Commit 58dfbb06 authored by Pascal Hartig's avatar Pascal Hartig

knockout: jshint style

parent 2dee7943
/*global ko */
(function() {
/*global ko Router */
(function () {
'use strict';
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
// a custom binding to handle the enter key (could go in a separate library)
ko.bindingHandlers.enterKey = {
init: function( element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, data ) {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, data) {
var wrappedHandler, newValueAccessor;
// wrap the handler with a check for the enter key
wrappedHandler = function( data, event ) {
if ( event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY ) {
valueAccessor().call( this, data, event );
wrappedHandler = function (data, event) {
if (event.keyCode === ENTER_KEY) {
valueAccessor().call(this, data, event);
// create a valueAccessor with the options that we would want to pass to the event binding
newValueAccessor = function() {
newValueAccessor = function () {
return {
keyup: wrappedHandler
// call the real event binding's init function
ko.bindingHandlers.event.init( element, newValueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, data );
ko.bindingHandlers.event.init(element, newValueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, data);
// wrapper to hasfocus that also selects text and applies focus async
ko.bindingHandlers.selectAndFocus = {
init: function( element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor ) {
ko.bindingHandlers.hasfocus.init( element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor );
ko.utils.registerEventHandler( element, 'focus', function() {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
ko.bindingHandlers.hasfocus.init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor);
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'focus', function () {
update: function( element, valueAccessor ) {
ko.utils.unwrapObservable( valueAccessor() ); // for dependency
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()); // for dependency
// ensure that element is visible before trying to focus
setTimeout(function() {
ko.bindingHandlers.hasfocus.update( element, valueAccessor );
setTimeout(function () {
ko.bindingHandlers.hasfocus.update(element, valueAccessor);
}, 0);
// represent a single todo item
var Todo = function( title, completed ) {
this.title = ko.observable( title );
this.completed = ko.observable( completed );
this.editing = ko.observable( false );
var Todo = function (title, completed) {
this.title = ko.observable(title);
this.completed = ko.observable(completed);
this.editing = ko.observable(false);
// our main view model
var ViewModel = function( todos ) {
var ViewModel = function (todos) {
var self = this;
// map array of passed in todos to an observableArray of Todo objects
self.todos = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap( todos, function( todo ) {
return new Todo( todo.title, todo.completed );
self.todos = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(todos, function (todo) {
return new Todo(todo.title, todo.completed);
// store the new todo value being entered
......@@ -66,104 +66,105 @@
self.showMode = ko.observable('all');
self.filteredTodos = ko.computed(function() {
switch( self.showMode() ) {
case 'active':
return self.todos().filter(function( todo ) {
return !todo.completed();
case 'completed':
return self.todos().filter(function( todo ) {
return todo.completed();
return self.todos();
self.filteredTodos = ko.computed(function () {
switch (self.showMode()) {
case 'active':
return self.todos().filter(function (todo) {
return !todo.completed();
case 'completed':
return self.todos().filter(function (todo) {
return todo.completed();
return self.todos();
// add a new todo, when enter key is pressed
self.add = function() {
self.add = function () {
var current = self.current().trim();
if ( current ) {
self.todos.push( new Todo( current ) );
if (current) {
self.todos.push(new Todo(current));
// remove a single todo
self.remove = function( todo ) {
self.todos.remove( todo );
self.remove = function (todo) {
// remove all completed todos
self.removeCompleted = function() {
self.todos.remove(function( todo ) {
self.removeCompleted = function () {
self.todos.remove(function (todo) {
return todo.completed();
// edit an item
self.editItem = function( item ) {
item.editing( true );
self.editItem = function (item) {
// stop editing an item. Remove the item, if it is now empty
self.stopEditing = function( item ) {
item.editing( false );
self.stopEditing = function (item) {
if ( !item.title().trim() ) {
self.remove( item );
if (!item.title().trim()) {
// count of all completed todos
self.completedCount = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter( self.todos(), function( todo ) {
self.completedCount = ko.computed(function () {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.todos(), function (todo) {
return todo.completed();
// count of todos that are not complete
self.remainingCount = ko.computed(function() {
self.remainingCount = ko.computed(function () {
return self.todos().length - self.completedCount();
// writeable computed observable to handle marking all complete/incomplete
self.allCompleted = ko.computed({
//always return true/false based on the done flag of all todos
read: function() {
read: function () {
return !self.remainingCount();
// set all todos to the written value (true/false)
write: function(newValue) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach( self.todos(), function( todo ) {
write: function (newValue) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.todos(), function (todo) {
// set even if value is the same, as subscribers are not notified in that case
todo.completed( newValue );
// helper function to keep expressions out of markup
self.getLabel = function( count ) {
return ko.utils.unwrapObservable( count ) === 1 ? 'item' : 'items';
self.getLabel = function (count) {
return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(count) === 1 ? 'item' : 'items';
// internal computed observable that fires whenever anything changes in our todos
ko.computed(function() {
ko.computed(function () {
// store a clean copy to local storage, which also creates a dependency on the observableArray and all observables in each item
localStorage.setItem('todos-knockout', ko.toJSON( self.todos ) );
localStorage.setItem('todos-knockout', ko.toJSON(self.todos));
throttle: 500
}); // save at most twice per second
// check local storage for todos
var todos = ko.utils.parseJson( localStorage.getItem('todos-knockout') );
var todos = ko.utils.parseJson(localStorage.getItem('todos-knockout'));
// bind a new instance of our view model to the page
var viewModel = new ViewModel( todos || [] );
ko.applyBindings( viewModel );
var viewModel = new ViewModel(todos || []);
// set up filter routing
Router({ '/:filter': viewModel.showMode }).init();
/*jshint newcap:false*/
Router({'/:filter': viewModel.showMode}).init();
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