Commit 88eb07a3 authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

Merge pull request #412 from seanparmelee/gh-pages

Appended a trailing slash to the links for dermis, backbone_marionette, thorax.
parents dcbdd295 77b009bf
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/cujo/index.html" data-source="" data-content="Cujo.js is an architectural framework for building highly modular, scalable, maintainable applications in Javascript. It provides architectural plumbing, such as modules (AMD and CommonJS), declarative application composition, declarative connections, and aspect oriented programming.">cujo.js</a>
<li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/dermis" data-source="" data-content="dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications">dermis</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/dermis/" data-source="" data-content="dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications">dermis</a>
<li class="labs">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/montage/" data-source="" data-content="Montage simplifies the development of rich HTML5 applications by providing modular components, real-time two-way data binding, CommonJS dependency management, and many more conveniences.">Montage</a>
......@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@
<h2>MVC Extension Frameworks</h2>
<ul class="applist">
<li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/backbone_marionette" data-source="" data-content="Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications.">MarionetteJS</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/backbone_marionette/" data-source="" data-content="Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications.">MarionetteJS</a>
<li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/thorax" data-source="" data-content="An opinionated, battle tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications.">Thorax</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/thorax/" data-source="" data-content="An opinionated, battle tested Backbone + Handlebars framework to build large scale web applications.">Thorax</a>
<li class="routing labs">
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/chaplin-brunch/public/" data-source="" data-content="Chaplin is an architecture for JavaScript applications using the Backbone.js library. Chaplin addresses Backbone’s limitations by providing a lightweight and flexible structure that features well-proven design patterns and best practises.">Chaplin + Brunch</a>
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