Commit dcad4301 authored by claes's avatar claes

imaged and examples included

parent ec0befd9
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! @image orm_aarithm_fo.gif
! Optional programmable arithmetical expression in the C
! programming language. The expression is edited by means
! of the Attribute Editor at the object's Expression
......@@ -15,8 +16,8 @@
! is translated at the compilation.
! The Expression attribute is shown in the object.
! Up to 8 analog ( A1, ..., A8) and 8 digital ( d1, ...,
! d8) inputs.
! Up to 8 analog ( A1, ..., A8) and 8 digital ( d1, ...,d8)
! inputs.
! Digital inputs may be inverted either by means of the
! Attribute Editor, or by the logical operator '!' in the
! Expression attribute.
......@@ -37,19 +38,27 @@
! Mathematical functions in the C programming language
! can be used, for instance:
! _ exp(A1) exponential function
! _ log10(A1) base-10 logarithm of A1
! _ sin(A1) sine of A1
! _ (1.2E3 + A1) * ( A2 + 3.7 ) arithmetic, note the constants.
! - fabs( A1) absolute value
! - pow(A1, A2) A1 rasied to the A2-th power.
! - exp(A1) exponential function
! - log10(A1) base-10 logarithm of A1
! - sin(A1) sine of A1
! - (1.2E3 + A1) * ( A2 + 3.7 ) arithmetic, note the constants.
! - fabs( A1) absolute value
! - pow(A1, A2) A1 rasied to the A2-th power.
! - there is an often used conditional operator, '?', in
! the C programming language used to evaluate
! alternatives. In the following example '&&' means
! logical AND,
! (d1 && d2) ? A1 + A2 : A3, means that VAL = A1+ A2,
! if d1 and d2 are TRUE , otherwise VAL = A3
! the C programming language used to evaluate
! alternatives. In the following example '&&' means
! logical AND,
! (d1 && d2) ? A1 + A2 : A3, means that VAL = A1+ A2,
! if d1 and d2 are TRUE , otherwise VAL = A3
! Example
! This example shows how digital signals can be counted. Some signals
! are counted if they are TRUE others if they are FALSE and then the
! sum is stored. Node thad Di1 and Di2 are included in the sum if
! they are FALSE.
! @image orm_en1-17.gif
! See Also
! DArithm, which calculates the value of logical
! expressions.
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Time delay of an analog signal.
! @image orm_adelay_fo.gif
! The time delay Tim can vary within the interval:
! { 0 - 100 x MaxCount x ScanTime }
......@@ -34,6 +35,17 @@
! signal is stored in shift register position 1.
! The output signal is fetched from the register
! representing the actual delay.
! Example
! 1. With MaxCount = 1 anad ScanTime = 20 ms the maximum delay time
! is 100 1 1 / 50 seconds.
! if the delay Tim = 1, ActVal(t) will be = In(t-50), i.e. the input
! signal is delayed by 50 execution cycles.
! 2. If MaxCount = 1 and ScanTime = 1 second represent each register the
! delay of one second. Tim specifies from which register to get ActVal.
! @image orm_en1-19.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Adelay $ClassDef 3
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! AND-gate for up to 8 inputs. Used inputs do not have to
! be chosen consecutively.
! @image orm_and_fo.gif
! The basic symbol has 2 inputs. By means of the
! Attribute Editor the number of inputs can be changed
! and individual inputs be inverted.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
! @Summary Expands the number of analog attributes that can be handled in a DataArithm.
! The ApCollect object expands the number of analog attribues that
! can be handled in a DataArithm object.
! @image orm_apcollect_fo.gif
! The ApCollect has 24 analog inputs, which values are stored in an array.
! By connecting the output of the ApCollect object to a Data input of a
! DataArithm object, it is possible to handle the array in the code of the
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! @Summary Expands the number of analog outputs that can be handled in a DataArithm.
! The ApDistribute expands the number of analog outputs that can be
! handled in a DataArithm object.
! @image orm_apdistribute_fo.gif
! The DpDistribute has 24 analog outputs, which values can be set from
! an array of Float32 declared in the code of a DataArithm. By connecting
! the data input of the ApDistribute to an data output of a DataArithm,
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_sup.h
! Analog Supervisory.
! @image orm_asup_fo.gif
! Supervises an analog quantity in an arbitrary object in
! regard to deviation above or below the alarm limit.
......@@ -35,10 +36,10 @@
! activities.
! Different types of activities exist; (see EventType )
! · ALARM The message remains as long as the alarm
! ALARM The message remains as long as the alarm
! position exists and no acknowledgement is
! · INFO If the message demands an acknowledgement
! INFO If the message demands an acknowledgement
! this is sent to the info part of the alarm
! window from, where it can be acknowledged
! otherwise only to the event list.
......@@ -60,9 +61,9 @@
! acknowledgement can be done too.
! Different types of out units exist:
! . OPERATOR: The select list is defined by an attribute
! - OPERATOR: The select list is defined by an attribute
! in a User object.
! · PRINTER : The select list is defined by an
! - PRINTER : The select list is defined by an
! attribute in an
! EventPrinter object.
......@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@
! specifies the hierarchies from which messages are to be
! received.
! Hints
! Hints
! The supervised quantity may belongs to an arbitrary
! object. This means not only signal objects but also
! other objects may supervised; e.g. attributes in a
......@@ -83,6 +85,8 @@
! configured outside PLC program, then it is done by the
! Configuration Editor and
! the messagehandler (=mh) takes care of the supervision.
! @image orm_en1-23.gif
! The Supervisory Objects may also be used Outside PLC Programs
! See Also
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_string.h
! Convert analog value to string.
! @image orm_atostr_fo.gif
! The AtoStr object converts the value of the analog input to
! at string stored in ActVal.
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! Points out a data segment in rtdb where the items will
! be backed up on a file.
! @image orm_backup_fo.gif
! If the segment pointed out by the Backup object was
! created in the development environment the backup may
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_io.c
! Binary Coded Decimal Digital output.
! @image orm_en1-25.gif
! Represents a decimal floating point number on 4 binary
! coded decimal (BCD) digits (= 16 digital signals).
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
! Used when a larger description is to be done; e.g. in a
! Document object.
! Example
! @image orm_en1-28.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object BodyText $ClassDef 25
......@@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! The attribute influence the appearance of the text. The
! following values are used:
! @image orm_en1-26.gif
Object TextAttribute $Intern 1
Body SysBody
......@@ -34,6 +38,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! Specifies if the text is to be surrounded by a some
! kind of frame.
! @image orm_en1-27.gif
Object FrameAttribute $Intern 2
Body SysBody
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! User programmable object in the C programming language.
! @image orm_carithm_fo.gif
! The code is edited by means of the Attribute Editor at
! the object's Code attribute.
......@@ -21,13 +22,21 @@
! Attribute Editor, or by the logical operator '!' in the
! Code attribute.
! Hints
! Example
! This application starts to declare a variable 'r1'. The r1 is
! assigned the sum of A1 and A2. As A2 is left open it will be
! given a value internally. If r1 is greater then 2.7 OA1 will
! be increased by one, otherwise cleard.
! @image orm_en1-30.gif
! Hints
! The symbol of the CArithm accommodates to the Code
! attribute. To avoid very wide CArithm objects finish
! statements with return.
! See Also
! See Also
! AArithm, DArithm.
SObject pwrb:Class
......@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
! type of physical Ai-card. The conversion from signal
! value to actual value is done by polynomials.
! Figure below shows the steps in Ai-signal conversion and
! attributes of interest. The internal filtering concerns local
! Ai signals, i.e remote Ai-signals are not affected.
