_source) $(co_source)
gif_sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(source_dirs), \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.gif) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
html_sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(source_dirs), \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.html) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
sv_se_html_sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(pwre_sroot)/doc/web/sv_se, \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.html) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
export_gif := $(addprefix $(doc_dir)/,$(gif_sources))
export_html := $(addprefix $(doc_dir)/,$(html_sources))
export_html_sv_se := $(addprefix $(doc_dir)/sv_se/,$(sv_se_html_sources))
clean_pwg := $(patsubst %.pwg,clean_%.pwg,$(sources))
clean_html := $(patsubst %.html,clean_%.html,$(sources))
export_doc := $(export_gif) $(export_html) $(export_html_sv_se)
clean_ge := $(clean_gif) $(clean_html)
.PHONY : all init copy lib exe clean realclean
all : init copy lib exe
init :
copy : $(export_doc)
lib :
exe :
clean : $(clean_dweb)
realclean : $(clean_html)
$(clean_html) : clean_%.html : %.html
@ $(rm) $(rmflags) $(doc_dir)/dox/$*.html
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pcss.css">
<title>pwre Guide</title>
<table border="0" >
<tr><td><a href="#list">pwre list</a></td><td> List configured environments.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#init">pwre init 'env'</a></td><td> Initialize a pwre environment.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#show">pwre show</a></td><td> Show the current environment.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#build">pwre build 'branch' 'subbranch' 'phase'</a></td><td> Build a subbranch.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#build_all">pwre build_all</a></td><td> Build everything.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#add">pwre add 'env'</a></td><td> List configured environments.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#delete">pwre delete 'env'</a></td><td> List configured environments.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#modify">pwre modify 'env'</a></td><td> Modify an environment.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="#create">pwre create</a></td><td> Create the build directory tree.</td></tr>
<a name="list"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre list</h2>
$ pwre list
-- Defined environments:
<a name="init"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre init</h2>
pwre init claesx310x86
<a name="show"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre show</h2>
$ pwre show
-- Environment : claesx310x86
-- Source root....: /data1/x3-10/pwr/src
-- pwr_inc on VMS.:
-- Build root.....: /data1/pwr/x3-10/rls_dbg
-- Build type.....: dbg
-- OS.............: linux
-- Hardware.......: x86
-- Description....: claes's environment
<a name="build"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre build</h2>
$ pwre build doc dweb all
-- Build
-- Branch..........: doc
-- Sub branch......: dweb
-- Args............: all
Exporting ../../pwre_h.html
Exporting ../../wbloadstyle_h.html
<a name="build_all"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre build_all</h2>
claes@newton:~$ pwre build_all
-- Build all
-- Environment : claesx310x86
-- Source root....: /data1/x3-10/pwr/src
-- pwr_inc on VMS.:
-- Build root.....: /data1/pwr/x3-10/rls_dbg
-- Build type.....: dbg
-- OS.............: linux
-- Hardware.......: x86
-- Description....: claes's environment
Exporting ../../
Exporting ../ ...
Exporting ../ ...
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
<a name="add"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre add</h2>
$ pwre add claesx40ax86
Source root [/view/claes/vobs/pwr_src/src]? /data1/x4-0a/pwr/src
pwr_inc on VMS []?
Build root [/usr/users/claes/claes_dbg]? /data1/pwr/x4-0a/rls_dbg
Build type [dbg]?
OS [linux]?
Hardware [x86]?
Description [claes's environment]?
<a name="delete"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre delete</h2>
$ pwre delete claesx40ax86
-- Delete environment "claesx40ax86" [n]? y
-- Environment "claesx40ax86" has been deleted
<a name="modify"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre modify</h2>
$ pwre modify claesx40ax86
Source root [/data1/x4-0a/pwr/src]? /data1/x4-0b/pwr/src
pwr_inc on VMS []?
Build root [/data1/pwr/x4-0a/rls_dbg]? /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg
Build type [dbg]?
OS [linux]?
Hardware [x86]?
Description [claes's environment]?
