A todo app built using [Batman](http://batmanjs.org)
> [Batman.js](http://batmanjs.org/) is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript.
## Run
## Persistence
Spin up an HTTP server and visit http://localhost/labs/architecture-examples/batman/
This app uses `Batman.LocalStorage` to persist the Todo records across page reloads. Batman's `localStorage` engine sticks each record under it's own key in `localStorage`, which is a departure from the TodoMVC application specification, which asks that all the records are stored under one key as a big blob. Batman stores records this way so that the whole set doesn't need to be parsed just to find one record or check if that record exists.
## Persistence
## Build
A quick note: This app uses `Batman.LocalStorage` to persist the Todo records across page reloads. Batman's `localStorage` engine sticks each record under it's own key in `localStorage`, which is a departure from the TodoMVC application specification, which asks that all the records are stored under one key as a big blob. Batman stores records this way so that the whole set doesn't need to be parsed just to find one record or check if that record exists.
This app is written in [CoffeeScript](http://coffeescript.org/). If you wish to make changes, follow these steps to re-compile the code.
If you would like to install CoffeeScript globally:
## Build
npm install -g coffee-script
If you wish to install CoffeeScript just for the purposes of this app:
# from labs/architecture-examples/batman:
npm install
Once CoffeeScript is installed:
This app is written in CoffeeScript, so to make changes, please edit `js/app.coffee` and rebuild the JavaScript with the `coffee` compiler.