Commit 866d9051 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

GitLab Software Release - first version

Hello up there,

Here comes SlapOS port of GitLab. We start from GitLab 8.2.X as that is what we
currently run on KVM on, so that our data can be
straightforwardly migrated.

The SR compiles all needed software and organized all (sub-)services in one
partition and interconnects them with unix sockets for security and speed
reasons (see patch "gitlab: Make a plan to base instance layout on
gitlab-omnibus and to interconnect all internal services").

Services configuration files are originally taken from omnibus-gitlab
"distribution" and incrementally ported to slapos variant. This way we
establish a (imho) good path on how to track upstream changes and minimize our
delta & effort supporting it.

GitLab itself is patched (above patches that were already applied by upstream):

  - to support HTTP(S) only
  - to show site's ICP number
  - to speedup raw blob downloading ~ 17x times
    ( see patch "gitlab: Optimize raw blob downloading" for details and )

Overall it should work and we should finally be able to migrate slapos.git
(because of raw blob downloading is not slow now) to GitLab and all other
Nexedi git repositories.



Somewhat outdated, but this picture on GitLab architecture might help to
understand how parts are glued together:


Native resiliency is not implemented yet, but we should be able to use gitlab
inside resilient webrunner already.

/proposed-for-review-on nexedi/slapos!39
/partly-reviewed-by @kazuhiko, @jerome, @Yanni, @jp
/cc @rafael, @jm
parents 3f4cde22 729be3b8
# Upstream parameters for a GitLab instance
# Selected parameters - main ones - names and advanced defaults taken from omnibus-gitlab
# TODO better autogenerate from ^^^ (?)
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
configuration.external_url =
# db advanced
configuration.db_pool = 10
# rack-attack
configuration.rate_limit_requests_per_period = 10
configuration.rate_limit_period = 60
configuration.time_zone = UTC
configuration.email_enabled = true
configuration.email_from =
configuration.email_display_name = GitLab
configuration.email_reply_to =
configuration.smtp_enable = true
configuration.smtp_address = smtp.server
configuration.smtp_port = 465
configuration.smtp_user_name = smtp user
configuration.smtp_password = smtp password
configuration.smtp_domain =
configuration.smtp_authentication = login
configuration.smtp_enable_starttls_auto = true
# none | peer | client_once | fail_if_no_peer_cert -> see gitlab-omnibus links at top
configuration.smtp_openssl_verify_mode = peer
configuration.default_can_create_group = true
configuration.username_changing_enabled = true
configuration.default_theme = 2
configuration.default_projects_features.issues = true
configuration.default_projects_features.merge_requests = true = true
configuration.default_projects_features.snippets = true
# NOTE can be public|private|internal
configuration.default_projects_features.visibility_level= public
#configuration.default_projects_features.builds = false
configuration.webhook_timeout = 10
# 0 means forever (seconds)
configuration.backup_keep_time = 0
# NOTE empty = default gitlab limits
configuration.git_max_size =
configuration.git_timeout =
# sidekiq
configuration.sidekiq_shutdown_timeout = 4
configuration.sidekiq_concurrency = 25
configuration.sidekiq_memory_killer_max_rss = 1000000
# unicorn
configuration.unicorn_worker_timeout = 60
configuration.unicorn_worker_processes = 2
# unicorn advanced
configuration.unicorn_backlog_socket = 1024
configuration.unicorn_worker_memory_limit_min = 200*(1024**2)
configuration.unicorn_worker_memory_limit_max = 250*(1024**2)
# nginx
configuration.nginx_client_max_body_size = 250m
# NOTE: we don't really need old ciphers - usually we talk directly to frontend only
configuration.nginx_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = on
configuration.nginx_ssl_protocols = TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
# the following is gitlab-omnibus default but not nginx's default
configuration.nginx_ssl_session_cache = builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m
configuration.nginx_ssl_session_timeout = 5m
configuration.nginx_proxy_read_timeout = 300
configuration.nginx_proxy_connect_timeout = 300
# nginx advanced
configuration.nginx_worker_processes = 4
configuration.nginx_worker_connections = 10240
configuration.nginx_log_format = $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"
configuration.nginx_sendfile = on
configuration.nginx_tcp_nopush = on
configuration.nginx_tcp_nodelay = on
configuration.nginx_gzip = on
configuration.nginx_gzip_http_version = 1.0
configuration.nginx_gzip_comp_level = 2
configuration.nginx_gzip_proxied = any
configuration.nginx_gzip_types = text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/json
configuration.nginx_keepalive_timeout = 65
#!{{ bash_bin }}
# start up gitlab's unicorn with first making sure db is properly setup and all
# migrations are up as pre-condition.
RAKE={{ gitlab_rake }}
die() {
echo "$*" 1>&2
exit 1
# 1. what to do when instance is initially setup
# see
# initial db setup
pgtables="$({{ psql_bin }} \
-h {{ pgsql['pgdata-directory'] }} \
-U {{ pgsql.superuser }} \
-d {{ pgsql.dbname }} \
-c '\d')" || die "pg query problem"
if echo "$pgtables" | grep -q '^No relations found' ; then
$RAKE db:schema:load db:seed_fu || die "initial db setup failed"
# re-build ssh keys
# (we do not use them - just for cleannes)
force=yes $RAKE gitlab:shell:setup || die "gitlab:shell:setup failed"
# 2. what to do when instance is upgraded
# see
# Assets compilation is handled at instance deployment time. We do everything else here.
# make sure all migrations are up
migrate_log="{{ log_dir }}/db-migrate-`date +%s`.log"
$RAKE db:migrate >$migrate_log 2>&1 || die "db:migrate failed"
# if it was a no-op "migration" - we don't need info about that - only keep
# logs of actual migration run.
test -s $migrate_log || rm $migrate_log
# clear cache
$RAKE cache:clear || die "cache:clear failed"
# 3. finally exec to unicorn
exec {{ gitlab_unicorn }} \
-E production \
-c {{ unicorn_rb.rendered }} \
{{ gitlab_work.location }}/
# GitLab instance
# NOTE instance/software layout is inspired by gitlab omnibus
# NOTE all services are interconnected via unix sockets - because of easier
# security and performance reasons (unix has 2x less latency and more
# throughput compared to tcp over loopback).
extends = {{ gitlab_parameters_cfg }}
parts =
# gitlab-<prog>
# ? mailroom
{% set gitlab_progv = 'rails rake unicorn sidekiq unicorn-startup' .split() %}
{% for prog in gitlab_progv %}
gitlab-{{ prog }}
{% endfor %}
# std stuff for slapos instance
eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true
# GitLab instance parameters #
# std stuff to fetch slapos instance parameters
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
computer= ${slap-connection:computer-id}
url = ${slap-connection:server-url}
key = ${slap-connection:key-file}
cert = ${slap-connection:cert-file}
# autogenerated gitlab instance parameters
<= gitlab-parameters
# adjust/override some default settings:
# automatically load all available CPUs
configuration.unicorn_worker_processes = {{ multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1 }}
configuration.nginx_worker_processes = {{ multiprocessing.cpu_count() }}
# gitlab non-native parameters
configuration.icp_license =
# for convenience
recipe = slapos.cookbook:urlparse
url = ${instance-parameter:configuration.external_url}
host = ${instance-parameter:ipv6-random}
port = 7777
# whether to use http or https - determined by external url
url = ${external-url:scheme}://[${:host}]:${:port}
# current slapuserX
user = {{ pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] }}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