! @image orm_en1-31.gif
! Quantities of Importance for Handling Ai Signals
! SigValue is converted to ActualValue via sensor
! function s, sensor polynomial p and filter function f
! according to,
......@@ -15,29 +15,29 @@
! SigValue is converted to ActualValue via sensor
! function s, table t and filter function f according to,
! ActualValue = f ( t( s(SigValue) ) ) , where
! the choice of
! ActualValue = f ( t( s(SigValue) ) ) , where the choice of
! -- sensor function s, is determined by
! SensorTypeCode
! -- table t, is determined by SensorPolyType
! -- filter function f, is determined by
! FilterType in Ai object
! -- sensor function s, is determined by SensorTypeCode
! -- table t, is determined by SensorPolyType
! -- filter function f, is determined by FilterType in Ai object
! The table t is defined in one of the following ways:
! @image orm_en1-32.gif
! - Direct input of NoOfCoordinates pairs of numbers (InValue,O
! arranged in order of increasing InValue. The first
! and the last InValue specify the allowed interval of
! s(SigValue).
! arranged in order of increasing InValue. The first
! and the last InValue specify the allowed interval of
! s(SigValue).
! - By specifying the coefficients PolCoefficients in a
! polynomial of maximum degree 7 and the maximum and
! minimum values of s(SigValue). By a menu procedure,
! not implemented, the interval between the minimum and
! maximum values will be divided into 29 equidistant
! intervals, which results in 30 s(SigValue)-values.
! Thereafter ActualValue of these points is calculated,
! and the pairs of numbers (InValue,OutValue) can be
! filled-in.
! polynomial of maximum degree 7 and the maximum and
! minimum values of s(SigValue). By a menu procedure,
! not implemented, the interval between the minimum and
! maximum values will be divided into 29 equidistant
! intervals, which results in 30 s(SigValue)-values.
! Thereafter ActualValue of these points is calculated,
! and the pairs of numbers (InValue,OutValue) can be
! filled-in.
! In practice, the function t ( s(SigValue) ) will be put
! in by means of the menu handling. When the transfer
......@@ -48,19 +48,17 @@
! SigValue:
! If SigValuemin <= s(SigValue) >= SigValuemax , then
! - the index n is calculated as SigValue s(SigValue)
! < SigValue n
! n+1
! t( s(SigValue) ) = Intercept(n) + Slope(n)  s(igValue)
! - the index n is calculated as SigValue(n) = s(SigValue) < SigValue(n+1)
! t( s(SigValue) ) = Intercept(n) + Slope(n)* s(SigValue)
! otherwise, t( s(SigValue) ) = OutValue for the first
! or the last pair of numbers depending on s(SigValue)
! < s(SigValuemin) or s(SigValuemax) > s(SigValue )
! or the last pair of numbers depending on
! s(SigValue) < s(SigValuemin) or s(SigValuemax) > s(SigValuemax)
! As the menu handling is not implemented yet we manually
! put in, for each NoOfCoordinates, the corresponding
! pair of numbers (InValue, OutValue ) respectively (Intercept, Slope).
! See Also
! See Also
! ChanAi, whose conversion to ActualValue is based on a
! polynomial.
......@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Configures an analog output channel independent of the
! type of physical Ao-card.
! Figure below shows the step in Ao-signal conversion. ActualValue
! SigValue and RawValue belong to the Ao object. The card polynomial
! is defined in a card object, the Emerg attributes in a $Node object,
! and the rest in the ChanAo object
! @image orm_en1-33.gif
! Attributes Used in Ao-signal Conversion
! If EmergBreakTrue = TRUE and EmergBreakSelect = 2 then
! the output is based on FixedOutValue. Otherwise TestOn
......@@ -12,11 +12,17 @@
! Configures a digital input channel independent of the
! type of physical Di-card.
! Figure below shows the steps in Di-signal conversion and the
! attributes of interest. The internal filtering concerns local
! Di-signals, i.e. remote Di-signals are not affected.
! @image orm_en1-34.gif
! Attributes Used in Di-signal Conversion
! ActualValue and FilterType belongs to Di object.
! InvMask1 and ConvMask1 to card object, but InvertOn and
! ConversionOn belongs to this object.
! Hints
! Hints
! ChanDi objects are configured below a suitable Di-card
! object.
......@@ -12,15 +12,18 @@
! Configures a digital output channel independent of the
! type of physical Do-card.
! Figure below shows the steps in Do-signal conversion.
! ActualValue belongs to the Do object. The shadowed
! attributes are defined in a card object, the Emerg-attribut
! in a $Node object, and the rest in the ChanDo object.
! @image orm_en1-35.gif
! Attributes Used in Do-signal Conversion
! If EmergBreakTrue = TRUE and EmergBreakSelect = 2 then
! the output is based on FixedOutValue. Otherwise TestOn
! will settles which attribute the output is based on.
! Hints
! Hints
! ChanDo objects are configured below a suitable Do-card
! object.
......@@ -12,17 +12,19 @@
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Compares an analog value ( signal or parameter) to a high
! limit.
! @image orm_en1-36.gif
! Both the input signal and the limit can be either
! constants, defined by the Attribute Editor, or ordinary
! analog signals.
! @image orm_en1-37.gif
! The output is TRUE when the input signal is greater
! than the high limit i.e. Lim. The hysteresis is taken
! into account when the output signal is to be FALSE. The
! output becomes FALSE as soon as the input becomes less
! than or equal to the high limit minus the hysteresis.
! See Also
! See Also
! Compl.
......@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Compares an analog value ( signal or parameter) with a
! Compares an analog value (signal or parameter) with a
! low limit.
! @image orm_en1-38.gif
! Both the input signal and the limit can be either
! constants, defined by the Attribute Editor, or ordinary
! analog signals.
! @image orm_en1-39.gif
! The output is TRUE when the input signal is less than
! the low limit, i.e. Lim.
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@
! as the input becomes greater than or equal to the low
! limit plus the hysteresis.
! See Also
! See Also
! Comph.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_io.c
! Pulse counter.
! @image orm_count_fo.gif
! The counter can be increased, decreased, cleared or set
! equal to a present value.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Conditional Storage Analog input.
! @image orm_cstoai_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an analog value on a specified
! local Ai-signal (= Ai object).
......@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Conditional Storage Analog output.
! @image orm_cstoao_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an analog value on a specified
! local Ao-signal (= Ao object).
! Conditional is aimed at the con-input, which is
! supposed to be connected.
! @image orm_en1-43.gif
! The conditional input signal can be inverted by means
! of the Attribute Editor.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Conditional Storage Analog parameter.
! @image orm_cstoap_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an analog value ( parameter,
! input, or output signal) on a specified parameter in a
......@@ -29,9 +30,11 @@
! It is not allowed, by means of a function in C or PLC
! programs, to write in any of the inputs.
! Example
! Example
! At Gain-Scheduling it would be possible to use CStoAp
! objects with the analog inputs left open; see below.
! @image orm_en1-45.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object CStoAp $ClassDef 76
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Conditional Storage Analog value.
! @image orm_cstoav_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an analog value on a specified
! local Av-signal (= Av object).
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Conditional Storage Integer parameter.
! @image orm_cstoip_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an analog value ( parameter,
! input, or output signal of the type pwr_tFloat32) on a
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_string.h
! Conditional Storage of string attribute.
! @image orm_cstosp_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of an string value ( parameter,
! input, or output signal) on a specified attribute in a
! local object.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_string.h
! Conditional storage of string value.
! @image orm_cstosv_fo.gif
! Conditional storage of a string value on a specified
! local Sv object.
! Conditional is aimed at the con-input, which is
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! Conditional execution of objects located in a
! Sub-window.
! @image orm_csub_fo.gif
! The code in the sub-window is,
! executed if, and only if, the logical input signal is
......@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Interpolates in a table.
! @image orm_curve_fo.gif
! The table which is realized in a Table object defines
! a function curve.
! @image orm_en1-50.gif
! If the input signal is outside the range of the table
! the first/last table value is chosen as the function
! value; see above.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! User-defined logical expression.
! @image orm_darithm_fo.gif
! Optional programmable logical expression in the C
! programming language. The expression is edited by means
......@@ -39,13 +40,21 @@
! easier to get access from the object display. Unused
! inputs make compilation errors.
! Example
! Example
! 1 Maximum one of d1 - d5 is TRUE or d6
! 1 Combinational circuit. In the following example '&&' means
! logical and, '||' means logical or and '!' means not.
! Expression: (d1 && d2 || !d3) && d4
! @image orm_en1-52.gif
! is equivalent with
! @image orm_en1-53.gif
! 2 Maximum one of d1 - d5 is TRUE or d6
! Expression: ((d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5) < 2) || d6
! 2 Comparison.
