@@ -8,21 +8,24 @@ To help solve this problem, TodoMVC was created - a project which offers the sam
####Todo apps are included for:
<li>Ember.js (SproutCore 2.0)</li>
<li>KnockoutJS (MVVM)</li>
A jQuery-only version of the application is also included so you can easily see how the app can be implemented with and without a structural pattern like MVC. A modularized Backbone.js example using AMD is also now available if you pull the latest version.
* Backbone.js
* Ember.js (SproutCore 2.0)
* Spine.js
* JavaScriptMVC
* Sammy.js
* YUILibrary
* KnockoutJS (MVVM)
* Knockback
* AngularJS
* Broke.js
* Fidel.js
* ExtJS
Additionally, apps are also included for:
* Backbone + RequireJS (using AMD for modules)
* AngularJS + PersistenceJS
* A jQuery-only (non-MVC) app is included too for comparison purposes