Commit a77a1cfa authored by Colin Eberhardt's avatar Colin Eberhardt

Added a 'known issues' reporter

parent 2ea32f90
......@@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ if (argv.framework) {
// run the tests for each framework
var testIndex = 1;
list.forEach(function(framework) {
testSuite.todoMVCTest( + " (" + testIndex++ + "/" + list.length + ")",
rootUrl + framework.path + "/index.html", argv.speedMode, argv.laxMode);
module.exports = [
// the following are covered by the following issue:
"TodoMVC - agilityjs, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - angularjs-perf, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - closure, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - jquery, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - knockback, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - spine, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - yui, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
// all the following are covered by this issue:
// these implementations filter the view rather than the model when routing
"TodoMVC - agilityjs, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - agilityjs, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - backbone, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - backbone, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - maria, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - maria, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - dojo, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - dojo, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
// the following are covered by this issue:
"TodoMVC - spine, Mark all as completed, complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared",
"TodoMVC - angularjs-perf, Mark all as completed, complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared",
// the following implementations do not support routing
"TodoMVC - jquery, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - jquery, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - jquery, Routing, should allow me to display all items",
"TodoMVC - jquery, Routing, should highlight the currently applied filter",
// ----------------- Test framework issues -----------
// for some reason the persistence test fails for knockout, even though persistence is working
// just fine. Perhaps there is something asynchronous going on that is causing the assert
// to be executed early?
"TodoMVC - knockoutjs, Persistence, should persist its data",
// ----------------- Unsupported implementations!! -----------
// the following are TodoMVC implementations that are not supported by the autoated UI
// tests, and as a result have numerous failures.
// polymer - does not follow the HTML spec
"TodoMVC - polymer, New Todo, should allow me to add todo items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, New Todo, should clear text input field when an item is added",
"TodoMVC - polymer, New Todo, should trim text input",
"TodoMVC - polymer, New Todo, should show #main and #footer when items added",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Mark all as completed, should allow me to mark all items as completed",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Mark all as completed, should allow me to clear the completion state of all items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Mark all as completed, complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Item, should allow me to mark items as complete",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Item, should allow me to un-mark items as complete",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Item, should allow me to edit an item",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should hide other controls when editing",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should save edits on enter",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should save edits on blur",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should trim entered text",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should remove the item if an empty text string was entered",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Counter, should display the current number of todo items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Clear completed button, should display the number of completed items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Clear completed button, should remove completed items when clicked",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Clear completed button, should be hidden when there are no items that are completed",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Persistence, should persist its data",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Routing, should allow me to display all items",
"TodoMVC - polymer, Routing, should highlight the currently applied filter",
// gwt - does not follow the HTML spec closely eough for testing
"TodoMVC - gwt, New Todo, should allow me to add todo items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, New Todo, should trim text input",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Mark all as completed, should allow me to mark all items as completed",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Mark all as completed, should allow me to clear the completion state of all items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Mark all as completed, complete all checkbox should update state when items are completed / cleared",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Item, should allow me to mark items as complete",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Item, should allow me to un-mark items as complete",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Item, should allow me to edit an item",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should hide other controls when editing",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should save edits on enter",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should save edits on blur",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should trim entered text",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should remove the item if an empty text string was entered",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Editing, should cancel edits on escape",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Clear completed button, should display the number of completed items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Clear completed button, should remove completed items when clicked",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Clear completed button, should be hidden when there are no items that are completed",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Persistence, should persist its data",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Routing, should allow me to display active items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Routing, should allow me to display completed items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Routing, should allow me to display all items",
"TodoMVC - gwt, Routing, should highlight the currently applied filter",
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module.exports = KnownIssuesReporter;
var Base = require('mocha/lib/reporters/base'),
cursor = Base.cursor,
color = Base.color,
fs = require('fs');
function KnownIssuesReporter(runner) {, runner);
var self = this;
var passes = 0;
var failures = 0;
var fixedIssues = 0;
var newIssues = 0;
var currentTestIndex = 1;
var totalTests =;
var knownIssues = require("./knownIssues.js");
fs.readFile("./knownIssues.json", function(err, data) {
knownIssues = JSON.parse(data);
// the test.getTitle function is space separated. This function creates a comma
// separated name, which is much easier to read!
function getTestName(test) {
name = test.title;
while(test.parent && test.parent.title) {
name = test.parent.title + ", " + name;
test = test.parent;
return name;
function isKnownIssue(testName) {
var matches = knownIssues.filter(function(knownIssue) {
return knownIssue.test ? knownIssue.test === testName : knownIssue === testName;
return matches.length === 1;
function getProgress() {
return "(" + currentTestIndex++ + " of " + totalTests + ") ";
runner.on('pass', function(test) {
var testName = getTestName(test);
if (isKnownIssue(testName)) {
fixedIssues ++;
console.log(getProgress() + color('bright pass', 'resolved issue: ') + '%s', testName);
} else {
console.log(getProgress() + color('pass', 'pass: ') + '%s', testName);
runner.on('fail', function(test, err) {
var testName = getTestName(test);
if (isKnownIssue(testName)) {
console.log(getProgress() + color('fail', 'known issue: ') + '%s -- error: %s', testName, err.message);
} else {
newIssues ++;
console.log(getProgress() + color('bright fail', 'new issue: ') + '%s', testName);
runner.on('end', function(){
var totalTests = passes + failures;
console.log('passed: %d/%d', passes, totalTests);
console.log('failed: %d/%d', failures, totalTests);
console.log('new issues: %d', newIssues);
console.log('resolved issues: %d', fixedIssues);
runner.on('end', function() {
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