! 3 Comparison.
! Expression: (A1 + 3.5 * A2) < A3
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Summary User programmable object with data inputs and outputs.
! User progammable object with data inputs and outputs.
! @image orm_dataarithm_fo.gif
! The object contains
! - four data inputs
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
! @Summary Expands the number of data attributes that can be handled in a DataArithm.
! The DataCollect object expands the number of data attribues that
! can be handled in a DataArithm object.
! @image orm_datacollect_fo.gif
! The DataCollect has 24 data inputs, which values are stored in an array.
! By connecting the output of the DataCollect object to a Data input of a
! DataArithm object, it is possible to handle the array in the code of the
......@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! @Summary Specifies the selected filter.
! The internal filter function concerns only local
! Di-signals.
......@@ -175,6 +176,20 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! 0 -- No filtering.
! 1 -- Set and reset delay.
! Set operation is only possible when the 'output' of the filter is
! FALSE. The set delay is counted from the latest edge on the
! 'input'. When the time FilterAttribute[0] has elapsed becomes
! 'output' = 'input'.
! @image orm_en1-54.gif
! Reset operation is only possible when the 'output' of the filter
! is TRUE. The set delay is counted from the latest trailing edget on
! the 'input'. When the time FilerAttribute[1] has elapsed becomes
! 'output' = 'input'.
! 'input' denotes the quantity when the sampled signal has passed
! the inverter step, and output denotes the value after the filter
! step (see ChanDi figure Attributes Used in Di-signal Conversion).
Object FilterType $Attribute 10
Body SysBody
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_io.c
! Digital input Binary Coded Decimal.
! @image orm_en1-55.gif
! Represents four binary coded decimal (BCD) digits (= 16
! digital signals) on a decimal floating point number.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Configures in the working area of the PLC Editor an
! area in A-format.
! @image orm_en1-56.gif
! By at the time of configuration of a PLC program,
! divide the working surface in Document objects and
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
! @Summary Expands the number of Boolean attributes that can be handled in a DataArithm.
! The DpCollect object expands the number of Boolean attribues that
! can be handled in a DataArithm object.
! @image orm_dpcollect_fo.gif
! The DpCollect has 24 digital inputs, which values are stored in an array.
! By connecting the output of the DpCollect object to a Data input of a
! DataArithm object, it is possible to handle the array in the code of the
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! @Summary Expands the number of boolean outputs that can be handled in a DataArithm.
! The DpDistribute expands the number of boolean outputs that can be
! handled in a DataArithm object.
! @image orm_dpdistribute_fo.gif
! The DpDistribute has 24 digital outputs, which values can be set from
! an array of Boolean declared in the code of a DataArithm. By connecting
! the data input of the DpDistribute to an data output of a DataArithm,
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! @Code rt_plc_drive.c
! START/ STOP motor control with supervision of contactor
! response and motion guard.
! @image orm_en1-58.gif
! Three different types of interlockings:
! · safety interlocking SafeStop
! · production interlocking ProdStop
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
! One of three operating modes, LOCAL / MANUAL / AUTO, is
! selected by means of the input signal Local and the
! output signal ManMode in the following way:
! @image orm_en1-59.gif
! · Used at operation from for example an outer
......@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
! · LocDrive has a spring back push button
! function with an opening stop function. STOP
! is also done when Local is reset.
! @image orm_en1-60.gif
! · Both production and safety interlockings are
......@@ -62,6 +65,53 @@
! instead of the missed input signal; i.e. it is not the
! value of ProdTim or SpeedTim itself that determines if
! these are concerned or not.
! Examples
! Worm Conveyer with Motion Guard
! Assumptions:
! - Switching equipment to local drive at the motor etc.
! - Signals from emergency stop ( nödstopp in Swedish) and thermal
! tripping (termisk utlösning in Swedish) exists.
! - The worm conveyer may not be driven if PUMP1 is off. This pump
! is represented and driven by another Drive object. The PUMP1
! restriction is not valid at driving from the switching equipment.
! - The worm conveyer drives in operational mode AUTO with rotation
! in 5 minutes every half hour or on operator request; WAIT0 has
! TimerTime =25 · 60 seconds and WAIT1 TimerTime = 5 · 60 seconds.
! - Message will be sent at alarms.
! @image orm_en1-61.gif
! Periodical Control of a Contactor
! Forward/Backward operation
! Driving only in the operational mode AUTO. Forward/backward operation
! is controlled by Dv-signals. Response from the contactor exists, but
! no tachometric relay. The both single drives interlock each other, and
! changes between forward/backward are separated in time by TIMER0
! respectively TIMER1.
! @image orm_en1-62.gif
! Configuration of a Forward/Backward Operation
! Two Conveyers
! @image orm_en1-63.gif
! The conveyer Trp1 may start only if the conveyer Trp2 is already running
! (=production interlocking). The conveyers use the same thermal tripping
! signal.
! @image orm_en1-64.gif
! Shows the Operational Indicator Used to Control the Order of Starting
! The AND-gate to start TRP1 is used to create a leading edge on the start
! signal when TRP2 is running.
! Also in the operational mode MANUAL TRP1 is interlocked by TRP2 and TRP2
! by level guards in the container. If a switching equipment to local drive
! was set up thermal tripping is the only interlocking in the operational
! mode LOCAL.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Drive $ClassDef 103
......@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
! For every attribute to be plotted there has to be a
! data storage object. Attributes in the objects specify
! for example the name of the sampled attribute and how
! often it is to be stored, see figure 3-11. An attribute
! often it is to be stored, see figure below. An attribute
! may be referred to by several different data storage
! objects, for example to store at different frequencies.
! Note! Remember that the sampling rate of physical hardware
! @image orm_en1-65.gif
! DsFast job with data storage objects
! Note! Remember that the sampling rate of physical hardware
! is finite. At present Ai-signals are sampled at 5 Hz
! and Co-, Di-, Do-, and Dv-signals at the base frequency
! which is equal to the fastest running PLC program of
......@@ -36,8 +38,8 @@
! When all elements in the buffer have got values once in
! this way, AllDataOK is set.
! The Trigged flag can be set by two different events:
! 1
! manually from for example the fast graph by the
! 1 manually from for example the fast graph by the
! Trigger- button. In this case TrigManTrue is set.
! 2 via the outer signal named by the TrigName
! attribute.
......@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
! Trigged flag has been set and stops after that. Test
! values in the buffer are frozen and the plotting is
! done in the fast graph.
! @image orm_en1-65.gif
! The sampled attribute has to be a local quantity. So,
! DsFast objects have to reside at the same node as the
! sampled attribute in the runtime environment.
......@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
! In every node where fast graphs should be stored there
! has to be a DsFast job to search through the local
! DsFast objects.
! Hints
! @image orm_en1-67.gif
! Hints
! The DsFastConf object is placed below the $Node object.
! If a Ds_Fast job is loaded to a node, which has no
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
! Appl object and for a VAXELN node either by an Appl
! object or is the dsFast module included in the
! EBUILD-file.
! @image orm_en1-68.gif
! See Also
! DsFast
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
! to be stored, see figure 3-13. A measurant may be used
! by several different data storage objects, for example
! to store at different frequencies.
! @image orm_en1-69.gif
! DsTrend Job with Data Storage Objects
! Note! Remember that the sampling rate of physical hardware
! is finite. At present Ai-signals are sampled at 5 Hz,
......@@ -52,12 +54,14 @@
! - pwr_tInt8, pwr_tInt16, pwr_tInt32
! - pwr_tUInt8, pwr_tUInt16, pwr_tUInt32
! Hints
! Hints
! If a signal is associated with an object by the type
! DsTrend, DsFast, or DsHist this relation may be marked
! by putting the object direct below the current signal
! object.
! @image orm_en1-70.gif
! Configuration of a DsTrend Object
SObject pwrb:Class
Object DsTrend $ClassDef 108
......@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@
! In every node where trend graphs shall be stored there
! is a need for a DsTrend job which is searching through
! the local DsTrend objects.
