<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/cujo/index.html"data-source="http://cujojs.com"data-content="cujoJS is an architectural framework for building highly modular, scalable, maintainable applications in Javascript. It provides architectural plumbing, such as modules (AMD and CommonJS), declarative application composition, declarative connections, and aspect oriented programming.">cujoJS</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/componentjs/index.html"data-source="http://componentjs.com"data-content="ComponentJS is a stand-alone MPL-licensed Open Source library for JavaScript, providing a powerful run-time Component System for hierarchically structuring the User-Interface (UI) dialogs of complex HTML5-based Rich Clients (aka Single-Page-Apps) — under maximum applied Separation of Concerns (SoC) architecture principle, through optional Model, View and Controller component roles, with sophisticated hierarchical Event, Service, Hook, Model, Socket and Property mechanisms, and fully independent and agnostic of the particular UI widget toolkit.">ComponentJS</a>
<liclass="routing labs">
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/dermis/"data-source="https://github.com/wearefractal/dermis"data-content="dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications">dermis</a>
@@ -150,6 +147,9 @@
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/ractive/"data-source="http://ractivejs.org"data-content="Ractive.js is a next-generation DOM manipulation library, optimised for developer sanity.">Ractive.js</a>
<liclass="labs routing">
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/componentjs/"data-source="http://componentjs.com"data-content="ComponentJS is a stand-alone MPL-licensed Open Source library for JavaScript, providing a powerful run-time Component System for hierarchically structuring the User-Interface (UI) dialogs of complex HTML5-based Rich Clients (aka Single-Page-Apps) — under maximum applied Separation of Concerns (SoC) architecture principle, through optional Model, View and Controller component roles, with sophisticated hierarchical Event, Service, Hook, Model, Socket and Property mechanisms, and fully independent and agnostic of the particular UI widget toolkit.">ComponentJS</a>
<li><b>*</b><spanclass="label">R</span> = App also demonstrates routing</li>