Commit 7eaddfdb authored by claes's avatar claes

Bugfix in erase location for rotated objects

parent 013a2f91
* Proview $Id: glow_growannot.cpp,v 1.10 2007-05-23 08:04:09 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: glow_growannot.cpp,v 1.11 2008-09-15 09:23:07 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ void GrowAnnot::erase( GlowWind *w, GlowTransform *t, int hot, void *node)
if ( !((GlowNode *) node)->annotv[number])
int rot;
double trf_scale = trf.vertical_scale( t);
int idx = int( trf_scale * w->zoom_factor_y / w->base_zoom_factor * (text_size +4) - 4);
if ( idx < 0)
......@@ -231,17 +232,23 @@ void GrowAnnot::erase( GlowWind *w, GlowTransform *t, int hot, void *node)
if (!t) {
x1 = int( trf.x( p.x, p.y) * w->zoom_factor_x) - w->offset_x;
y1 = int( trf.y( p.x, p.y) * w->zoom_factor_y) - w->offset_y;
rot = (int) trf.rot();
else {
x1 = int( trf.x( t, p.x, p.y) * w->zoom_factor_x) - w->offset_x;
y1 = int( trf.y( t, p.x, p.y) * w->zoom_factor_y) - w->offset_y;
rot = (int) trf.rot( t);
rot = rot < 0 ? rot % 360 + 360 : rot % 360;
switch ( annot_type) {
case glow_eAnnotType_OneLine: {
int width, height, descent;
if ( ( ((GlowNode *) node)->annotv_inputmode[number] &&
((GrowNode *) node)->input_selected) ||
if ( ((rot < 45 || rot >= 315) &&
( ((GlowNode *) node)->annotv_inputmode[number] &&
((GrowNode *) node)->input_selected)) ||
( !(rot < 45 || rot >= 315)) ||
adjustment == glow_eAdjustment_Right ||
adjustment == glow_eAdjustment_Center)
ctx->gdraw->get_text_extent( ((GlowNode *) node)->annotv[number],
......@@ -263,6 +270,21 @@ void GrowAnnot::erase( GlowWind *w, GlowTransform *t, int hot, void *node)
((GrowNode *) node)->input_selected) {
ctx->gdraw->fill_rect( w, x1, y1 - height + descent, width, height, glow_eDrawType_LineErase);
if ( !(rot < 45 || rot >= 315)) {
// Text is rotated, adjust the coordinates
if ( 45 <= rot && rot < 135) {
y1 += height - descent;
else if ( 135 <= rot && rot < 225) {
x1 -= width;
y1 += height - descent;
else {
x1 -= width;
ctx->gdraw->text_erase( w, x1, y1,
((GlowNode *) node)->annotv[number],
strlen(((GlowNode *) node)->annotv[number]), draw_type, idx, 0, font);
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