<p>TodoMVC Labs showcases sample Todo applications for frameworks that have just been released or are still awaiting consideration for inclusion in <ahref="http://todomvc.com">TodoMVC</a>.</p>
<p>These implementations may not completely meet our specifications just yet, but are functional enough to provide developers with a preview of what they're capable of.</p>
<p>While our team are working on improving these applications for a future release of TodoMVC, developers wishing to try out brand new frameworks or see what's coming next for this project can preview these applications today.</p>
<p><em>An * indicates the application is using our latest template. Please note that all applications should be run on a local HTTP server unless we've said otherwise.</em></p>
@@ -92,6 +86,9 @@
<ahref="architecture-examples/broke/index.html"data-source="https://github.com/brokenseal/broke-client"data-content="The Broke Javascript Framework is a porting of the fantastic Django Web Framework on Javascript. It summarizes all the best concepts present in Django like url resolving, decoupling, DRY principle, project-specific settings and a pretty simple template engine. It could be put in the big Javascript MVC frameworks group outside there, but, as Django is, this is more a MTV (Model-Template-View) framework.">Broke.js</a>
<ahref="architecture-examples/o_O/index.html"data-source="http://weepy.github.com/o_O/"data-content="o_O: HTML binding for teh lulz: <br>- Elegantly binds objects to HTML<br>- Proxies through jQuery, Ender, etc<br>- Automatic dependency resolution<br>- Plays well with others">Funnyface.js</a>