! @image orm_en1-71.gif
! DsTrend Job with Matching Objects
! Hints
! Hints
! Because a DsTrend job default is loaded to each OpenVMS
! node it is suitable to configure DsTrendConf object on
! this nodes. The DsTrendConf objects are placed below
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_sup.h
! Digital Supervisory.
! @image orm_dsup_fo.gif
! Supervises a binary quantity in an arbitrary object in
! regard to alarm position. CtrlPosition specifies if
! true or false constitutes the alarm position. The alarm
......@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
! The DSup object reacts in two ways when the quantity is
! in the alarm position:
! 1 the act-output is unconditionally set to indicate
! alarm state.
......@@ -32,13 +34,14 @@
! activities.
! Different types of activities exist; (see EventType )
! · ALARM The message remains as long as the alarm
! - ALARM The message remains as long as the alarm
! position exists and no acknowledgement is
! · INFO If the message demands an acknowledgement
! - INFO If the message demands an acknowledgement
! this is sent to the info part of the alarm
! window from, where it can be acknowledged,
! otherwise only to the event list.
! An acknowledgeable info-message disappears
! from the info part of the alarm window as
! soon as it has been acknowledged without
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_string.h
! Convert digital value to string.
! @image orm_dtostr_fo.gif
! The DtoStr object converts the value of the integer input to
! at string stored in ActVal.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! Edge detector.
! @image orm_edge_fo.gif
! Detecting on a leading edge of a pulse.
......@@ -24,12 +24,19 @@
! objects are used.
! The object exists only in the development environment.
! Hints
! Hints
! Assume a PROVIEW/R system with process graphics, from
! which attributes in rtdb are manipulated. The designer
! wants to make this manipulations visible in cross- and
! reference lists.
! reference lists. Figure below shows one solution.
! @image orm_en1-74.gif
! Configuration of ExternRef Objects
! The ExternRef objects of the process graphics are here
! collected below an object named OperatorCom. The ExternRef
! objects of certain process graphics have then been collected
! below its own $PlantHier object.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object ExternRef $ClassDef 116
......@@ -11,13 +11,23 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! First Order Lag Filter.
! Symbol
! @image orm_filter_fo.gif
! The input signal gets an exponential smoothing.
! VAL = a * In+ (1 - a) * X = X + a (In - X) , where
! X = FeedB, if FeedB is connected, ActValt - 1, otherwise
! a = ScanTime / FiltCon and 0 < a < 1.0. If a >= 1.0
! no filtering is done.
! An external signal may also be used as feedback; e.g.
! @image orm_en1-77.gif
! Example
! If a (= ScanTime / FiltCon ) is small, 0.1 - 0.2, the output gets
! a character of a slowly moving average.
! @image orm_en1-78.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Filter $ClassDef 117
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
! The only difference between Frame, Head, Text, and
! Title is the default values of the attributes.
! @image orm_en1-79.gif
! They are used in Document objects where, for instance,
! Title specifies what the configuration is doing, i.e.
! the function.
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! Specifies if the text is to be surrounded by a some
! kind of frame.
! @image orm_en1-81.gif
Object FrameAttribute $Intern 1
Body SysBody
......@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! The attribute influence the appearance of the text. The
! following values are used: 0, 1, 2, 3.
! @image orm_en1-80.gif
Object TextAttribute $Intern 5
Body SysBody
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
! when a connection is created from an analog input. The object will
! be transformed to its final appearence when it is connected to a
! signal or attribute.
! @image orm_getageneric_fo.gif
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Analog input.
! @image orm_getai_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for a specified Ai-signal
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Analog output.
! @image orm_getao_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for a specified Ao-signal
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Analog parameter.
! @image orm_getap_fo.gif
! Fetches the value of an analog quantity (= pwr_tFloat32
! parameter, in- or output signal) in an arbitrary
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Analog value.
! @image orm_getav_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for a specified Av-signal
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Summary Get a data object.
! Fetches a reference to a data object.
! @image orm_getdata_fo.gif
! The reference is transferred to data inputs of for example
! DataArithm-objects by connecting the output of the GetData
! in the plc editor.
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! when a connection is created from a digital input. The object will
! be transformed to its final appearence when it is connected to a
! signal or attribute.
! @image orm_getdgeneric_fo.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Digital input.
! @image orm_getdi_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for a specified Di-signal
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
! The complete name of the Di-signal has to be supplied;
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Digital output.
! @image orm_getdo_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for a specified Do object
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
! The complete name of the Do-signal has to be supplied;
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Digital parameter.
! @image orm_getdp_fo.gif
! Fetches the value of a digital quantity ( e.g. output
! signal from an object or internal digital variable) in
! arbitrary object.
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get Digital value.
! @image orm_getdv_fo.gif
! Fetches the engineering value for specified Dv-signal
! from I/O-copied area. See PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Get Integer parameter.
! @image orm_getip_fo.gif
! Fetches the value of a 32-, 16- or 8-bits integer
! parameter in arbitrary object.
......@@ -20,6 +21,17 @@
! is a pure address reference,
! contains no relevant information (=data) in rtdb,
! is without executable code.
! Example
! In the example below the value of the integer parameter, AccMod is stored:
! - unconditionally by STOIP
! _ conditionally by CSTOIP
! The value is also unconditionally stored as a pwr_tFloat32 on an attribute
! pwr_float32 in the object named TIC2M
! @image orm_en1-93.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object GetIp $ClassDef 128
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Get Pulse input.
! @image orm_getpi_fo.gif
! Fetches the I/O-copied count value from the pulse
! counter card, i.e. RawValue from a Co object.
! We may use either the RawValue itself (which is a 16 or
......@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
! The name of the object is shown in the button of the
! GetPi-symbol.
! @image orm_en1-95.gif
! The GetPi object
! is a pure address reference,
! contains no relevant information (=data) in rtdb,
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! when a connection is created from a string input. The object will
! be transformed to its final appearence when it is connected to a
! string value or attribute.
! @image orm_getsgeneric_fo.gif
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get String parameter.
! @image orm_getsp_fo.gif
! Fetches the value of a string attribute.
! The attribute can be an in- or output signal in an arbitrary
! object. The size of the attribute has to be 80 bytes or less.
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! Get String value.
! @image orm_getsv_fo.gif
! Fetches the value for specified Sv object.
! The complete name of the Sv-signal has to be supplied;
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! This means that the latest position of the window will
! be used when the window is displayed next time.
! -1, -1 specifies a default position.
! @image orm_en1-96.gif
Object X $Attribute 5
Body SysBody
......@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! Coordinates) which portion of the Model will be
! displayed on a monitor. ( A Model are collections of
! lines, circles etc.)
! @image orm_en1-97.gif
Object GmsX1 $Attribute 8
Body SysBody
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
! @Code rt_plc_io.c
! Converts a 16-bits Gray code value into its decimal
! equivalent.
! @image orm_gray_fo.gif
! The Gray code has the property that a change of the
! output signal one unit can always be accomplished by
......@@ -16,12 +16,20 @@
! The only difference between Frame, Head, Text, and
! Title is the default values of the attributes.
! @image orm_en1-79.gif
! They are used in Document objects where, for instance,
! Title specifies what the configuration is doing, i.e.
! the function.
! Sub-functions are named by Head objects.
! Frame and Text are used to information of details.
! Hints
! A well-done PLC program ought to contain not only objects necessary
! to the computer execution but also objects whose purpose are to make
! the program more easy to understand to later readers. See figure below.
! @image orm_en1-82.gif
! Title, Head and Text Objects Make the Program Easy to Read.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Head $ClassDef 134
......@@ -44,6 +52,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! The attribute influence the appearance of the text. The
! following values are used: 0, 1, 2, 3.
! @image orm_en1-80.gif
Object TextAttribute $Intern 2
Body SysBody
......@@ -53,6 +62,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! Specifies if the text is to be surrounded by a some
! kind of frame.
! @image orm_en1-81.gif
Object FrameAttribute $Intern 3
Body SysBody
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
! / close / 0 but also with the meaning of up / down / 0
! or right / left / 0 or increase / decrease / 0 etc. The
! outputs are time-proportional to the input.