backend_url = ${backend-info:url}
# GitLab instance setup #
# 1. directories
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
home = ${buildout:directory}
bin = ${:home}/bin
etc = ${:home}/etc
var = ${:home}/var
log = ${:var}/log
run = ${:var}/run
srv = ${:home}/srv
# slapos startup/service/promise scripts live here:
startup = ${:etc}/run
service = ${:etc}/service
promise = ${:etc}/promise
promise.slow = ${:promise}.slow
# gitlab: etc/ log/ ...
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etc = ${directory:etc}/gitlab
log = ${directory:log}/gitlab
var = ${directory:var}/gitlab
tmp = ${:var}/tmp
uploads = ${:var}/uploads
assets = ${:var}/assets
backup = ${directory:var}/backup
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
repositories = ${directory:var}/repositories
# gitlab wants it to be drwxrws---
# FIXME setting such mode with :mkdirectory is not possible, because mkdir(2)
# does & 0777 and also there is umask. So we workaround:
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = yes
repositories = ${gitlab-repo-dir:repositories}
command = chmod 02770 ${:repositories}
etc = ${gitlab-dir:etc}
log = ${gitlab-dir:log}
var = ${gitlab-dir:var}
tmp = ${gitlab-dir:tmp}
uploads = ${gitlab-dir:uploads}
assets = ${gitlab-dir:assets}
backup = ${gitlab-dir:backup}
repositories = ${gitlab-repo-xdir:repositories}
# gitlab-shell: etc/ log/ gitlab_shell_secret ...
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etc = ${directory:etc}/gitlab-shell
log = ${directory:log}/gitlab-shell
etc = ${gitlab-shell-dir:etc}
log = ${gitlab-shell-dir:log}
secret = ${secrets:secrets}/gitlab_shell_secret
# place to keep all secrets
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
secrets = ${directory:var}/secrets
mode = 0700
# 2. configuration files
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
extensions =
mode = 0640
import-list =
rawfile {{ macrolib_cfg_in }}
context =
raw autogenerated # This file was autogenerated. (DO NOT EDIT - changes will be lost)
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
section backend_info backend-info
import urlparse urlparse
raw git {{ git }}
context-extra =
<= etc-template
rendered= ${gitlab:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= etc-template
rendered= ${nginx:etc}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= gitlab-etc-template
template = {{ config_ru_in }}
<= gitlab-etc-template
template= {{ database_yml_in }}
context-extra =
section pgsql service-postgresql
<= etc-template
template= {{ gitconfig_in }}
# NOTE put directly into $HOME/ - this way git will pick it up
rendered= ${directory:home}/.${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= etc-template
template= {{ gitlab_shell_config_yml_in }}
rendered= ${gitlab-shell:etc}/config.yml
context-extra =
import urllib urllib
section gitlab gitlab
section gitlab_shell gitlab-shell
section unicorn unicorn
section service_redis service-redis
raw redis_binprefix {{ redis_binprefix }}
<= gitlab-etc-template
template= {{ gitlab_yml_in }}
context-extra =
import urllib urllib
section gitlab gitlab
section gitlab_shell gitlab-shell
section gitlab_shell_work gitlab-shell-work
<= nginx-etc-template
template= {{ nginx_conf_in }}
context-extra =
section directory directory
raw nginx_mime_types {{ nginx_mime_types }}
raw nginx_gitlab_http_conf ${nginx-gitlab-http.conf:rendered}
<= nginx-etc-template
template= {{ nginx_gitlab_http_conf_in }}
context-extra =
section nginx nginx
section gitlab_work gitlab-work
section gitlab_workhorse gitlab-workhorse
section unicorn unicorn
<= gitlab-etc-template
template = {{ rack_attack_rb_in }}
<= gitlab-etc-template
template= {{ resque_yml_in }}
context-extra =
section redis service-redis
<= gitlab-etc-template
template= {{ smtp_settings_rb_in }}
# contains smtp password
mode = 0600
<= gitlab-etc-template
template = {{ unicorn_rb_in }}
context-extra =
section unicorn unicorn
section directory directory
section gitlab_work gitlab-work
# 3. bin/
# gitlab-<prog>
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
# NOTE $HOME needed to pick gitconfig
environment =
BUNDLE_GEMFILE = {{ gitlab_repository_location }}/Gemfile
HOME = ${directory:home}
RAILS_ENV = production
SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_MAX_RSS = ${instance-parameter:configuration.sidekiq_memory_killer_max_rss}
# NOTE sys.argv[1:] implicitly appended
# (by slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute.generic_exec() at runtime)
command-line =
{{ bundler_4gitlab }} exec sh -c
'cd ${gitlab-work:location} && ${:prog} "$@"' ${:prog}
{% for prog in gitlab_progv %}
[gitlab-{{ prog }}]
<= gitlab-bin
prog = {{ prog }}
{% endfor %}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
mode = 0755
template= {{ gitlab_unicorn_startup_in }}
rendered= ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
context =
raw bash_bin {{ bash_bin }}
raw gitlab_rake ${gitlab-rake:wrapper-path}
raw gitlab_unicorn ${gitlab-unicorn:wrapper-path}
raw psql_bin {{ postgresql_location }}/bin/psql
section pgsql service-postgresql
raw log_dir ${gitlab:log}
section unicorn_rb unicorn.rb
section gitlab_work gitlab-work
# 4. gitlab- & gitlab-shell- work directories
# Gitlab/Rails operation is tightened that config/ lives inside code, which goes
# against having ability to create several instances configured differently
# from 1 SR.
# One possibility to overcome this could be to make another Gitlab root
# symbolically linked to original SR _and_ several configuration files
# symbolically linked to instance place. Unfortunately this does not work -
# Ruby determines realpath on module import and Gitlab and Rails lookup config
# files relative to imported modules.
# we clone cloned gitlab and add proper links to vendor/bundle and instance
# config files.
# XXX there is no need for full clone - we only need worktree checkout (a-la `git
# worktree add`, but without creating files in original clone)
# This way Gitlab/Rails still think they work in 1 code / 1 instance way,
# and we can reuse SR.
# XXX better do such tricks with bind mounting, but that requires user namespaces
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = yes
location = ${directory:home}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
command =
# make sure we start from well-defined empty state
# (needed e.g. if previous install failed in the middle)
rm -rf ${:location} &&
# init work repository and add `software` remote pointing to main repo in SR software/...
{{ git }} init ${:location} &&
cd ${:location} &&
{{ git }} remote add software ${:software} &&
update-command =
cd ${:location} &&
{{ git }} fetch software &&
{{ git }} reset --hard `cd ${:software} && {{ git }} rev-parse HEAD` &&
# NOTE there is no need to link/create .gitlab_shell_secret - we set path to it
# in gitlab & gitlab-shell configs, and gitlab creates it on its first start
<= work-base
software = {{ gitlab_repository_location }}
tune-command =
# secret* tmp/ log/
rm -f .secret &&
rm -f &&
rm -rf log tmp &&
ln -sf ${secrets:secrets}/gitlab_rails_secret .secret &&
ln -sf ${} &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:log} log &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:tmp} tmp &&
# config/
cd config &&
ln -sf ${unicorn.rb:rendered} unicorn.rb &&
ln -sf ${gitlab.yml:rendered} gitlab.yml &&
ln -sf ${database.yml:rendered} database.yml &&
ln -sf ${resque.yml:rendered} resque.yml &&
ln -sf ${secrets:secrets}/gitlab_secrets.yml secrets.yml &&
# config/initializers/
cd initializers &&
ln -sf ${rack_attack.rb:rendered} rack_attack.rb &&
ln -sf ${smtp_settings.rb:rendered} smtp_settings.rb &&
# public/
cd ../../public &&
rm -rf uploads assets &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:uploads} uploads &&
ln -sf ${gitlab:assets} assets &&
# ----//---- for gitlab-shell
<= work-base
software = {{ gitlab_shell_repository_location }}
tune-command =
ln -sf ${gitlab-shell-config.yml:rendered} config.yml &&
# 5. services
# [promise-<something>] to generate promise wrapper <something>
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = !py! '${directory:promise}/' + '${:_buildout_section_name_}'[8:]
# [promise-<something>] to check <something> by url
recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_url_available
path = !py! '${directory:promise}/' + '${:_buildout_section_name_}'[8:]
