Commit 59d99396 authored by claes's avatar claes

Documentation changes

parent b465262a
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_disabled.wb_load,v 1.2 2005-10-21 16:11:24 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_disabled.wb_load,v 1.3 2007-10-16 06:39:59 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Version 1.0
! @Group Plc,PlcIO
! @Summary Check if an attribute is disabled.
! Check if an attributes is disabled.
! Check if an attribute is disabled.
! @image orm_disabled_fo.gif
Object Disabled $ClassDef 434
Body SysBody
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Group Plc,PlcConversion
! @Summary Convert Int64 value to integer (Int32)
! Convert Int64 value to integer (Int32).
! @image orm_Int64toi_fo.gif
! @image orm_int64toi_fo.gif
! The Int64toI object converts the value of the Int64 input to
! an integer value (Int32) stored in ActVal.
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_out2p.wb_load,v 1.6 2005-09-01 14:58:02 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_out2p.wb_load,v 1.7 2007-10-16 06:39:59 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! varies in the time. The binary output has a
! pulse-proportional relay action in the dead zone, if
! MinOut < MaxOut, else on/off-action with hysteresis.
! @image orm_en1-135.gif
! @image orm_out2p_fo.gif
! The digit 2 in the object name comes from the output
! which may have two distinct values with a two-step
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_pipos.wb_load,v 1.7 2005-09-01 14:58:02 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_pipos.wb_load,v 1.8 2007-10-16 06:39:59 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelösund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Summary Translates a pulse counter value into an engineering value
! Translates a pulse counter value into an engineering
! value, e.g. position, volume etc.
! @image orm_en1-162.gif
! @image orm_pipos_fo.gif
! Suppose the engineering value is a position. The actual
! position is then calculated at every scanning by means
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_xycurve.wb_load,v 1.1 2007-09-19 15:04:38 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: pwrb_c_xycurve.wb_load,v 1.2 2007-10-16 06:39:59 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -24,21 +24,25 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Summary Object to display a xy-curve.
! Object to display a curve of points with x and y coordinates.
! @b Object Graph
! @image orm_xycurve_og.gif
! The object contains
! To view a curve in a Ge graph, use a XYCurve component, and set
! XY_Curve.DataType <t> XYArrays
! XY_Curve.XAttr <t>o.XValue##Float32#100
! XY_Curve.YAttr <t>o.XValue##Float32#100
! XY_Curve.UpdateAttr <t>o.UpdateAttr##Boolean
! XY_Curve.XMinValueAttr <t>o.XMinValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.XMaxValueAttr <t>o.XMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMinValueAttr <t>o.YMinValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr <t>o.YMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr <t>o.YMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.NoOfPointsAttr <t>o.NoOfPoints##UInt32
! XY_Curve.NoOfPoints <t>100
! XY_Curve.DataType XYArrays
! XY_Curve.XAttr o.XValue##Float32#100
! XY_Curve.YAttr o.XValue##Float32#100
! XY_Curve.UpdateAttr o.UpdateAttr##Boolean
! XY_Curve.XMinValueAttr o.XMinValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.XMaxValueAttr o.XMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMinValueAttr o.YMinValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr o.YMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.YMaxValueAttr o.YMaxValue##Float32
! XY_Curve.NoOfPointsAttr o.NoOfPoints##UInt32
! XY_Curve.NoOfPoints 100
! where x should be replaced by the name of the XyCurve object.
! where o should be replaced by the name of the XyCurve object.
Object XyCurve $ClassDef 509
Body SysBody
......@@ -6333,7 +6333,7 @@ projektet.
FriendNodeConfig objektet skapas i projekt volymen som barn till ett
BusConfig objekt i nod-hierarkin.
@Se även
@b Se även
Beskrivning av noden.
......@@ -10246,7 +10246,7 @@ Anger v
Två-punktsutgång med till/från styrning. En analog insignal konverteras till en
binär signal. Styrningen utförs antingen som proportionell till/från styrning
med dödzon eller som till/från styrning med hysteres.
@image orm_en1-135.gif
@image orm_out2p_fo.gif
Siffran 2 i objektnamnet syftar på objektets utgång som har 2-lägesverkan. Två
diskreta order kan ges med innebörden höger/vänster, upp/ner, öka/minska etc.
......@@ -10869,7 +10869,7 @@ begrg
<class> PiPos
@Summary Översätter pulsräknarvärde till ingenjörsvärde
Översätter pulsräknarvärde till ingenjörsvärde (position, volym etc.).
@image orm_en1-162.gif
@image orm_pipos_fo.gif
Antag att ingenjörsvärdet är en position. Den aktuell positionen, ActVal ,
beräknas vid varje exekvering med hjälp av den linjära ekvationen
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