Commit 265fa96d authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

Update readme and site app links

parent 0d3d8af4
......@@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ To help solve this problem, TodoMVC was created - a project which offers the sam
#### Todo apps are included for:
- [Backbone.js](
- [Backbone.js + RequireJS]( (using AMD)
- [Ember.js](
- [JavaScriptMVC](
- [Spine.js](
- [KnockoutJS]( (MVVM)
- [Backbone.js + RequireJS]( (using AMD)
- [Ember.js](
- [Ember.js + RequireJS]( (using AMD)
- [JavaScriptMVC](
- [Spine.js](
- [KnockoutJS]( (MVVM)
- [Knockback.js](
- [Dojo](
- [Dojo](
- [Closure](
- [YUILibrary](
- [AngularJS](
- [Angular + PersistenceJS](
- [YUILibrary](
- [AngularJS](
- [Angular + PersistenceJS](
- [Ext.js](
- [Agility.js](
- [Agility.js](
###### Non MV*
......@@ -36,19 +37,20 @@ To help solve this problem, TodoMVC was created - a project which offers the sam
We also have a number of in-progress applications in our [Labs]( site. These include:
- [CanJS](
- [Batman.js](
- [Meteor](
- [CanJS](
- [Batman.js](
- [Meteor](
- [Google Web Toolkit](
- [Stapes.js](
- [TroopJS](
- [soma.js](
- [Fun](
- [DUEL](
- [Fidel](
- [Olives](
- [PlastronJS](
- [Dijon](
- [Sammy.js](
- [Sammy.js](
- [rAppid](
......@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@
<a href="architecture-examples/emberjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture.">Ember.js</a>
<a href="dependency-examples/emberjs_require/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture. This is an example of using it with AMD modules">Ember.js + RequireJS</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/javascriptmvc/todo/todo/index.html" data-source="" data-content="JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration.">JavaScriptMVC</a>
......@@ -92,9 +95,6 @@ had it been designed for web apps">AngularJS</a>
<a href="reference-examples/vanillajs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="You know JavaScript right? :P">Vanilla JS</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/somajs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="soma.js is a javascript model-view-controller (MVC) framework that is meant to help developers to write loosely-coupled applications to increase scalability and maintainability.">soma.js</a>
<div class="span4">
......@@ -87,34 +87,33 @@
<a href="architecture-examples/broke/index.html" data-source="" data-content="The Broke Javascript Framework is a porting of the fantastic Django Web Framework on Javascript. It summarizes all the best concepts present in Django like url resolving, decoupling, DRY principle, project-specific settings and a pretty simple template engine. It could be put in the big Javascript MVC frameworks group outside there, but, as Django is, this is more a MTV (Model-Template-View) framework.">Broke.js</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/o_O/index.html" data-source="" data-content="o_O: HTML binding for teh lulz: &lt;br>- Elegantly binds objects to HTML&lt;br>- Proxies through jQuery, Ender, etc&lt;br>- Automatic dependency resolution&lt;br>- Plays well with others">Funnyface.js</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/o_O/index.html" data-source="" data-content="o_O: HTML binding for teh lulz: &lt;br>- Elegantly binds objects to HTML&lt;br>- Proxies through jQuery, Ender, etc&lt;br>- Automatic dependency resolution&lt;br>- Plays well with others">Funnyface.js *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/plastronjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="PlastronJS is an mvc framework built on top of the Closure Library and built to compile with projects that use the Closure Compiler.">PlastronJS</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/plastronjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="PlastronJS is an mvc framework built on top of the Closure Library and built to compile with projects that use the Closure Compiler.">PlastronJS *</a>
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<a href="" data-source="" data-content="Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern websites.A Meteor application is a mix of JavaScript that runs inside a client web browser, JavaScript that runs on the Meteor server inside a Node.js container, and all the supporting HTML fragments, CSS rules, and static assets. Meteor automates the packaging and transmission of these different components. And, it is quite flexible about how you choose to structure those components in your file tree.">Meteor</a>
<a href="" data-source="" data-content="Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern websites.A Meteor application is a mix of JavaScript that runs inside a client web browser, JavaScript that runs on the Meteor server inside a Node.js container, and all the supporting HTML fragments, CSS rules, and static assets. Meteor automates the packaging and transmission of these different components. And, it is quite flexible about how you choose to structure those components in your file tree.">Meteor *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/batman/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Batman.js is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. App code is concise and declarative, thanks to a powerful system of view bindings and observable properties. The API is designed with developer and designer happiness as its first priority.">Batman.js</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/batman/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Batman.js is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. App code is concise and declarative, thanks to a powerful system of view bindings and observable properties. The API is designed with developer and designer happiness as its first priority.">Batman.js *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/gwt/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an MVP development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google AdWords.">Google Web Toolkit</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/olives/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Olives is a JS MVC framework that helps you create realtime UIs. It includes a set of AMD/CommonJS modules that are easily extensive, a high level of abstraction to reduce boilerplate and is based on, to provide a powerful means to communicate with node.js.">Olives</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/olives/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Olives is a JS MVC framework that helps you create realtime UIs. It includes a set of AMD/CommonJS modules that are easily extensive, a high level of abstraction to reduce boilerplate and is based on, to provide a powerful means to communicate with node.js.">Olives *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/rappidjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="rAppid.js is a declarative JavaScript framework for rapid web application development. It supports dependency loading, Model-View binding, View-Model binding, dependency injection and i18n.">rAppid</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/somajs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="soma.js is a JavaScript Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework that is meant to help developers to write loosely-coupled applications to increase scalability and maintainability.">soma.js *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/dijon/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Dijon is an IOC and DI micro-framework for Javascript. Originally it was meant to be a port of Robotlegs, but deviated to something quite different. It remains however heavily inspired by Robotlegs, and more specifically Swiftsuspenders.">Dijon</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/rappidjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="rAppid.js is a declarative JavaScript framework for rapid web application development. It supports dependency loading, Model-View binding, View-Model binding, dependency injection and i18n.">rAppid</a>
<a href="dependency-examples/emberjs_require/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture. This is an example of using it with AMD modules">Ember.js + RequireJS</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/dijon/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Dijon is an IOC and DI micro-framework for Javascript. Originally it was meant to be a port of Robotlegs, but deviated to something quite different. It remains however heavily inspired by Robotlegs, and more specifically Swiftsuspenders.">Dijon *</a>
<a href="architecture-examples/sammyjs/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Sammy.js is a tiny JavaScript framework developed to ease the pain and provide a basic structure for developing JavaScript applications.">Sammy.js</a>
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