dash_path = {{ bash_bin }}
curl_path = {{ curl_bin }}
http_code = 200
# Postgresql db #
# XXX gitlab-omnibus also tunes:
# - shared_buffers
# - work_mem
# - checkpoint_*
# - effective_check_size
# - lc_* en_US.UTF-8 -> C (?)
recipe = slapos.cookbook:postgres
bin = {{ postgresql_location }}/bin
services= ${directory:service}
dbname = gitlabhq_production
# NOTE db name must match to what was used in KVM on (restore script grants access to this user)
superuser = gitlab-psql
# no password - pgsql will listen only on unix sockets (see below) thus access
# is protected with filesystem-level permissions.
# ( besides, if we use slapos.cookbook:generate.password and do `password = ...`
# the password is stored in plain text in .installed and thus becomes insecure )
pgdata-directory = ${directory:srv}/postgresql
# empty addresses - listen only on unix socket
ipv4 = !py!set([])
ipv6 = !py!set([])
ipv6-random =
port =
depend =
<= promise-wrapper
command-line =
{{ postgresql_location }}/bin/psql
-h ${service-postgresql:pgdata-directory}
-U ${service-postgresql:superuser}
-d ${service-postgresql:dbname}
-c '\q'
# postgresql logs to stdout/stderr - logs are handled by slapos not us
# [logrotate-entry-postgresql]
# Redis #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/redis
log = ${directory:log}/redis
recipe = slapos.cookbook:redis.server
wrapper = ${directory:service}/redis
promise_wrapper = ${directory:promise}/redis
server_dir = ${redis:srv}
config_file = ${directory:etc}/redis.conf
log_file = ${redis:log}/redis.log
pid_file = ${directory:run}/
use_passwd = false
unixsocket = ${:server_dir}/redis.socket
# port = 0 means "don't listen on TCP at all" - listen only on unix socket
ipv6 = ::1
port = 0
server_bin = {{ redis_binprefix }}/redis-server
depend =
# NOTE slapos.cookbook:redis.server setups promise automatically
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${redis:log}/*.log
# gitlab-workhorse #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/gitlab-workhorse
srv = ${gitlab-workhorse-dir:srv}
socket = ${gitlab-workhorse:srv}/gitlab-workhorse.socket
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/gitlab-workhorse
command-line = {{ gitlab_workhorse }}
-listenNetwork unix
-listenAddr ${gitlab-workhorse:socket}
-authSocket ${unicorn:socket}
# NOTE for profiling
# -pprofListenAddr ...
# NOTE environment for:
# - git to be available on path
# - ruby to be available on path (gitlab-workhorse -> gitlab-shell -> hooks on push)
# - gitconfig be found from ~/.gitconfig
environment =
PATH={{ git_location }}/bin:{{ ruby_location }}/bin:%(PATH)s
depend =
<= promise-byurl
# gitlab-workhorse works on repositories. Here we only check it accepts an
# serves requests, so request is non-existent URL and expected code is 403
url = --unix-socket ${gitlab-workhorse:socket} http:/non-existent
http_code = 403
# gitlab-workhorse logs to stdout/stderr - logs are handled by slapos not us
# [logrotate-entry-gitlab-workhorse]
# unicorn worker #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/unicorn
log = ${directory:log}/unicorn
srv = ${unicorn-dir:srv}
log = ${unicorn-dir:log}
socket = ${:srv}/unicorn.socket
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/unicorn
# NOTE we perform db setup / migrations as part of unicorn startup.
# Those operations require PG and Redis to be up and running already, that's
# why we do it here. See gitlab-unicorn-startup for details.
command-line = ${gitlab-unicorn-startup:rendered}
depend =
# gitlab is a service "run" under unicorn
# gitlab-shell is called by gitlab
# -> associate their logs rotation to here
<= promise-byurl
url = --unix-socket ${unicorn:socket} http:/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
# FIXME gitlab-rake is too slow to load and promise timeouts
# that's why we instantiate to <promise>.slow/ (and this way promises are not run)
wrapper-path = !py!'${directory:promise.slow}/' + '${:_buildout_section_name_}'[8:]
rake = ${gitlab-rake:wrapper-path}
<= promise-rakebase
command-line = ${:rake} gitlab:app:check
<= promise-rakebase
command-line = ${:rake} gitlab:gitlab_shell:check
# very slow
# rake gitlab:repo:check (fsck all repos)
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${unicorn:log}/*.log
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${gitlab:log}/*.log
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${gitlab-shell:log}/*.log
# sidekiq background jobs manager #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
log = ${directory:log}/sidekiq
log = ${sidekiq-dir:log}
# NOTE see queue list here:
# (last updated for ominbus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/sidekiq
command-line =
# NOTE Sidekiq memory killer just makes sidekiq processes to be SIGKILL
# terminated and relies on managing service to restart it. In slapos we don't
# have mechanism to set autorestart=true, nor bang/watchdog currently work with
# slapproxy, so we do the monitoring ourselves.
{{ watcher_sigkill }}
# XXX -q runner ? (present in gitlab-ce/Procfile but not in omnibus)
# XXX -P ? (pidfile)
-e production
-r ${gitlab-work:location}
-t ${instance-parameter:configuration.sidekiq_shutdown_timeout}
-c ${instance-parameter:configuration.sidekiq_concurrency}
-L ${sidekiq:log}/sidekiq.log
-q post_receive
-q mailer
-q archive_repo
-q system_hook
-q project_web_hook
-q gitlab_shell
-q incoming_email
-q common
-q default
depend =
<= promise-rakebase
command-line = ${:rake} gitlab:sidekiq:check
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${sidekiq:log}/*.log
# Nginx frontend #
# srv/nginx/ prefix + etc/ log/ ...
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/nginx
etc = ${directory:etc}/nginx
log = ${directory:log}/nginx
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
ssl = ${nginx-dir:etc}/ssl
# contains https key
mode = 0700
# self-signed certificate for https
# NOTE there is slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request but it requires
# to start whole service and has up to 60 seconds latency to generate
# certificate. We only need to run 1 command to do it...
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = true
cert_file = ${nginx-ssl-dir:ssl}/gitlab_backend.crt
key_file = ${nginx-ssl-dir:ssl}/gitlab_backend.key
command =
test -e ${:key_file} || \
{{ openssl_bin }} req -newkey rsa -batch -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes \
-keyout ${:key_file} -out ${:cert_file}
update-command = ${:command}
srv = ${nginx-dir:srv}
etc = ${nginx-dir:etc}
log = ${nginx-dir:log}
ssl = ${nginx-ssl-dir:ssl}
cert_file = ${nginx-generate-certificate:cert_file}
key_file = ${nginx-generate-certificate:key_file}
# (nginx wants <prefix>/logs to be there from start - else it issues alarm to the log)
recipe = cns.recipe.symlink
symlink = ${nginx:log} = ${nginx:srv}/logs
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/nginx
command-line = {{ nginx_bin }} -p ${nginx:srv} -c ${nginx.conf:rendered}
depend =
<= promise-byurl
url = ${backend-info:url}/static.css
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${nginx:log}/*.log
# cron #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
cron.d = ${directory:etc}/cron.d
crontabs= ${directory:srv}/cron/crontabs
cronstamps = ${directory:var}/cron/cronstamps
log = ${directory:log}/cron
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
binary = ${directory:service}/crond
cron-entries = ${cron-dir:cron.d}
crontabs = ${cron-dir:crontabs}
cronstamps = ${cron-dir:cronstamps}
catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_bin }}
depends =
# "mailer" that cron uses to emit messages to logfile
recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
log = ${cron-dir:log}/cron.log
# base entry for clients who registers to cron
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
# name = <section-name>.strip_prefix('cron-entry-')
# XXX len() is not available in !py! - 11 hardcoded
name = !py!'${:_buildout_section_name_}' [11:]
