Commit 19be0ce2 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Ge editor, buffer size bugfix in graph attributes dialog

parent 71a27a75
......@@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ int Graph::edit_subgraph_attributes()
int Graph::get_graph_attr_items( attr_sItem **itemlist,
int *item_cnt, void **client_data)
static attr_sItem items[20];
static attr_sItem items[40];
int i;
grow_sAttrInfo *grow_info, *grow_info_p;
int grow_info_cnt;
......@@ -3002,7 +3002,7 @@ int grow_GetSubGraphAttrInfo( grow_tCtx ctx, char *transtab, grow_sAttrInfo **in
int dynsize;
char *name;
attrinfo = (grow_sAttrInfo *) calloc( 30, sizeof(grow_sAttrInfo));
attrinfo = (grow_sAttrInfo *) calloc( 40, sizeof(grow_sAttrInfo));
i = 0;
......@@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@ int grow_GetGraphAttrInfo( grow_tCtx ctx, grow_sAttrInfo **info,
grow_sAttrInfo *attrinfo;
int i;
attrinfo = (grow_sAttrInfo *) calloc( 20, sizeof(grow_sAttrInfo));
attrinfo = (grow_sAttrInfo *) calloc( 40, sizeof(grow_sAttrInfo));
i = 0;
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