<a name="create"><!-- --></a>
<h2 id="mainmenu">pwre create</h2>
$ pwre create
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/bld
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/exe
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/lib
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/msg
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/bld/jpwr
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/db
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/exe
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/exe/sv_se
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/exe/en_us
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/inc
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/load
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/lib
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/lis
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/obj
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/src
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/cnf
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/doc
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/doc/dox
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/doc/sv_se
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/doc/prm
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/exp/doc/orm
-- mkdir: /data1/pwr/x4-0b/rls_dbg/os_linux/hw_x86/tmp
<title>WbLoad Styleguide</title>
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<title>Doxygen styleguide</title>
<h2 id="mainmenu">wb_load example </h2>
! @Version 1.0
! @Author Homer Simpson
! @Code rs_plc_mycode.c
! @Group MyGroup
! @Summary Brief description of my class
! More desciption of my class
! ..
! @image orm_myclass_fo.gif
! @b See also
! @classlink MyOtherClass pwrb_myotherclass.html
SObject pwrb:Class
Object MyClass $ClassDef 301
Body SysBody
Attr Editor = pwr_eEditor_AttrEd
Attr Method = pwr_eMethod_Standard
Attr PopEditor = 1
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1
! The First Attribute.
Object FirstAttribute $Attribute 1
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
! @Summary Brief description.
! More description of the second attribute
! ...
Object SecondAttribute $Attribute 2
Body SysBody
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Enum"
<h2 id="mainmenu">Description of the documentation tags </h2>
Start of documentation block.
End of documentation block.
Author. Is optional.
@Author 'name of author'
Version. Optional.
@Version 'version number'
Name of the c-file where the exec function of the class reside. Optional.
@Code 'filename'
Short description on one line. Optional
@Summary 'text'
Reference to an URL.
The Link tag has to be below the description of the class.
@Link 'URL'
Reference to another class.
The Link tag has to be below the description of the class.
@Classlink 'html-filename'
A gif or jpg image.
@Image 'image-filename'
The line is written with bold text. @b has to be positioned at the beginning of the line.
@b this is a bold text
Defines the groups the objects is a member of.
The groups are declared in a setup file.
@Group Grp1,Grp2
<title>WbLoad Styleguide</title>
<frameset rows="90,*" frameborder="0">
<frame name="I1" frameborder="0" noresize scrolling="no" src="wbloadstyle_h.html"></frame>
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<body id="pagetitle" bgcolor="black">
<table id="pagetitle" border="0" width="100%" nowrap cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">
<td width = "100">
<a href="index.html" target="_top"><img src="ugglablack.gif" border="0" width="92" height="89" align="middle" alt="Proview main page"></a></td>
<td>wb_load Styleguide</td>
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include $(pwre_dir_symbols)
ifndef variables_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef variables_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
-include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/$(hw_name)/
ifndef rules_mk
include $(pwre_sroot)/tools/bld/src/$(os_name)/
vpath %.pdf $(hw_source):$(os_source):$(co_source)
source_dirs := $(hw_source) $(os_source) $(co_source)
sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(source_dirs), \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.pdf) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
sv_se_sources := $(sort \
$(foreach file, \
$(foreach dir, \
$(pwre_sroot)/doc/man/sv_se, \
$(wildcard $(dir)/*.pdf) \
), $(notdir $(file)) \
) \
pdf_sources := $(filter %.pdf,$(sources))
pdf_sv_se_sources := $(filter %.pdf,$(sv_se_sources))
export_pdf := $(patsubst %.pdf,$(doc_dir)/%.pdf,$(pdf_sources))
export_pdf_sv_se := $(patsubst %.pdf,$(doc_dir)/sv_se/%.pdf,$(pdf_sv_se_sources))
clean_pdf := $(patsubst %.pdf,clean_%.pdf,$(pdf_sources))
$(doc_dir)/%.pdf : ../../%.pdf
@ $(log_h_h)
@ $(cp) $(cpflags) $(source) $(target)
$(doc_dir)/sv_se/%.pdf : $(pwre_sroot)/doc/man/sv_se/%.pdf
@ $(log_h_h)
@ $(cp) $(cpflags) $(source) $(target)
.PHONY : all init copy lib exe clean realclean \
all : init copy lib exe
init :
copy : $(export_pdf) $(export_pdf_sv_se)
lib :
exe :
clean :
realclean : clean $(clean_pdf) $(clean_c)
$(clean_pdf) : clean_%.pdf : %.pdf
@ $(rm) $(rmflags) $(doc_dir)/$*.pdf
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