<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/canjs/yui-widget/"data-source="http://canjs.us"data-content="CanJS with YUI (includes a YUI widget binding example). CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. It provides can.Model (for connecting to RESTful JSON interfaces), can.View (for template loading and caching), can.Observe (for key-value binding), can.EJS (live binding templates), can.Control (declarative event bindings) and can.route (routing support).">CanJS (YUI Widget)</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/canjs/yui-widget/"data-source="http://canjs.us"data-content="CanJS with YUI (includes a YUI widget binding example). CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. It provides can.Model (for connecting to RESTful JSON interfaces), can.View (for template loading and caching), can.Observe (for key-value binding), can.EJS (live binding templates), can.Control (declarative event bindings) and can.route (routing support).">CanJS (YUI Widget)</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/canjs/zepto/"data-source="http://canjs.us"data-content="CanJS with Zepto. CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. It provides can.Model (for connecting to RESTful JSON interfaces), can.View (for template loading and caching), can.Observe (for key-value binding), can.EJS (live binding templates), can.Control (declarative event bindings) and can.route (routing support).">CanJS (Zepto)</a>