! @image orm_en1-100.gif
! The input signal OutChange is regarded as a control
! error. This error is transformed into a time by
......@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@
! value of Acc does not exceed the dead zone during a
! time specified by MaxTim; the integration is turned off
! at small control errors.
! @image orm_en1-101.gif
! Output Signals from an Inc3P
! So-called timer control, also used by Pos3P objects on
! page 3-287, is discussed in the example below.
......@@ -46,6 +49,21 @@
! DoOpen/DoClose. The outputs and the signals can be set
! by a frequency determined by the PlcPgm object. But
! only the signals may be reset by the timer control.
! Example
! Timer Control of Outputs
! Suppose a flow control with an electrically-activated valve
! with increment/decrement control. The flow signal ( here kalle2)
! exists. One solution is shown in figure below. Note, the
! incremental output of the Pid object is used.
! @image orm_en1-102.gif
! Three step Control without Position Feedback
! The last segment names of the signals named by DoOpen and DoClose
! are shown in the symbol of INC3P0; here Do2 and Do1.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Inc3P $ClassDef 135
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! The first step in a Grafcet-chain.
! @image orm_initstep_fo.gif
! At least one InitStep object has to be included in
! every sequential chain.
......@@ -40,6 +41,22 @@
! or more Stoxx , Setxx or Resxx objects; see figure 3-51
! on page 3-328. It may also be left open or used as an
! ordinary binary signal; see figure 3-22 on page 3-184.
! Examples
! Figure below shows how an InitStep , ISO, may be configured
! in a straight sequential chain. A chain is said to be straight
! if it does not contain any branching.
! @image orm_en1-104.gif
! InitStep Object in a Straight Sequential Chain
! The And object in figure below will be executed every time when
! the PLC program executes. The compilation may result in a warning
! 'No Grafcet standard' because of the connections between the And
! object and the Order respectively InitStep object, but the solution
! works
! @image orm_en1-105.gif
! Example of the Use of Step- and Order Status as an Ordinary Binary Signal
SObject pwrb:Class
Object InitStep $ClassDef 136
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! Logical inverter.
! @image orm_inv_fo.gif
! Inverts a logical signal.
SObject pwrb:Class
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_string.h
! Convert analog value to string.
! @image orm_itostr_fo.gif
! The ItoStr object converts the value of the integer input to
! at string stored in ActVal.
......@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Limits an analog signal up/downwards and signals if a
! limitation has taken place.
! @image orm_limit_fo.gif
! The limits Max and Min may be external signals or
! adjustable parameters.
! @image orm_en1-108.gif
! The input signal may be fixed while one or both limits
! are variable.
! If one of the limits is not wanted the input signal may
......@@ -20,6 +20,113 @@
! found in PROVIEW/R Designer's Guide. Most standard
! lists are a compound of several lists, each controlled
! by a ListDescriptor object.
! Advise about pwr_plc is found in the Help menu of the utility window,
! which is started from the Navigator. The pwr_plc utility may also be
! invoked direct in response to the DCL prompt:
! > pwrc ... and the utility responds with the prompt:
! pwrc>
! The PROVIEW/R distribution is delivered with some pre-configured ListDescriptor
! objects (structures) to perform standard lists. They are found in the Node
! Configuration below the hierarchy Layout-Lists. Commands in the pwr_plc utility
! or the utility window are used to create lists according tothese pre-configured
! ListDescriptor objects.
! If any pre-configured object is to be changed, please move the object named Lists
! and the whole hierarchy below it so that the $System object becomes the new parent
! object instead of the $Layout object. The pwr_plc utility first looks for an object
! named Lists below the $System object and if none is found the searching continues
! below the $Layout object. If any changed pre- configured ListDescriptor objects are
! not moved the modification will be lost at the next change of PROVIEW/R distribution.
! ListDescriptor objects can be arranged in structures to carry out repeated searching.
! @image orm_en1-110.gif
! Several ListDescriptor Objects may be Used to Control a Compound List
! The command
! pwrc> list signals
! starts searching in the work-bench database at the first pass according to the parent
! ListDescriptor object named SignalList, see figure 3-23. Suppose some objects are
! found that satisfy the selection criteria specified by SignalList. The names of these
! objects will be put into a 'parent-list'.
! Each of these selected objects will then be checked against the selection criteria
! now specified by the child ListDescriptor object named Signals (see above) in a
! new searching pass. This will result in a sublist for each object found in the first
! searching, i.e. for each object in the 'parent-list' there will be a sublist.
! Each of the selected objects in the sublist will then be checked against the selection
! criteria specified by the ListDescriptor object named Crossref (see above) in a third
! searching pass. This will result in a further sublist for each object found at the
! second searching.
! The general appearance of a signal list specified according to figure 3-23, will then be:
! @image orm_en1-111.gif
! A (parent) ListDescriptor object may have up to 5 (child) ListDescriptor objects. By
! configuring ListDescriptor objects as children of a ListDescriptor object sublists of
! a sublist are created and so on.
! Searching criteria
! The searching criteria are specified by
! - Hierarchyobject , Name and Class .
! - Deep , Crossreference and Externreference influence the searching.
! The searching is carried out gradually as illustrated below
! @image orm_en1-112.gif
! Note! If Crossreference or Externreference is set in the ListDescriptor object the
! searching will be carried out among all the objects in the work-bench database,
! otherwise only in the quantity of already selected objects.
! List appearance
! Some attributes that influence the list appearance are shown in figure See Last
! Page on a Signal List with Table of Contents. A header is put on the first page of
! the (parent)list if no table of contents is required, otherwise on the last page,
! see figure See Last Page on a Signal List with Table of Contents. 'Descriptor'
! specifies the name of the $ListDescriptor object that controlled the (parent)list
! production; cf. with figure See Several ListDescriptor Objects may be Used to Control
! a Compound List. 'Hierarchy' specifies the object in the hierarchy where the searching
! is to be started and 'System' specifies the name of the PROVIEW/R system.
! The circled object names in the table of contents in figure See Last Page on a
! Signal List with Table of Contents are controlled by the 'SignalList' object,
! figure See Several ListDescriptor Objects may be Used to Control a Compound List,
! and the rest of the table of contents by the object named 'Signals'. TableOfContents,
! TcSegments and TCMarginString are important in this case.
! @image orm_en1-113.gif
! Last Page on a Signal List with Table of Contents
! Different transcriptions
! Two types of transcriptions exist, ordinary and advanced.
! Names of objects that match the search criteria are written in the ordinary
! transcription . Data about the attributes that belong to the listed objects are
! possible to get listed as well.
! Use Parameter to specify individual attributes that are to be written.
! Use Full to get other options.
! An advanced transcription is used to create tables with up to 15 columns. A set
! of attributes is used to define each column; P1ColumnHeader , P1Parameter etc.
! specify column number one. If any PxParameter is specified the advanced
! transcription will be invoked. Some relevant attributes are indicated in
! figure See Example of Advanced Transcription.
! @image orm_en1-114.gif
! Example of Advanced Transcription
! The printing of object names satisfying the selection criteria can also be
! controlled by NoPrint and NoPrintIfNoList .
! The ListDescriptor object exists only in the development environment.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object ListDescriptor $ClassDef 143
......@@ -95,6 +202,16 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! objects arranged in several levels this attribute will
! influence the result.
! Assume that the parent ListDescriptor 'SignalList' in
! figure 'Several ListDescriptor Objects may be Used to
! Control a Compound List' selects a hierarchy as shown below
! @image orm_en1-115.gif
! Which of this objects will be selected according to the
! 2:nd ListDescriptor named 'Signals'? Class specifies which
! class property such objects have to satisfy and Deep if they
! have to reside on a certain level below the selected
! hierarchy or not.
! Assign to Deep the value TRUE if the searching is to be
! done on all levels below the selected hierarchy and
! FALSE if the searching is to be limited to the first
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Max/Min selector.
! @image orm_maxmin_fo.gif
! The Maxmin object chooses the highest respective lowest
! current value among up to 8 input signals where the
! first two may be constants.
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
! Every message handler job needs a MessageHandler
! object.