# NOTE _not_ ${service-cron:cron-entries} - though the value is the same we do
# not want service-cron to be instantiated just if a cron-entry is registered.
cron-entries = ${cron-dir:cron.d}
# cron logs are also rotated
<= logrotate-entry
log = ${cron-dir:log}/*.log
# logrotate base for all services #
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
srv = ${directory:srv}/logrotate
entries = ${directory:etc}/logrotate.d
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
conf = ${directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
logrotate-entries = ${logrotate-dir:entries}
state-file = ${logrotate-dir:srv}/logrotate.status
logrotate-binary = {{ logrotate_bin }}
gzip-binary = {{ gzip_bin }}
gunzip-binary = {{ gunzip_bin }}
depend = ${cron-entry-logrotate:recipe}
# base entry for clients who registers to logrotate
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
logrotate-entries = ${logrotate:logrotate-entries}
# name = <section-name>.strip_prefix('logrotate-entry-')
# XXX len is not available in !py! - 16 hardcoded
name = !py!'${:_buildout_section_name_}'[16:]
# NOTE frequency is hardcoded to `daily` in slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
# NOTE backup is also used to add custom logrotate options (hack)
backup = ...
# TODO settle whether we need/want olddir or not
# override create emitted by slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
# do not move log file and this way we do not need to signal its program to
# reopen the log. There are a lot of bugs when on such reopen / restart /
# graceful-restart something bad happens. Even if copytruncate is a bit racy
# and can loose some data, it is better to keep the system the stable way.
# hook logrotate into cron
<= cron-entry
time = daily
command = ${logrotate:wrapper}
# 6. on-reinstantiate actions
# NOTE here we only recompile assets. Other on-reinstantiate actions, which
# require pg and redis running, are performed as part of unicorn service -
# right before its startup (see gitlab-unicorn-startup).
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = true
rake = ${gitlab-rake:wrapper-path}
# run command on every reinstantiation
update-command = ${:command}
command =
${:rake} assets:clean &&
${:rake} assets:precompile &&
# GitLab "switch-softwaretype" instance
parts = switch-softwaretype
# std stuff for slapos instance
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:softwaretype
default = $${instance-gitlab.cfg:rendered}
# TODO -export, -import, -pull-backup
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
mode = 0644
template= ${}
rendered= $${buildout:directory}/instance-gitlab.cfg
context =
import os os
import pwd pwd
import multiprocessing multiprocessing
key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
raw gitlab_repository_location ${gitlab-repository:location}
raw gitlab_shell_repository_location ${gitlab-shell-repository:location}
# program binaries
raw bash_bin ${bash:location}/bin/bash
raw bundler_4gitlab ${bundler-4gitlab:bundle}
raw curl_bin ${curl:location}/bin/curl
raw dcron_bin ${dcron-output:crond}
raw git ${git:location}/bin/git
raw git_location ${git:location}
raw gitlab_workhorse ${gitlab-workhorse:location}/gitlab-workhorse
raw gunzip_bin ${gzip:location}/bin/gunzip
raw gzip_bin ${gzip:location}/bin/gzip
raw logrotate_bin ${logrotate:location}/usr/sbin/logrotate
raw nginx_bin ${nginx-output:nginx}
raw nginx_mime_types ${nginx-output:mime}
raw openssl_bin ${openssl-output:openssl}
raw postgresql_location ${postgresql92:location}
raw redis_binprefix ${redis28:location}/bin
raw ruby_location ${bundler-4gitlab:ruby-location}
raw watcher_sigkill ${watcher-sigkill:rendered}
# config files
raw config_ru_in ${}
raw database_yml_in ${}
raw gitconfig_in ${}
raw gitlab_parameters_cfg ${gitlab-parameters.cfg:target}
raw gitlab_shell_config_yml_in ${}
raw gitlab_unicorn_startup_in ${}
raw gitlab_yml_in ${}
raw macrolib_cfg_in ${}
raw nginx_conf_in ${}
raw nginx_gitlab_http_conf_in ${}
raw rack_attack_rb_in ${}
raw resque_yml_in ${}
raw smtp_settings_rb_in ${}
raw unicorn_rb_in ${}
{# common macros for gitlab instance #}
{# cfg(name) -> instance_parameter:configuration.<name> #}
{% macro cfg(name) %}{{ instance_parameter[str("configuration." + name)] }}{% endmacro %}
{# cfg_bool(name) - like cfg(name), but returns 'true'/''
NOTE macros can return only strings - that's why '' is used for false #}
{% macro cfg_bool(name) %}{{ 'true' if (cfg(name).lower() in ('true', 'yes')) else '' }}{% endmacro %}
{# deduce whether to use https from external url
( here - becasue we cannot use jinja2 logic in to
process instance parameters ) #}
{% set external_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg('external_url')) %}
{% set cfg_https = (true if external_url.scheme == 'https' else false) %}
{# for convenience #}
{% set fqdn = external_url.hostname %}
# GitLab software-release
extends =
# for instance
parts =
# for instance
# Software compilation #
# rubygemsrecipe with fixed url and this way pinned rubygems version
recipe = rubygemsrecipe
url =
# bundler, that we'll use to
# - install gems for gitlab
# - run gitlab services / jobs (via `bundle exec ...`)
<= rubygemsrecipe
ruby-location = ${ruby2.1:location}
ruby-executable = ${:ruby-location}/bin/ruby
gems = bundler==1.11.2
# bin installed here
bundle = ${buildout:bin-directory}/bundle
# install together with dependencies of gitlab, which we cannot specify using
# --with-... gem option
# ( reason: rubygemsrecipe hardcodes PATH inside generated bin/* and it is
# impossible to adjust it later )
# bundle exec <smth> ; <smth> starts with `#!/usr/bin/env ruby` as rubygems
# Rugged needs: cmake, pkgconfig
# execjs needs: nodejs
# rails needs db client program on path: psql
# gitlab wants to check redis version via running: redis-cli
environment =
PATH = ${:ruby-location}/bin:${cmake:location}/bin:${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${nodejs:location}/bin:${postgresql92:location}/bin:${redis28:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
# gitlab, gitlab-shell & gitlab-workhorse checked out as git repositories
# pinned to exact commit
recipe =
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
<= git-repository
#repository =
repository =
# 8.2.X + NXD patches:
revision = v8.2.3-9-g79c127e6e068a619c53a8c22f1db8c1e28ec87d2
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/gitlab
<= git-repository
repository =
# gitlab 8.2 wants gitlab-shell 2.6.8
# 2.6.8 + NXD patches
revision = v2.6.8-2-g216d7e15fe06917198891a895f762ba84fdcc4d4
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/gitlab-shell
<= git-repository
#repository =
repository =
# 0.4.X + NXD patches for blob download speedup
# (
revision = 0.4.1-23-g2beb8c9539433f072e3db540f91f75894ca6b1b0
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/gitlab-workhorse
# build needed-by-gitlab gems via bundler
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${gitlab-repository:location}
bundle = ${bundler-4gitlab:bundle}
configure-command = cd ${:path} &&
${:bundle} config --local build.charlock_holmes --with-icu-dir=${icu:location} &&
${:bundle} config --local --with-pg-config=${postgresql92:location}/bin/pg_config
make-binary =
make-targets= cd ${:path} &&
${:bundle} install --deployment --without development test mysql kerberos
# build needed-by-gitlab-shell gems via bundler
# ( there is not vendor/ dir in gitlab-shell, so to avoid having buildout error
# on mkdir vendor/bundle, this part name is just /vendor )
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${gitlab-shell-repository:location}
bundle = ${bundler-4gitlab:bundle}
configure-command = true
make-binary =
make-targets= cd ${:path} &&
${:bundle} install --deployment --without development test
# build gitlab-workhorse
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
path = ${gitlab-workhorse-repository:location}
configure-command = :
make-targets= ${:_buildout_section_name_}
environment =
# Trampoline for instance #
# eggs for instance.cfg
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
md5sum = b40cd8824b978da867404d8955b06c18
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template= ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:_buildout_section_name_}.in
