<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/duel/www/"data-source="https://bitbucket.org/mckamey/duel/wiki/Home"data-content="DUEL is a dual-side templating engine using HTML for layout and 100% pure JavaScript as the binding language. The same views may be executed both directly in the browser (client-side template) and on the server (server-side template).">DUEL</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/duel/www/"data-source="https://bitbucket.org/mckamey/duel/wiki/Home"data-content="DUEL is a dual-side templating engine using HTML for layout and 100% pure JavaScript as the binding language. The same views may be executed both directly in the browser (client-side template) and on the server (server-side template).">DUEL</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/puremvc/"data-source="http://puremvc.github.com"data-content="PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.">PureMVC</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/fidel/"data-source="https://github.com/jgallen23/fidel"data-content="Fidel is a micro-framework for building widgets, modules and plugins. It resembles the controller in Spine.js and could be considered a controller library. Having not heavily needed models and routing in some of the single-page applications the author built, he found a library focusing on controller logic more useful.">Fidel</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/fidel/"data-source="https://github.com/jgallen23/fidel"data-content="Fidel is a micro-framework for building widgets, modules and plugins. It resembles the controller in Spine.js and could be considered a controller library. Having not heavily needed models and routing in some of the single-page applications the author built, he found a library focusing on controller logic more useful.">Fidel</a>