! @image orm_en1-120.gif
! Message Handler (Mh) Jobs in Different Nodes with their MessageHandler Objects
! If any MessageHandler object is not explicitly
! configured to a node it will likewise be created in the
! runtime system. In this case the attributes are
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
! @Code rt_plc_pid.c
! Used to select control modes (MANUAL / AUTO / CASCADE)
! or forced control of Pid objects.
! @image orm_en1-121.gif
! The control modes are:
! · MANUAL -- when the 'operator' sets the output of the
! Pid object
......@@ -222,13 +223,20 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! = 1 MANUAL. The operator selects the control signal
! of the controller. The control signal is forced
! to the value of ForceVal.
! to the value of ForceVal. MinOut and MaxOut define
! the valid interval of the control signal.
! = 2 AUTO. The operator selects and sets the set
! point value, SetVal.
! MinSet and MaxSet define the valid interval of
! MinSet and MaxSet define the valid interval of SetVal.
! The controller uses SetVal as set point value and
! calculates the control signal.
! = 4 CASCADE. The controller uses XSetVal as set
! point value and calculates the control signal.
! @image orm_en1-122.gif
! Illustrates the Connection between Forced Control and
! Control Modes
Object OpMod $Intern 12
Body SysBody
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
! @Code rt_plc_drive.c
! Motor valve positioner with three operating states and
! supervision of operation time and contactor response.
! @image orm_en1-123.gif
! This object is similar to the Valve object but can
! furthermore be stopped in a continues order, i.e.
! three-level action.
......@@ -23,19 +24,44 @@
! By means of the operation time supervision it is
! possible to detect if the final control element is
! stopped between the two operating states.
! One of three operating modes, LOCAL / MANUAL / AUTO, is
! selected by means of the input signal Local and the
! output signal ManMode in the following way:
! @image orm_en1-124.gif
! In AUTO mode AutoOpen/AutoClose-request remains as long
! as the operation has to continue, else the motion stops
! in some intermediate position.
! If there are conflicting requests the request with the
! highest priority wins; see below.
! @image orm_en1-125.gif
! Contactor alarm, Alarm5 or Alarm 6, stops current
! operation. A new order resets the alarms and initiates
! a new operation.
! Example
! Carriage Operation
! @image orm_en1-126.gif
! The carriage is run only in MANUAL mode.
! Contactor response and motion guard have the same supervision time.
! The supervision of the operation response also have to make an alarm.
! @image orm_en1-127.gif
! MValve Object Used in Motor Control
! Control Valve
! @image orm_en1-127.gif
! Motor Valve Control
! At LowLow-level the valve runs to closed position and at emergency
! stop ( 'nödstopp' in Swedish) all control of the valve stops.
! Alarm at error in contactor response or too long operation time.
! Operational order is broken by activated end limit position.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object MValve $ClassDef 159
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! OR-gate.
! @image orm_or_fo.gif
! OR-gate for up to 8 inputs. Used inputs do not have to
! be chosen consecutively.
! The basic symbol has 2 inputs. By means of the
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! A Grafcet order.
! @image orm_en1-131.gif
! To every sequential step one or more Order objects can
! be connected.
! Activities ( e.g. StoDo, ResDv, And, Or, Wait objects)
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
! window get a WindowOrderact object (see p. 3-395) as
! parent object.
! Note! The object's order list consists of either an
! Note! The object's order list consists of either an
! activity window or one or more Stoxx, Setxx, or Resxx
! objects directly connected to the output of the Order
! object. Remainder objects (e.g. And, Or, Wait, etc.)
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
! executes independent of the state of step or Order
! object.
! Note! Code in the object's order list (see figure 3-34) is
! Note! Code in the object's order list (see figure 3-34) is
! executing as long as the step, to which the order
! belongs to, is active or the order ( if stored) is
! active. The last execution of the order list will be
......@@ -72,6 +72,62 @@
! as parent object.
! Opposite to an activity window a conditional window is
! evaluated each time when the PLC program executes.
! Example
! Figure below illustrates the use of Order objects:
! - Several orders (Ord0, Ord1, ... ) can be connected to a step, here S0.
! - Single activities can be connected direct to a step without any
! intermediate order, see the signals Do1 and Do2.
! - Several activities can be connected to an Order object; in this case
! two activities are connected to the Ord0 object e.g.
! @image orm_en1-132.gif
! Example in the Use of Order Objects
! - The thick vertical line in Ord5 indicates that the object has an underlying
! sub-window, in this case an activity window . Such a window is shown in the
! PLC Editor by Shift/MB1 and a double clicking in the right part of the Order
! object.
! - Do1 will be set as long as S0 is active. The SetDo function implies latching
! and the Do1-signal remains set even when S0 becomes inactive. The Do1's SetDo
! is not included in any order list.
! - Since StoDo for Do2 is not included in any order list it will execute each
! time when the PLC program executes. Do2 gets status according to the step
! - Do0 will be set when S0 becomes active. Because Ord1 has an S-order attribute
! it will remain set even when S0 becomes inactive. Do0 is not cleared before
! the ORD1 object is reset by a Reset_SO object; cf. Do2.
! - Dv1 and Dv4 are not set at once when the step S0 becomes active. The Ord0
! object is supplied with D and C attributes. In the beginning there is a delay,
! the duration is specified by the Attribute Editor, and then a condition Dv3
! follows. If S0 is active, the delay has elapsed, and the condition is satisfied
! Dv1 is set. Since the Set-function has latching the Dv-signal remains set also
! when S0 becomes inactive. When the delay has elapsed the Dv4-signal follows the
! condition Dv3 as long as the step is active.
! - The thick vertical line in Ord4 indicates that the order has an underlying
! sub-window, in this case a conditional window . If Ord4 is active, the condition
! is satisfied, and DI1 is not set Dv2 will be set, otherwise Dv2 is cleared. And0
! is not in the object's order list. A conditional window is opened in the following
! way: Specify in the object a C-attribute by means of the Attribute Editor. The
! conditional window is opened from the PLC Editor by Shift/MB1 and double clicking
! in the left part of the Order object.
! - Figure See Step and Order with Activity Window shows a part of a sequential chain.
! ORD0 indicates an activity window, and this is shown to the right.
! @image orm_en1-133.gif
! Step and Order with Activity Window
! Suppose that the PLC program executes by the frequency 10 Hz and the signals
! Av1=Av2=0. ORD1 sees that the active status of the step lasts for 5 seconds. Which
! value did Av1 and Av2 get then? The order list begins to execute as soon as the
! step becomes active. Av1 will be increased and stored 20 times when the status of
! Ord0 is FALSE and then 30 times when the status of Ord0 is TRUE. Since the step
! becomes inactive the order list is executed one another time with the order status
! FALSE. This means that Av1 = 51. Av2 is stored only when order status is TRUE,
! which makes Av2 = 30.
! To make use of the delay in a D-order either an OrderAct object as in the case with
! ORD0 or the status of the order as with ORD1 is used. Also remember that: as long
! as the step is active the order list will execute independent of the order status .
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Order $ClassDef 166
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! Fetches from an activity window the status of an
! associated Order object.
! @image orm_orderact_fo.gif
! An order list is executing as long as the step, to
! which the order belongs to, is active or the order ( if
! stored) is active. The last execution of the order list
......@@ -14,13 +14,36 @@
! varies in the time. The binary output has a
! pulse-proportional relay action in the dead zone, if
! MinOut < MaxOut, else on/off-action with hysteresis.
! @image orm_en1-135.gif
! The digit 2 in the object name comes from the output
! which may have two distinct values with a two-step
! action; e.g. full on / full off but also with the
! meaning of open / closed, forward / backward, or right
! / left etc.
! Two cases exist:
! 1. MinOut < MaxOut
! If OutVal < MinOut the Order is always FALSE and if OutVal > MaxOut the Order is always TRUE.
! @image orm_en1-136.gif
! When MinOut = OutVal = MaxOut the output, Order, has a pulse-proportional relay action
! with the cycle time Period .