rendered= ${buildout:bin-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
mode = 0755
md5sum = 2986dcb006dc9e8508ff81f646656131
context =
section bash bash
# macro: download a file named as section name
# [filename]
# <= download-file
# md5sum = ...
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
destination = ${buildout:directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
# like download-file, but download from template/<filename>
<= download-file
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/template/${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= download-template
md5sum = bb12852c28079f40a0751f7f3559e2a6
<= download-template
md5sum = ee656cfd96e1c82df167f68bb5773291
<= download-template
md5sum = f4cb11e8bca379e016b062d0db859b74
<= download-file
md5sum = bc98ec10209bc53f6a49888b1a2b9382
<= download-template
md5sum = ea351e16b47f0008f61211eb2d7685e2
<= download-file
md5sum = 2716afaa9445c0c429c6b211356ebe8f
<= download-template
md5sum = cc32f5053dd2a2461aa5952a5b925310
<= download-file
md5sum = dfd2b14f846eda999fe9d12108d513b4
<= download-file
md5sum = a56a44e96f65f5ed20211bb6a54279f4
<= download-template
md5sum = 590da2b00cd198c7bc261c3d893bc199
<= download-template
md5sum = f1a6e2bce3f28a2243fed49d1e1601df
<= download-template
md5sum = 16503c029159ea6db7d0fb5ab67093a3
<= download-template
md5sum = 7d9cba658f9315cd058dfc74db943a66
<= download-template
md5sum = c7c09c241b5fa8163e4995260be52604
<= download-template
md5sum = 9bdca16362fe19c727bca38383e57068
cns.recipe.symlink = 0.2.3
plone.recipe.command = 1.1
rubygemsrecipe = 0.2.2
slapos.recipe.template = 2.9
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
if defined?(Unicorn)
require 'unicorn'
if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production' || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'staging'
# Unicorn self-process killer
require 'unicorn/worker_killer'
# Max memory size (RSS) per worker
use Unicorn::WorkerKiller::Oom, ({{ cfg('unicorn_worker_memory_limit_min') }}), ({{ cfg('unicorn_worker_memory_limit_max') }})
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
run Gitlab::Application
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
{# collation is mainly for mysql
collation: <%= @db_collation %>
database: {{ pgsql.dbname }}
pool: {{ cfg('db_pool') }}
{# XXX is it ok to use superuser, even if the whole database is only for gitlab? #}
username: '{{ pgsql.superuser }}'
{# we have no password - access is via unix socket #}
host: '{{ pgsql["pgdata-directory"] }}'
{# not needed for unix socket
sslmode: <%= single_quote(@db_sslmode) %>
sslrootcert: <%= single_quote(@db_sslrootcert) %>
{{ autogenerated }}
# global git configuration for GitLab
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# don't waste memory when packing (each thread uses own work memory)
# besides it packs better with 1 thread
threads = 1
# don't allow corrupt/broken objects to go in
fsckObjects = true
name = {{ cfg('email_display_name') }}
email = {{ cfg('email_from') }}
autocrlf = input
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
# GitLab user. git by default
user: {{ backend_info.user }}
# Url to gitlab instance. Used for api calls. Should end with a slash.
gitlab_url: "http+unix://{{ urllib.quote_plus(unicorn.socket) }}/"
{# we don't need any
<%= @http_settings.to_json if @http_settings %>
# user: someone
# password: somepass
# ca_file: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
# ca_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs
# self_signed_cert: false
# Repositories path
# Give the canonicalized absolute pathname,
# Check twice that none of the components is a symlink, including "/home".
repos_path: "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
# File used as authorized_keys for gitlab user
# NOTE not used in slapos version (all access via https only)
auth_file: "{{ gitlab.var }}/sshkeys-notused"
# File that contains the secret key for verifying access to GitLab.
# Default is .gitlab_shell_secret in the root directory.
secret_file: "{{ gitlab_shell.secret }}"
# Redis settings used for pushing commit notices to gitlab
bin: {{ redis_binprefix }}/redis-cli
host: {# <%= @redis_host %> #}
port: {# <%= @redis_port %> #}
socket: {{ service_redis.unixsocket }}
{# we don't use password for redis
<% if @redis_password %>
pass: <%= @redis_password %>
<% end %>
database: {# <%= @redis_database %> #}
namespace: resque:gitlab
# Log file.
# Default is gitlab-shell.log in the root directory.
log_file: "{{ gitlab_shell.log }}/gitlab-shell.log"
# Log level. INFO by default
# Audit usernames.
# Set to true to see real usernames in the logs instead of key ids, which is easier to follow, but
# incurs an extra API call on every gitlab-shell command.
# Enable git-annex support
# git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git
# See for documentation
# If enabled, git-annex needs to be installed on the server where gitlab-shell is setup
# For Debian and Ubuntu systems this can be done with: sudo apt-get install git-annex
# For CentOS: sudo yum install epel-release && sudo yum install git-annex
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg, cfg_https, external_url with context %}
production: &base
# 1. GitLab app settings
# ==========================
## GitLab settings
## Web server settings (note: host is the FQDN, do not include http://)
{% set default_port = {'http': 80, 'https': 443} %}
host: {{ external_url.hostname }}
port: {{ external_url.port or default_port[external_url.scheme] }}
https: {{ cfg_https }}
{# ssh is disabled completely in slapos version
# Uncommment this line below if your ssh host is different from HTTP/HTTPS one
# (you'd obviously need to replace with your own host).
# Otherwise, ssh host will be set to the `host:` value above
ssh_host: <%= @gitlab_ssh_host %>
# WARNING: See config/application.rb under "Relative url support" for the list of
# other files that need to be changed for relative url support
# relative_url_root: /gitlab
# Uncomment and customize if you can't use the default user to run GitLab (default: 'git')
user: {{ backend_info.user }}
## Date & Time settings
time_zone: '{{ cfg("time_zone") }}'
## Email settings
# Uncomment and set to false if you need to disable email sending from GitLab (default: true)
email_enabled: {{ cfg('email_enabled') }}
# Email address used in the "From" field in mails sent by GitLab
email_from: {{ cfg('email_from') }}
email_display_name: {{ cfg('email_display_name') }}
email_reply_to: {{ cfg('email_reply_to') }}
# Email server smtp settings are in [a separate file](initializers/smtp_settings.rb.sample).
## User settings
default_can_create_group: {{ cfg('default_can_create_group') }} # default: true
username_changing_enabled: {{ cfg('username_changing_enabled') }} # default: true - User can change her username/namespace
## Default theme
## BASIC = 1
## MARS = 2
## MODERN = 3
## GRAY = 4
## COLOR = 5
default_theme: {{ cfg('default_theme') }} # default: 2
{# we do not need to restrict visibility levels
# Restrict setting visibility levels for non-admin users.
# The default is to allow all levels.
restricted_visibility_levels: <%= @gitlab_restricted_visibility_levels unless @gitlab_restricted_visibility_levels.nil? %>
