• Nicolas Dumazet's avatar
    Last chunk of portal type classes / zodb property sheets. · d02ba206
    Nicolas Dumazet authored
    After this, all ERP5 objects become instances of portal type classes
    * all the trickery for preferences is gone and is handled by a specific
      accessor holder holding all preference methods
    Property holders
    * our Base.aq_portal_type property holders are not used anymore:
      the "property holder" becomes the portal type class itself and the
      set of accessor_holder classes in the mro of the portal type class:
      portal-type-specific methods are on the portal type class, while
      portal-type-independant method are put on the accessor holder ancestors
    * the portal type meta class now also inherits from "PropertyHolder" to
      provide the same introspection interface and methods.
      (In the future this class / interface will need to be refined)
    * bootstrapping/migration from older instances: provide with code able to
      import XML from ERP5/bootstrap/ to load necessary tools from almost any
      instance state
    * migrate in Bus...
PreferenceTool.py 11.2 KB