! At pulse-proportional relay control the proportion between On/off is the same as the
! proportion of (OutVal - MinOut) / (MaxOut - MinOut)
! This quotient is updated at every scanning. If a period starts with an on-state it will
! remain until,
! (OutVal(t) - MinOut) / (MaxOut(t) - MinOut(t) * Period = time from last change of state
! After this it will be off-state until,
! 1 - (OutVal(t) - MinOut) / (MaxOut(t) - MinOut(t) * Period = time from last change of state
! 2. MinOut = MaxOut gives the output an on/off-action with hysteresis, likewise a combined
! Compl and Comph object
! @image orm_en1-140.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Out2P $ClassDef 168
......@@ -129,7 +152,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
Attr graphindex = 0
Attr default_mask[0] = 1
Attr default_mask[1] = 1
Attr segname_annotation = 0
Attr segname_annotation = 1
Attr compmethod = 4
Attr compindex = 0
Attr executeordermethod = 2
......@@ -146,3 +169,12 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_pid.c
! Implements the robust PID control algorithm.
! @image orm_en1-141.gif
! In the normal case the Pid object is used together with
! the Mode object. The Mode object plays the part of an
! interface for the Pid object. From the Mode object it
......@@ -40,6 +41,149 @@
! To handle and adjust the controller there are two more
! info forms containing e.g. a time diagram with process
! value, setpoint value and output signal.
! Examples
! Flow Control
! Flow control by speed control of a pump; see figure See Speed Control of a Pump.
! The set point value is set from an external optimising program (the Av signal
! OptFlow) once / 10 minutes e.g., or direct by an operator.
! Starts with the control signal 0 at pump start.
! @image orm_en1-151.gif
! Speed Control of a Pump
! A solution in principle to control the pump is shown in figure 3-36
! @image orm_en1-152.gif
! Configuration of Speed Control of a Pump
! The Mode object is configured as follows:
! @image orm_en1-153.gif
! The Pid object is configured as follows:
! @image orm_en1-154.gif
! The input signal Force1 and the parameter OpMod in the Mode object shows the
! current operational mode.
! OpMod = MANUAL (=1)
! The output signal Force from the Mode object becomes TRUE. The Pid
! object is forced to the value of ForcVal.
! At the switching time, AUTO --> MANUAL, ForcVal has the value of the
! last control signal OutVal. This value is a good initial value to start upon
! in a manual increase/decrease session.
! In this mode the operator can change ForcVal as well as the set point
! value SetVal.
! MinOut and MaxOut, in the Pid object, represent no limitation at all in
! the MANUAL mode.
! OpMod = AUTO (=2)
! The operator sets and changes the flow set point value SetVal. The value
! has to be in the interval of MinSet and MaxSet. The optimising set point
! value XSetVal is ignored.
! The controller's control signal OutVal varies in the interval 10 -100.
! The Mode object reads in the Pid object the last value of OutVal and
! stores it in the output signal ForcVal as long as this mode continues.
! OpMod = CASCADE (=4)
! The optimising external set point value XSetVal is copied into SetVal.
! The Pid object controls against this set point value..
! Force1 = 1 PUMP STOP
! Independent of the value of OpMod the control signal of the controller is
! forced against ForcVal = XForcVal (=0), i.e. MinOut and MaxOut
! represent no limitation at all at forced control.
! Alternate Controllers with Tracking
! @image orm_en1-155.gif
! Shunt Control
! Through shunt control by the heat exchanger, the TT1-temperature in the
! secondary loop will be kept constant. The TT2-temperature of the return
! flow to the boiler may not be below the dewpoint, which may be the case
! at high power consumption.
! At low primary temperature TT2-control is selected. When the operating
! conditions allows, the control is focused on TT1 again.
! In MANUAL mode the shunt valve is fed by the TT1-controller. TIC2 may not
! be set in MANUAL mode. See figure See PLC program with Alternative Controllers.
! Adjustments
! ... in the Mode object TIC1M have been selected:
! AccMod = 3 , i.e. AUTO / MANUAL are allowed modes.
! OpMod = AUTO means that the operator sets the set point value in SetVal
! = MANUAL means that the operator sets the output signal ForcVal
! ... in the Pid object TIC1 has been selected:
! Inverse = TRUE, i.e. low TT1-temperature implies an increasing flow through the heat exchanger.
! ... in the Mode object TIC2M have been selected:
! AccMod = 2 , i.e. only AUTO
! The designer sets the limit value, i.e. the minimum of TT2 in SetVal
! ... in the Pid object TIC2 has been selected:
! Inverse = FALSE, i.e. reverse control action, at low TT2-temperatures the
! flow through the heat exchanger decreases, the by-pass increases.
! @image orm_en1-156.gif
! PLC program with Alternative Controllers
! Operating conditions:
! Normal operating conditions. TIC1 in AUTO. TIC2 follows in forced control.
! TT2 low. TIC2 is switched to AUTO, and TIC1 follows in forced control.
! TIC1M in MANUAL. TIC1 chooses the value of TICM. ForcVal as output
! TIC2 follows in forced control.
! TIC2 returns to AUTO when TT2 goes below the limit.
! The flow through the heat exchanger is enough to put the TT1 above the set
! point value. Switches to TT1-control, i.e. TIC1 controls the shunt valve.
! Cascade Control
! Temperature control in a furnace with two separate fuel loops, apart from
! the control of combustion air for the furnace, is shown in figure See Block
! Diagram Temperature Control. TT is the temperature transmitter, FT the flow
! transmitters, and FIC the flow controllers. TIC is a temperature controller
! @image orm_en1-157.gif
! Block Diagram Temperature Control
! All the Pid objects have Inverse set to TRUE. Forced control with average
! flow ought to be added to TIC1M, when none of the flow controllers is in
! cascade. An implementation is shown in figure See Traditional Cascade Configuration.
! @image orm_en1-158.gif
! Traditional Cascade Configuration
! Common or Individual Control of Several Control Loops
! In figure 3-41 two control loops share a common Mode object to a synchronous
! behaviour in AUTO and MANUAL mode. But every single loop can also be controlled
! individually from separate Mode objects with an internal set point and its own
! manual output signal. The individual control overrides the common one.
! @image orm_en1-159.gif
! Two Levels with Mode Objects in a Control Loop
! Ratio Control
! Figure See Addition of a Reagent shows addition of a reagent. The ratio of the
! mixing is to be kept constant and independent of the FT2-flow. FT is the flow
! transmitter and FIC the flow controller.
! @image orm_en1-160.gif
! Addition of a Reagent
! An implementation is shown in figure See Ratio Control. The control can be made
! in AUTO (= the operator sets the ratio set point value) or MANUAL ( = the
! operator sets the control signal to adjust the valve position). The ratio
! process value ought to be checked against division by zero.
! @image orm_en1-161.gif
! Ratio Control
SObject pwrb:Class
Object PID $ClassDef 174
......@@ -561,6 +705,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! Specifies the hysteresis on MinOut and MaxOut in
! connection with the handling of EndMin/EndMax.
! @image orm_en1-144.gif
Object EndHys $Intern 47
Body SysBody
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
! @Code rt_plc_io.c
! Translates a pulse counter value into an engineering
! value, e.g. position, volume etc.
! @image orm_en1-162.gif
! Suppose the engineering value is a position. The actual
! position is then calculated at every scanning by means
! of the straight line equation
......@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
! saved position, PosCal1, at calibration point 1. The
! Gain factor is either specified or calculated by means
! of a second calibration point, calibration point 2.
! @image orm_en1-163.gif
! How to carry out the calibrations is described below
! under Calibration.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Derivative a pulse Pi-signal.
! @image orm_pispeed_fo.gif
! Converts a pulse signal, e.g. volume to flow, distance
! to velocity, etc.
! The pulse difference becomes correct even if the input
......@@ -27,12 +27,20 @@
! Between samples in a slowly sampled graph interpolation
! takes place.
! Hints
! Hints
! The buttons 'Trend' and 'Fast' in the operator
! environment display both lists of those PlotGroup objects
! ( or graphs) that are available on the node independent
! of the user. Which list a specific PlotGroup object
! belongs to depends of Trend.
