Commit 5f6db06a authored by claes's avatar claes

Fixcolor addede to polyline properies

parent f194fb04
* Proview $Id: glow.h,v 1.18 2007-05-07 14:35:03 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow.h,v 1.19 2007-06-15 11:33:55 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -1313,6 +1313,7 @@ typedef enum {
glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_disable_shadow = 2618,
glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_light = 2619,
glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_shadow = 2620,
glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fixcolor = 2621,
glow_eSave_GrowNode_node_part = 2700,
glow_eSave_GrowNode_dynamic = 2701,
glow_eSave_GrowNode_dynamicsize = 2702,
* Proview $Id: glow_growapi.cpp,v 1.28 2007-05-14 07:06:42 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow_growapi.cpp,v 1.29 2007-06-15 11:33:55 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -1284,6 +1284,11 @@ int grow_GetObjectAttrInfo( grow_tObject object, char *transtab,
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( op->fill_eq_shadow);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "fixcolor");
attrinfo[i].value_p = &op->fixcolor;
attrinfo[i].type = glow_eType_Boolean;
attrinfo[i++].size = sizeof( op->fixcolor);
strcpy( attrinfo[i].name, "Dynamic");
op->get_dynamic( &dynamic, &dynsize);
attrinfo[i].value_p = malloc( 1024);
* Proview $Id: glow_growpolyline.cpp,v 1.5 2007-01-04 07:57:39 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow_growpolyline.cpp,v 1.6 2007-06-15 11:33:55 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ GrowPolyLine::GrowPolyLine( GrowCtx *glow_ctx, char *name,
original_fill_drawtype(fill_d_type), fill_drawtype(fill_d_type),
border(display_border), fill_eq_border(0), current_point(0),
shadow(display_shadow), shadow_width(5), relief(glow_eRelief_Up),
shadow_contrast(2), disable_shadow(0), fill_eq_light(0), fill_eq_shadow(0)
shadow_contrast(2), disable_shadow(0), fill_eq_light(0), fill_eq_shadow(0), fixcolor(0)
strcpy( n_name, name);
......@@ -329,6 +329,10 @@ void GrowPolyLine::draw( GlowWind *w, GlowTransform *t, int highlight, int hot,
int i;
glow_eDrawType drawtype;
int idx;
if ( fixcolor)
colornode = 0;
if ( node && ((GrowNode *)node)->line_width)
idx = int( w->zoom_factor_y / w->base_zoom_factor *
((GrowNode *)node)->line_width - 1);
......@@ -806,6 +810,7 @@ void GrowPolyLine::save( ofstream& fp, glow_eSaveMode mode)
fp << int(glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_border) << FSPACE << fill_eq_border << endl;
fp << int(glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_light) << FSPACE << fill_eq_light << endl;
fp << int(glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_shadow) << FSPACE << fill_eq_shadow << endl;
fp << int(glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fixcolor) << FSPACE << fixcolor << endl;
fp << int(glow_eSave_End) << endl;
......@@ -875,6 +880,7 @@ void GrowPolyLine::open( ifstream& fp)
case glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_border: fp >> fill_eq_border; break;
case glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_light: fp >> fill_eq_light; break;
case glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fill_eq_shadow: fp >> fill_eq_shadow; break;
case glow_eSave_GrowPolyLine_fixcolor: fp >> fixcolor; break;
case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break;
cout << "GrowPolyLine:open syntax error" << endl;
* Proview $Id: glow_growpolyline.h,v 1.5 2007-01-04 07:57:39 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow_growpolyline.h,v 1.6 2007-06-15 11:33:55 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ class GrowPolyLine : public GlowPolyLine {
int disable_shadow; //!< Disable shadow, even if parent node has shadow.
int fill_eq_light; //!< Fill is drawn with light shadow color.
int fill_eq_shadow; //!< Fill is drawn with dark shadow color.
int fixcolor; //!< Color independent of node color.
//! Set user data.
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