Commit db75d2b6 authored by Pascal Hartig's avatar Pascal Hartig

Elm: Sync with @evancz/elm-todomvc/trim

parent 0fe9e8d9
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module Todo where
This application is broken up into four distinct parts:
1. Model - a full definition of the application's state
2. Update - a way to step the application state forward
3. View - a way to visualize our application state with HTML
1. Model - a full description of the application as data
2. Update - a way to update the model based on user actions
3. View - a way to visualize our model with HTML
4. Inputs - the signals necessary to manage events
This clean division of concerns is a core part of Elm. You can read more about
......@@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ this in the Pong tutorial:
This program is not particularly large, so definitely see the following
document for notes on structuring more complex GUIs with Elm:
import Graphics.Element (Element, container, midTop)
import Html (..)
import Html.Attributes (..)
import Html.Events (..)
......@@ -52,9 +51,9 @@ emptyModel =
-- A description of the kinds of actions that can be performed on the state of
-- the application. See the following post for more info on this pattern and
-- some alternatives:
-- A description of the kinds of actions that can be performed on the model of
-- our application. See the following post for more info on this pattern and
-- some alternatives:
type Action
= NoOp
| UpdateField String
......@@ -65,54 +64,54 @@ type Action
| ChangeVisibility String
-- How we step the state forward for any given action
-- How we update our Model on any given Action
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action state =
update action model =
case action of
NoOp -> state
NoOp -> model
UpdateField str ->
{ state | field <- str }
{ model | field <- str }
Add ->
let description = String.trim state.field in
if String.isEmpty description then state else
{ state |
uid <- state.uid + 1,
let description = String.trim model.field in
if String.isEmpty description then model else
{ model |
uid <- model.uid + 1,
field <- "",
tasks <- state.tasks ++ [Task.init description state.uid]
tasks <- model.tasks ++ [Task.init description model.uid]
UpdateTask (id, taskAction) ->
let updateTask t =
if == id then Task.update taskAction t else Just t
{ state | tasks <- List.filterMap updateTask state.tasks }
{ model | tasks <- List.filterMap updateTask model.tasks }
DeleteComplete ->
{ state | tasks <- List.filter (not << .completed) state.tasks }
{ model | tasks <- List.filter (not << .completed) model.tasks }
CheckAll bool ->
let updateTask t = { t | completed <- bool }
in { state | tasks <- updateTask state.tasks }
in { model | tasks <- updateTask model.tasks }
ChangeVisibility visibility ->
{ state | visibility <- visibility }
{ model | visibility <- visibility }
view : Model -> Html
view state =
view model =
[ class "todomvc-wrapper"
, style [ ("visibility", "hidden") ]
[ section
[ id "todoapp" ]
[ lazy taskEntry state.field
, lazy2 taskList state.visibility state.tasks
, lazy2 controls state.visibility state.tasks
[ lazy taskEntry model.field
, lazy2 taskList model.visibility model.tasks
, lazy2 controls model.visibility model.tasks
, infoFooter
......@@ -221,14 +220,9 @@ infoFooter =
-- wire the entire application together
main : Signal Element
main : Signal Html
main =
Signal.map2 scene model Window.dimensions
scene : Model -> (Int,Int) -> Element
scene model (w,h) =
container w h midTop (toElement 550 h (view model)) view model
-- manage the model of our application over time
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