! The users 'Host' and 'Process', according to figure below, will
! get lists with the same appearance but by grouping the PlotGroup
! objects in separate hierarchies is it possible to the designer to
! indicate which 'graphs' concern 'Host' respectively 'Process'
! @image orm_en1-170.gif
! Configuration of PlotGroup Objects
SObject pwrb:Class
Object PlotGroup $ClassDef 178
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
! PosFlank specifies which ActualValue transition that
! will initiate a pulse. If a positive or negative pulse
! is generated depend on PosPulse.
! @image orm_en1-171.gif
! ActualValue is handled e.g. from application programs
! by the system call: gdh_SetObjectInfo(...)
! If ResetActualValue = TRUE, PROVIEW will restore
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
! the digit 3 on the fact that the output signals specify
! one of three distinct orders e.g. increase / decrease /
! 0.
! @image orm_en1-178.gif
! Exactly as for Inc3P it is possible to govern by means
! of the outputs Open / Close and/or the signals named by
! DoOpen/DoClose. The outputs and the signals may be set
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
! dead zones specified by ErrSo and ErrSta. The dead zone
! prevents cycles from repeating to rapidly and becoming
! destructive to the equipment.
! @image orm_en1-179.gif
! The duration of the DoOpen/DoClose signals, the pulse
! length, is equal to
......@@ -44,6 +46,19 @@
! It is possible to use the outputs Open / Close and the
! signals named by DoOpen/DoClose at the same time.
! Example
! Timer Control of Outputs
! Suppose a flow control with an electrically-activated valve
! with increment/decrement control. The flow signal (here kalle2)
! and the valve position (Ai1) exist. One solution is shown in
! figure below. Note that positional output of the Pid object is
! used. The presence of a Curve object can be motivated by a strong
! non-linear valve characteristic.
! @image orm_en1-180.gif
! Three Step Control with Position Feedback.
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Pos3P $ClassDef 182
......@@ -11,13 +11,55 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_drive.c
! Positioner.
! @image orm_en1-172.gif
! The positioning is carried out, without any hysteresis,
! by the output signals Order1 and Order2.
! One of two operating modes, MANUAL / AUTO, is selected
! by means of the output signal ManMode in the following
! way:
! ...
! @image orm_en1-173.gif
! MANUAL The MANUAL mode is thought to be handled from the object\s display.
! * A set point value is set in SetPos.
! * The positioning is started by setting PosOn to TRUE.
! * The positioning is finished of different reasons:
! @image orm_en1-174.gif
! - the process value has been within the dead-zone intervals,
! i.e. the target range, during a time specified by TimerTime.
! - PosOn becomes FALSE.
! - (the input signal) Reset becomes TRUE.
! The positioning starts on a leading edge on the input signal AutoPos.
! It can be finished of different reasons:
! - TimerTime > 0. The process value has been within the dead zone
! intervals, i.e. the target range, during a time specified by TimerTime.
! A new positioning process is triggered by a leading edge on AutoPos,
! i.e. not because PosVal is outside the target range.
! - TimerTime = 0. The positioning is never finished but continues to
! follow SetPos until Reset becomes TRUE.
! - (the input signal) Reset becomes TRUE.
! Example
! Position Controlled Carriage.
! By means of a push button the positioning starts, and the carriage runs
! to a set point value set by a potentiometer. The positioning is to be
! interrupted after 5 seconds in the 'target' range.
! @image orm_en1-176.gif
! Position Control
! The direction of the carriage is directed by Order1 or Order2 and the
! speed by an analog reference. The speed ought to be slow near the set
! point value and this is done by a lower value of the reference.
! @image orm_en1-177.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Posit $ClassDef 183
......@@ -177,6 +219,7 @@ SObject pwrb:Class
! The values, which have to be >= 0, specify the lower and
! the upper end in the 'target' range.
! @image orm_en1-175.gif
Object DeadZone1 $Intern 11
Body SysBody
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_logic.h
! One-shot pulse with variable width.
! @image orm_pulse_fo.gif
! The object produces, on a leading edge on the input, a
! pulse with the duration specified by TimerTime.
......@@ -19,12 +20,14 @@
! propagating a pulse, the pulse is extended, as the
! pulse period, TimerTime, is counted from the last
! leading edge of the input signal.
! Hints
! @image orm_en1-182.gif
! Hints
! If a reset function is needed instead of a pulse with a
! certain period the pulse can be realized by a Wait, And,
! Or, Edge, and a SR_R object.
! @image orm_en1-183.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Pulse $ClassDef 184
......@@ -11,12 +11,25 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Limits a quantity's rate of change.
! @image orm_ramp_fo.gif
! Separate limit rates at increase respectively decrease;
! RampUp and RampDown.
! Sets du = RampUp * ScanTime and dn = RampDown * ScanTime.
! An input signal determines the output signal in the following way
! @image orm_en1-185.gif
! An external signal may also be used as feedback. See example below.
! Example
! An external signal may also be used as feedback.
! In this example an external signal is connected to the FB-input of
! the Ramp object. The feedback connection from the Select object to
! the Ramp object is of the type analog feedback.
! As long as Control is FALSE the output of the Select object is
! ramped up and down. When Control is TRUE the output gets the constant
! value of RampUp ScanTime .
! @image orm_en1-186.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Ramp $ClassDef 189
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Reset Digital input.
! @image orm_resdi_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the specified local
! Di-signal is cleared at the execution, otherwise there
! will be no effect on the Di-signal.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Reset Digital output.
! @image orm_resdo_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the specified local
! Do-signal is cleared at the execution, otherwise there
! will be no effect on the Do-signal.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Reset Digital parameter.
! @image orm_resdo_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the value of the specified
! local digital quantity
! ( e.g. internal digital variable in an arbitrary
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Reset digital value
! @image orm_resdv_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the specified local
! Dv-signal is cleared at the execution, otherwise there
! will be no effect on the Dv-signal.
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! Resets a stored Grafcet order when the input is TRUE.
! @image orm_reset_so_fo.gif
! If the Order object has no S-order attribute nothing
! will happens.
! Usually, the Reset_SO is located in a Grafcet program,
......@@ -18,6 +20,18 @@
! located in an ordinary PLC program.
! Contains no relevant information (=data) in rtdb.
! Hints
! One way to specify the complete name of the Order object in the Reset_SO object is to:
! - Selects, in the Navigator, the actual Order object.
! - Double click with Ctrl/ MB1 (= the left button of a 3-button mouse)
! on the right part of the Reset_SO's symbol.
! - The last segment name of the Order object is then shown in the symbol
! of Reset_SO. In figure below the last segment name of the Order object is Ord1.
! @image orm_reset_so_1.gif
! Reset of an S-order
SObject pwrb:Class
Object Reset_SO $ClassDef 194
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_div.h
! Fetches the scantime of the current thread.
! @image orm_scantime_fo.gif
SObject pwrb:Class
Object ScanTime $ClassDef 278
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_arithm.c
! Selects one out of two analog quantities.
! @image orm_en1-193.gif
! The selected value is controlled by a binary quantity
! in the following way:
! VAL = HIG and NOT = LOW, if con(trol) is TRUE
......@@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
! @Code rt_plc_macro_grafcet.h
! Stores, in the associated object, i.e. an Order or
! Trans object, the status of a conditional window.
! @image orm_setcond_fo.gif
! A conditional window is used by Trans objects and Order
! objects with C-order attribute. For instance, the
! result of a combinational circuit is stored by a
! SetCond object.
! SetCond object. See figure below.
! @image orm_en1-195.gif
! SetCond in a Conditional Window
! A conditional window is executing each time when the
! PLC program executes.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Set Digital input.
! @image orm_setdi_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the specified local
! Di-signal is set at the execution, otherwise there will
! be no effect on the Di-signal.
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Set Digital output.
! @image orm_setdo_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the specified local
! Do-signal is set at the execution, otherwise there will
! be no effect on the Do-signal.
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
! @Version 1.0
! @Code rt_plc_macro_io.h
! Set Digital parameter.
! @image orm_setdp_fo.gif
! If the input signal is TRUE, the value of the specified
! local digital quantity
! ( e.g. internal digital variable in an arbitrary
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