{# for now we are ok with default issue-closing pattern
## Automatic issue closing
# If a commit message matches this regular expression, all issues referenced from the matched text will be closed.
# This happens when the commit is pushed or merged into the default branch of a project.
# When not specified the default issue_closing_pattern as specified below will be used.
# Tip: you can test your closing pattern at
issue_closing_pattern: <%= single_quote(@gitlab_issue_closing_pattern) %>
## Default project features settings
issues: {{ cfg('default_projects_features.issues') }}
merge_requests: {{ cfg('default_projects_features.merge_requests') }}
wiki: {{ cfg('') }}
snippets: {{ cfg('default_projects_features.snippets') }}
visibility_level: '{{ cfg("default_projects_features.visibility_level") }}' # can be "private" | "internal" | "public"
builds: false {# builds not supported yet <%= @gitlab_default_projects_features_builds %> #}
## Webhook settings
# Number of seconds to wait for HTTP response after sending webhook HTTP POST request (default: 10)
webhook_timeout: {{ cfg('webhook_timeout') }}
{# default is just ok
## Repository downloads directory
# When a user clicks e.g. 'Download zip' on a project, a temporary zip file is created in the following directory.
# The default is 'tmp/repositories' relative to the root of the Rails app.
repository_downloads_path: <%= @gitlab_repository_downloads_path %>
{# we do not support reply by email
## Reply by email
# Allow users to comment on issues and merge requests by replying to notification emails.
# For documentation on how to set this up, see
enabled: <%= @incoming_email_enabled %>
# The email address including the `%{key}` placeholder that will be replaced to reference the item being replied to.
# The `%{key}` placeholder is added after the user part, after a `+` character, before the `@`.
address: <%= single_quote(@incoming_email_address) %>
# Email account username
# With third party providers, this is usually the full email address.
# With self-hosted email servers, this is usually the user part of the email address.
user: <%= single_quote(@incoming_email_email) %>
# Email account password
password: <%= single_quote(@incoming_email_password) %>
# IMAP server host
host: <%= single_quote(@incoming_email_host) %>
# IMAP server port
port: <%= @incoming_email_port %>
# Whether the IMAP server uses SSL
ssl: <%= @incoming_email_ssl %>
# Whether the IMAP server uses StartTLS
start_tls: <%= @incoming_email_start_tls %>
# The mailbox where incoming mail will end up. Usually "inbox".
mailbox: <%= single_quote(@incoming_email_mailbox_name) %>
{# we do not support build artifacts
## Build Artifacts
enabled: <%= @artifacts_enabled %>
# The location where Build Artifacts are stored (default: shared/artifacts).
storage_path: <%= @artifacts_path %>
{# we do not support LFS
## Git LFS
enabled: <%= @lfs_enabled %>
# The location where LFS objects are stored (default: shared/lfs-objects).
storage_path: <%= @lfs_storage_path %>
## Gravatar
## For Libravatar see:
{# default is just ok
# gravatar urls: possible placeholders: %{hash} %{size} %{email}
plain_url: <%= single_quote(@gravatar_plain_url) %> # default:{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon
ssl_url: <%= single_quote(@gravatar_ssl_url) %> # default:{hash}?s=%{size}&d=identicon
# 2. GitLab CI settings
# ==========================
{# we do not support CI
# Default project notifications settings:
# Send emails only on broken builds (default: true)
all_broken_builds: <%= @gitlab_ci_all_broken_builds %>
# Add pusher to recipients list (default: false)
add_pusher: <%= @gitlab_ci_add_pusher || @gitlab_ci_add_committer %>
# The location where build traces are stored (default: builds/). Relative paths are relative to Rails.root
builds_path: <%= @builds_directory %>
# 3. Auth settings
# ==========================
## LDAP settings
# You can inspect a sample of the LDAP users with login access by running:
# bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check RAILS_ENV=production
enabled: false
{# just disabled
enabled: <%= @ldap_enabled %>
<% if @ldap_servers.any? %>
<% @ldap_servers.each do |provider_id, settings| %>
<%= provider_id %>: <%= settings.to_json %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
host: <%= single_quote(@ldap_host) %>
port: <%= @ldap_port %>
uid: <%= single_quote(@ldap_uid) %>
method: <%= single_quote(@ldap_method) %> # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"
bind_dn: <%= single_quote(@ldap_bind_dn) %>
password: <%= single_quote(@ldap_password) %>
active_directory: <%= @ldap_active_directory %>
allow_username_or_email_login: <%= @ldap_allow_username_or_email_login %>
base: <%= single_quote(@ldap_base) %>
user_filter: <%= single_quote(@ldap_user_filter) %>
## EE only
group_base: <%= single_quote(@ldap_group_base) %>
admin_group: <%= single_quote(@ldap_admin_group) %>
sync_ssh_keys: <%= single_quote(@ldap_sync_ssh_keys) %>
sync_time: <%= @ldap_sync_time %>
<% end %>
## Kerberos settings
enabled: false
{# just disabled
# Allow the HTTP Negotiate authentication method for Git clients
enabled: <%= @kerberos_enabled %>
# Kerberos 5 keytab file. The keytab file must be readable by the GitLab user,
# and should be different from other keytabs in the system.
# (default: use default keytab from Krb5 config)
keytab: <%= @kerberos_keytab %>
# The Kerberos service name to be used by GitLab.
# (default: accept any service name in keytab file)
service_principal_name: <%= @kerberos_service_principal_name %>
# Dedicated port: Git before 2.4 does not fall back to Basic authentication if Negotiate fails.
# To support both Basic and Negotiate methods with older versions of Git, configure
# nginx to proxy GitLab on an extra port (e.g. 8443) and uncomment the following lines
# to dedicate this port to Kerberos authentication. (default: false)
use_dedicated_port: <%= @kerberos_use_dedicated_port %>
port: <%= @kerberos_port %>
https: <%= @kerberos_https %>
## OmniAuth settings
enabled: false
{# just disabled
# Allow login via Twitter, Google, etc. using OmniAuth providers
enabled: <%= @omniauth_enabled %>
# Uncomment this to automatically sign in with a specific omniauth provider's without
# showing GitLab's sign-in page (default: show the GitLab sign-in page)
auto_sign_in_with_provider: <%= @omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider %>
# This allows users to login without having a user account first (default: false).
# User accounts will be created automatically when authentication was successful.
allow_single_sign_on: <%= @omniauth_allow_single_sign_on %>
# Locks down those users until they have been cleared by the admin (default: true).
block_auto_created_users: <%= @omniauth_block_auto_created_users %>
# Look up new users in LDAP servers. If a match is found (same uid), automatically
# link the omniauth identity with the LDAP account. (default: false)
auto_link_ldap_user: <%= @omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user %>
