Commit 3dd6105b authored by Pascal Hartig's avatar Pascal Hartig

Merge branch 'pr/1103'

Close #1103
parents e5adfb0c 189da5c8
"name": "todomvc-angular",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"angular": "1.2.8",
"angularfire": "~0.5.0",
"todomvc-common": "~0.3.0"
"devDependencies": {
"angular-mocks": "1.2.8"
"resolutions": {
"angular": "1.2.8"
"name": "angular",
"version": "1.2.8",
"main": "./angular.js",
"dependencies": {
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Firebase &amp; AngularJS • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/todomvc-app-css/index.css">
<style>[ng-cloak] { display: none; }</style>
......@@ -20,12 +21,12 @@
<ul id="todo-list">
<li ng-repeat="(id, todo) in todos | todoFilter" ng-class="{completed: todo.completed, editing: todo == editedTodo}">
<div class="view">
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.completed" ng-change="todos.$save(id)">
<label ng-dblclick="editTodo(id)">{{todo.title}}</label>
<button class="destroy" ng-click="removeTodo(id)"></button>
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.completed" ng-change="todos.$save(todo)">
<label ng-dblclick="editTodo(todo)">{{todo.title}}</label>
<button class="destroy" ng-click="removeTodo(todo)"></button>
<form ng-submit="doneEditing(id)">
<input class="edit" ng-model="todo.title" todo-escape="revertEditing(id)" todo-blur="doneEditing(id)" todo-focus="todo == editedTodo">
<form ng-submit="doneEditing(todo)">
<input class="edit" ng-model="todo.title" todo-escape="revertEditing(todo)" todo-blur="doneEditing(todo)" todo-focus="todo == editedTodo">
......@@ -53,15 +54,16 @@
<a href="">Christoph Burgdorf</a>,
<a href="">Eric Bidelman</a>,
<a href="">David East</a>,
<a href="">Jacob Mumm</a> and
<a href="">Igor Minar</a>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angularfire/angularfire.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angularfire/dist/angularfire.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="js/controllers/todoCtrl.js"></script>
<script src="js/directives/todoFocus.js"></script>
......@@ -3,18 +3,22 @@
* The main controller for the app. The controller:
* - retrieves and persists the model via the $firebase service
* - retrieves and persists the model via the $firebaseArray service
* - exposes the model to the template and provides event handlers
todomvc.controller('TodoCtrl', function TodoCtrl($scope, $location, $firebase) {
var url = '';
todomvc.controller('TodoCtrl', function TodoCtrl($scope, $location, $firebaseArray) {
var url = '';
var fireRef = new Firebase(url);
// Bind the todos to the firebase provider.
$scope.todos = $firebaseArray(fireRef);
$scope.newTodo = '';
$scope.editedTodo = null;
$scope.$watch('todos', function () {
var total = 0;
var remaining = 0;
$scope.todos.$getIndex().forEach(function (index) {
var todo = $scope.todos[index];
$scope.todos.forEach(function (todo) {
// Skip invalid entries so they don't break the entire app.
if (!todo || !todo.title) {
......@@ -43,59 +47,47 @@ todomvc.controller('TodoCtrl', function TodoCtrl($scope, $location, $firebase) {
$scope.newTodo = '';
$scope.editTodo = function (id) {
$scope.editedTodo = $scope.todos[id];
$scope.editTodo = function (todo) {
$scope.editedTodo = todo;
$scope.originalTodo = angular.extend({}, $scope.editedTodo);
$scope.doneEditing = function (id) {
$scope.doneEditing = function (todo) {
$scope.editedTodo = null;
var title = $scope.todos[id].title.trim();
var title = todo.title.trim();
if (title) {
} else {
$scope.revertEditing = function (id) {
$scope.todos[id] = $scope.originalTodo;
$scope.removeTodo = function (id) {
$scope.revertEditing = function (todo) {
todo.title = $scope.originalTodo.title;
$scope.toggleCompleted = function (id) {
var todo = $scope.todos[id];
todo.completed = !todo.completed;
$scope.removeTodo = function (todo) {
$scope.clearCompletedTodos = function () {
angular.forEach($scope.todos.$getIndex(), function (index) {
if ($scope.todos[index].completed) {
$scope.todos.forEach(function(todo) {
if(todo.completed) {
$scope.markAll = function (allCompleted) {
angular.forEach($scope.todos.$getIndex(), function (index) {
$scope.todos[index].completed = !allCompleted;
$scope.todos.forEach(function(todo) {
todo.completed = allCompleted;
$scope.newTodo = '';
$scope.editedTodo = null;
if ($location.path() === '') {
$scope.location = $location;
// Bind the todos to the firebase provider.
$scope.todos = $firebase(fireRef);
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/* global _ */
(function () {
'use strict';
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Underscore's Template Module
// Courtesy of
var _ = (function (_) {
......@@ -114,6 +116,7 @@
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function redirect() {
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......@@ -175,13 +178,17 @@
if (learnJSON.backend) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON.backend;
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
backend: true
} else if (learnJSON[framework]) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON[framework];
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
Learn.prototype.append = function (opts) {
......@@ -212,6 +219,26 @@
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', aside.outerHTML);
Learn.prototype.fetchIssueCount = function () {
var issueLink = document.getElementById('issue-count-link');
if (issueLink) {
var url = issueLink.href.replace('', '');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(;
if (parsedResponse instanceof Array) {
var count = parsedResponse.length
if (count !== 0) {
issueLink.innerHTML = 'This app has ' + count + ' open issues';
document.getElementById('issue-count').style.display = 'inline';
getFile('learn.json', Learn);
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"angular": "^1.3.15",
"angularfire": "^1.0.0",
"todomvc-app-css": "^1.0.1",
"todomvc-common": "^1.0.1"
......@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Here are some links you may find helpful:
* [Tutorial](
* [Documentation & Examples](
* [API Reference](
* [API Reference](
* [Blog](
* [Firebase on Github](
* [AngularJS bindings for Firebase](
* [AngularJS bindings for Firebase](
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