Commit 57eab979 authored by claes's avatar claes

*** empty log message ***

parent 023af7aa
......@@ -100,5 +100,10 @@
080905 cs qcom Argument -n added to rt_qmon for start without the presence of rt_neth.
080905 cs pkg New package pwrsev for Storage Environment.
080915 cs trend Zero Multiple attribute in DsTrend object caused termination of rt_trend.
081015 cs pwrs New volume class, DetachedClassVolume, added.
081015 cs convert Conversion of .png files to postscript didn't work.
081015 cs convert Font TimesNewRoman changed to Times-Roman in postscript generation (TimesNewRoman doesn't seems to be known by all printers).
081016 rk rt Changed plc-handling so cycletimes faster tha 1 ms is possible.
081017 rk rt Added a few new enumeration types to pwrb (YesNo, TrueFalse).
081022 cs convert Xtthelp bookmark on header didn't work after html conversion.
081024 cs xtthelp New program co_help to view helptexts.
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