## Auth providers
# Uncomment the following lines and fill in the data of the auth provider you want to use
# If your favorite auth provider is not listed you can use others:
# see
# The 'app_id' and 'app_secret' parameters are always passed as the first two
# arguments, followed by optional 'args' which can be either a hash or an array.
# Documentation for this is available at
# - { name: 'google_oauth2', app_id: 'YOUR APP ID',
# app_secret: 'YOUR APP SECRET',
# args: { access_type: 'offline', approval_prompt: '' } }
# - { name: 'twitter', app_id: 'YOUR APP ID',
# app_secret: 'YOUR APP SECRET'}
# - { name: 'github', app_id: 'YOUR APP ID',
# app_secret: 'YOUR APP SECRET',
# args: { scope: 'user:email' } }
<% @omniauth_providers.each do |provider| %>
- <%= provider.to_json %>
<% end %>
{# default ($RAILS_ROOT/shared/) is just ok
# Shared file storage settings
path: <%= @shared_path %>
# 4. Advanced settings
# ==========================
# GitLab Satellites
# Important: keep the satellites.path setting until GitLab 9.0 at
# least. This setting is fed to 'rm -rf' in
# db/migrate/20151023144219_remove_satellites.rb
# Relative paths are relative to Rails.root (default: tmp/repo_satellites/)
path: /dev/null
timeout: 0
## Backup settings
path: "{{ gitlab.backup }}" # Relative paths are relative to Rails.root (default: tmp/backups/)
{# default permission is ok
archive_permissions: <%= @backup_archive_permissions %> # Permissions for the resulting backup.tar file (default: 0600)
keep_time: {{ cfg('backup_keep_time') }} # default: 0 (forever) (in seconds)
{# default to backup all schemas is just ok
pg_schema: <%= @backup_pg_schema %> # default: nil, it means that all schemas will be backed up
{# we don't want to upload backup anywhere by gitlab builtin mechanisms
# Fog storage connection settings, see .
connection: <%= @backup_upload_connection.to_json if @backup_upload_connection %>
# The remote 'directory' to store your backups. For S3, this would be the bucket name.
remote_directory: <%= single_quote(@backup_upload_remote_directory) %>
multipart_chunk_size: <%= @backup_multipart_chunk_size %>
encryption: <%= @backup_encryption %>
## GitLab Shell settings
path: {{ gitlab_shell_work.location }}
repos_path: {{ gitlab.repositories }}
hooks_path: {{ gitlab_shell_work.location }}/hooks/
secret_file: {{ gitlab_shell.secret }}
# Git over HTTP
upload_pack: true
receive_pack: true
{# Git over SSH is disabled elsewhere (so we don't care about ssh_port)
# If you use non-standard ssh port you need to specify it
ssh_port: <%= @gitlab_shell_ssh_port %>
## Git settings
# Use the default values unless you really know what you are doing
bin_path: {{ git }}
# The next value is the maximum memory size grit can use
# Given in number of bytes per git object (e.g. a commit)
# This value can be increased if you have very large commits
max_size: {{ cfg('git_max_size') }}
# Git timeout to read a commit, in seconds
timeout: {{ cfg('git_timeout') }}
# 5. Extra customization
# ==========================
{# we do not use google analytics
<% if @extra_google_analytics_id %>
## Google analytics. Uncomment if you want it
google_analytics_id: <%= single_quote(@extra_google_analytics_id) %>
<% end %>
{# we do not use piwik
<% if @extra_piwik_url %>
## Piwik analytics.
piwik_url: <%= single_quote(@extra_piwik_url) %>
piwik_site_id: <%= single_quote(@extra_piwik_site_id) %>
<% end %>
{# we are ok (for now) with default rack-attack git settings
git_basic_auth: <%= @rack_attack_git_basic_auth.to_json if @rack_attack_git_basic_auth %>
## Site ICP License
# XXX unquote needed only for slapos.core earlier than
# for now we have a lot of old slapos.core deployed...
{% if cfg('icp_license') != '' -%}
ICP: {{ urllib.unquote_plus( str(cfg('icp_license')) ).decode('utf-8') }}
{# ICP: '{{ cfg("icp_license") }}' #}
{% endif %}
<<: *base
<<: *base
enabled: true
host: localhost
port: 80
# When you run tests we clone and setup gitlab-shell
# In order to setup it correctly you need to specify
# your system username you use to run GitLab
path: tmp/tests/gitlab-satellites/
path: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/
repos_path: tmp/tests/repositories/
hooks_path: tmp/tests/gitlab-shell/hooks/
title: "Redmine"
project_url: "http://redmine/projects/:issues_tracker_id"
issues_url: "http://redmine/:project_id/:issues_tracker_id/:id"
new_issue_url: "http://redmine/projects/:issues_tracker_id/issues/new"
enabled: false
label: ldap
port: 3890
uid: 'uid'
method: 'plain' # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"
base: 'dc=example,dc=com'
user_filter: ''
group_base: 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
admin_group: ''
sync_ssh_keys: false
<<: *base
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg, cfg_bool, cfg_https, fqdn with context %}
## GitLab
## Modified from &
## Lines starting with two hashes (##) are comments with information.
## Lines starting with one hash (#) are configuration parameters that can be uncommented.
## It is a known issue that Git-over-HTTP requires chunked transfer encoding [0]
## which is not supported by Nginx < 1.3.9 [1]. As a result, pushing a large object
## with Git (i.e. a single large file) can lead to a 411 error. In theory you can get
## around this by tweaking this configuration file and either:
## - installing an old version of Nginx with the chunkin module [2] compiled in, or
## - using a newer version of Nginx.
## At the time of writing we do not know if either of these theoretical solutions works.
## As a workaround users can use Git over SSH to push large files.
## [0]
## [1]
## [2]
## configuration ##
upstream gitlab {
server unix:{{ unicorn.socket }} fail_timeout=0;
upstream gitlab-workhorse {
server unix:{{ gitlab_workhorse.socket }};
{# not needed for us - the frontend can do the redirection and also
gitlab/nginx speaks HSTS on https port so when we access https port via http
protocol, it gets redirected to https
<% if @https && @redirect_http_to_https %>
## Redirects all HTTP traffic to the HTTPS host
server {
<% @listen_addresses.each do |listen_address| %>
listen <%= listen_address %>:<%= @redirect_http_to_https_port %>;
<% end %>
server_name <%= @fqdn %>;
server_tokens off; ## Don't show the nginx version number, a security best practice
return 301 https://<%= @fqdn %>:<%= @port %>$request_uri;
access_log <%= @log_directory %>/gitlab_access.log gitlab_access;
error_log <%= @log_directory %>/gitlab_error.log;
<% end %>
server {
listen [{{ }}]:{{ backend_info.port }}{% if cfg_https %} ssl spdy{% endif %};
{# we don't use: kerbeeros
<% if @kerberos_enabled && @kerberos_use_dedicated_port %>
listen <%= listen_address %>:<%= @kerberos_port %><% if @kerberos_https %> ssl<% end %>;
<% end %>
server_name {{ fqdn }};
server_tokens off; ## Don't show the nginx version number, a security best practice
root {{ gitlab_work.location }}/public;
## Increase this if you want to upload large attachments
## Or if you want to accept large git objects over http
client_max_body_size {{ cfg('nginx_client_max_body_size') }};
{% if cfg_https %}
## Strong SSL Security
## &
ssl on;
ssl_certificate {{ nginx.cert_file }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx.key_file }};
{# we don't need - most root CA will be included by default
<% if @ssl_client_certificate %>
ssl_client_certificate <%= @ssl_client_certificate%>;
<% end %>
# GitLab needs backwards compatible ciphers to retain compatibility with Java IDEs
# NOTE(slapos) ^^^ is not relevant for us - we are behind frontend and clients
# directly connects to frontend
ssl_ciphers '{{ cfg("nginx_ssl_ciphers") }}';
ssl_protocols {{ cfg('nginx_ssl_protocols') }};
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers {{ cfg('nginx_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers') }};
ssl_session_cache {{ cfg('nginx_ssl_session_cache') }};
ssl_session_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_ssl_session_timeout') }};
{# we do not use: ssl_dhparam
<% if @ssl_dhparam %>
ssl_dhparam <%= @ssl_dhparam %>;
<% end %>
{% endif %}
## Individual nginx logs for this GitLab vhost
access_log {{ nginx.log }}/gitlab_access.log gitlab_access;
error_log {{ nginx.log }}/gitlab_error.log;
location / {
## Serve static files from defined root folder.
## @gitlab is a named location for the upstream fallback, see below.
try_files $uri /index.html $uri.html @gitlab;
location /uploads/ {
## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
## to be safe against BREACH attack.
{{ 'gzip off;' if cfg_https else ''}}
## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
proxy_read_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_read_timeout') }};
proxy_connect_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_connect_timeout') }};
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
{% if cfg_https %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
{% endif %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ "https" if cfg_https else "http" }};
proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
proxy_pass http://gitlab;
## If a file, which is not found in the root folder is requested,
## then the proxy passes the request to the upsteam (gitlab unicorn).
location @gitlab {
## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
## to be safe against BREACH attack.
{{ 'gzip off;' if cfg_https else ''}}
## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
proxy_read_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_read_timeout') }};
proxy_connect_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_connect_timeout') }};
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
{% if cfg_https %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
{% endif %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ "https" if cfg_https else "http" }};
proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
proxy_pass http://gitlab;
location ~ ^/[\w\.-]+/[\w\.-]+/gitlab-lfs/objects {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
location ~ ^/[\w\.-]+/[\w\.-]+/(info/refs|git-upload-pack|git-receive-pack)$ {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
location ~ ^/[\w\.-]+/[\w\.-]+/repository/archive {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
location ~ ^/api/v3/projects/.*/repository/archive {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
# Build artifacts should be submitted to this location
location ~ ^/[\w\.-]+/[\w\.-]+/builds/download {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
# Build artifacts should be submitted to this location
location ~ /ci/api/v1/builds/[0-9]+/artifacts {
client_max_body_size 0;
# 'Error' 418 is a hack to re-use the @gitlab-workhorse block
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
# access to raw blobs -> @gitlab-workhorse
location ~ ^/[\w\.-]+/[\w\.-]+/raw/ {
client_max_body_size 0;
error_page 418 = @gitlab-workhorse;
return 418;
location @gitlab-workhorse {
client_max_body_size 0;
## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
## to be safe against BREACH attack.
{{ 'gzip off;' if cfg_https else ''}}
## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
proxy_read_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_read_timeout') }};
proxy_connect_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_proxy_connect_timeout') }};
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
{% if cfg_https %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
{% endif %}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ "https" if cfg_https else "http" }};
proxy_pass http://gitlab-workhorse;
## Enable gzip compression as per rails guide:
## WARNING: If you are using relative urls remove the block below
## See config/application.rb under "Relative url support" for the list of
## other files that need to be changed for relative url support
location ~ ^/(assets)/ {
root {{ gitlab_work.location }}/public;
gzip_static on; # to serve pre-gzipped version
expires max;
add_header Cache-Control public;
error_page 502 /502.html;
{# we don't support custom nginx configs
<%= @custom_gitlab_server_config %>
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# user directive makes sense only when running initially as root
# (and nginx will complain if not and directive given)
# user {{ backend_info.user }};
worker_processes {{ cfg('nginx_worker_processes') }};
error_log stderr;
pid {{ }}/;
daemon off;
events {
worker_connections {{ cfg('nginx_worker_connections') }};
http {
log_format gitlab_access '{{ cfg("nginx_log_format") }}';
{# we do not use: ci, mattermost
log_format gitlab_ci_access '<%= @gitlab_ci_access_log_format %>';
log_format gitlab_mattermost_access '<%= @gitlab_mattermost_access_log_format %>';
sendfile {{ cfg('nginx_sendfile') }};
tcp_nopush {{ cfg('nginx_tcp_nopush') }};
tcp_nodelay {{ cfg('nginx_tcp_nodelay') }};
keepalive_timeout {{ cfg('nginx_keepalive_timeout') }};
gzip {{ cfg('nginx_gzip') }};
gzip_http_version {{ cfg('nginx_gzip_http_version') }};
gzip_comp_level {{ cfg('nginx_gzip_comp_level') }};
gzip_proxied {{ cfg('nginx_gzip_proxied') }};
gzip_types {{ cfg('nginx_gzip_types') }};
include {{ nginx_mime_types }};
include {{ nginx_gitlab_http_conf }};
{# we don't need: ci, mattermost
include <%= @gitlab_ci_http_config %>
include <%= @gitlab_mattermost_http_config %>
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# 1. Rename this file to rack_attack.rb
# 2. Review the paths_to_be_protected and add any other path you need protecting
paths_to_be_protected = [
# Create one big regular expression that matches strings starting with any of
# the paths_to_be_protected.
paths_regex = Regexp.union( { |path| /\A#{Regexp.escape(path)}/ })
unless Rails.env.test?
Rack::Attack.throttle('protected paths', limit: {{ cfg('rate_limit_requests_per_period') }}, period: {{ cfg('rate_limit_period') }}.seconds) do |req|
if && req.path =~ paths_regex
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last udpdated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
production: unix://{{ redis.unixsocket }}
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg, cfg_bool with context %}
{% if cfg_bool('smtp_enable') %}
if Rails.env.production?
Gitlab::Application.config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
address: "{{ cfg('smtp_address') }}",
port: {{ cfg('smtp_port') }},
user_name: "{{ cfg('smtp_user_name') }}",
password: "{{ cfg('smtp_password') }}",
domain: "{{ cfg('smtp_domain') }}",
authentication: :{{ cfg('smtp_authentication') }},
enable_starttls_auto: {{ cfg('smtp_enable_starttls_auto') }},
openssl_verify_mode: '{{ cfg("smtp_openssl_verify_mode") }}'
# ca_path:
# ca_file:
{% else %}
# SMTP disabled in instance configuration (see `smtp_enable` parameter).
# Mail sending, if enabled (see `email_enabled`), will be done via sendmail.
{% endif %}
{{ autogenerated }}
# see:
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093)
{% from '' import cfg with context %}
# What ports/sockets to listen on, and what options for them.
# we listen only on unix socket
listen "{{ unicorn.socket }}", :backlog => {{ cfg('unicorn_backlog_socket') }}
#listen "", :tcp_nopush => true
working_directory '{{ gitlab_work.location }}'
# What the timeout for killing busy workers is, in seconds
timeout {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_timeout') }}
# Whether the app should be pre-loaded
preload_app true
# How many worker processes
worker_processes {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_processes') }}
# about before_fork / after_fork - see:
# What to do before we fork a worker
before_fork do |server, worker|
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is highly recomended for Rails + "preload_app true"
# # as there's no need for the master process to hold a connection
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!
# This allows a new master process to incrementally
# phase out the old master process with SIGTTOU to avoid a
# thundering herd (especially in the "preload_app false" case)
# when doing a transparent upgrade. The last worker spawned
# will then kill off the old master process with a SIGQUIT.
old_pid = "#{server.config[:pid]}.oldbin"
if old_pid !=
sig = ( + 1) >= server.worker_processes ? :QUIT : :TTOU
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
# What to do after we fork a worker
after_fork do |server, worker|
# per-process listener ports for debugging/admin/migrations
# addr = "{9293 +}"
# server.listen(addr, :tries => -1, :delay => 5, :tcp_nopush => true)
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is *required* for Rails + "preload_app true",
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
# Where to drop a pidfile
pid '{{ }}/'
# Where stderr gets logged
stderr_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stderr.log'
# Where stdout gets logged
stdout_path '{{ unicorn.log }}/unicorn_stdout.log'
#!{{ bash.location }}/bin/bash
# run program under SIGKILL watchdog
# watcher-sigkill <prog> [<progargs> ...]
# if the program terminates with SIGKILL - it is restarted after grace period.
# if the program terminates otherwise - whole process terminates.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: watcher-sigkill <prog> [<progargs> ...]" 1>&2
exit 1
killexit="137" # = 128 + 9 (exit code of process terminated by SIGKILL)
# make sure to terminate children, when we exit.
# needed for e.g. when `slapos node stop ...` kills us.
trap 'atexit' EXIT
atexit() {
jobs="$(jobs -p)"
test -n "$jobs" && kill $jobs
# run prog under monitoring
while true; do
echo "run $prog"
$prog &
echo "wait $progpid"
wait $progpid
echo "-> $status"
# if program terminated not by SIGKILL - exit
if [ "$status" != "$killexit" ] ; then
echo "exit $status"
exit "$status"
# otherwise sleep a bit and restart
sleep 1
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