Commit 21b0e6e9 authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

new app ui - backbone

parent 05a858f4
"name": "todomvc-backbone",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"backbone": "~1.1.1",
"underscore": "~1.7.0",
"jquery": "~2.1.0",
"todomvc-common": "~0.3.0",
"backbone.localStorage": "~1.1.0"
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Backbone.js • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/todomvc-app-css/index.css">
<section id="todoapp">
......@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@
<button id="clear-completed">Clear completed (<%= completed %>)</button>
<% } %>
<script src="bower_components/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/backbone/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/backbone.localStorage/backbone.localStorage.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/backbone/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/backbone.localstorage/backbone.localStorage.js"></script>
<script src="js/models/todo.js"></script>
<script src="js/collections/todos.js"></script>
<script src="js/views/todo-view.js"></script>
* Backbone localStorage Adapter
* Version 1.1.14
* Version 1.1.16
......@@ -238,8 +238,10 @@ Backbone.LocalStorage.sync = window.Store.sync = Backbone.localSync = function(m
Backbone.ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model) {
if(model.localStorage || (model.collection && model.collection.localStorage)) {
Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model, options) {
var forceAjaxSync = options && options.ajaxSync;
if(!forceAjaxSync && (result(model, 'localStorage') || result(model.collection, 'localStorage'))) {
return Backbone.localSync;
......@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model) {
// Override 'Backbone.sync' to default to localSync,
// the original 'Backbone.sync' is still available in 'Backbone.ajaxSync'
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model).apply(this, [method, model, options]);
return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model, options).apply(this, [method, model, options]);
return Backbone.LocalStorage;
hr {
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border-top: 1px dashed #c5c5c5;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #f7f7f7;
.learn a {
font-weight: normal;
text-decoration: none;
color: #b83f45;
.learn a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #787e7e;
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.learn h4,
.learn h5 {
margin: 10px 0;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 1.2;
color: #000;
.learn h3 {
font-size: 24px;
.learn h4 {
font-size: 18px;
.learn h5 {
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 14px;
.learn ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0 0 30px 25px;
.learn li {
line-height: 20px;
.learn p {
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: 300;
line-height: 1.3;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
#issue-count {
display: none;
.quote {
border: none;
margin: 20px 0 60px 0;
.quote p {
font-style: italic;
.quote p:before {
content: '“';
font-size: 50px;
opacity: .15;
position: absolute;
top: -20px;
left: 3px;
.quote p:after {
content: '”';
font-size: 50px;
opacity: .15;
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right: 3px;
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position: absolute;
bottom: -40px;
right: 0;
.quote footer img {
border-radius: 3px;
.quote footer a {
margin-left: 5px;
vertical-align: middle;
.speech-bubble {
position: relative;
padding: 10px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04);
border-radius: 5px;
.speech-bubble:after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
right: 30px;
border: 13px solid transparent;
border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .04);
.learn-bar > .learn {
position: absolute;
width: 272px;
top: 8px;
left: -300px;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .6);
transition-property: left;
transition-duration: 500ms;
@media (min-width: 899px) {
.learn-bar {
width: auto;
padding-left: 300px;
.learn-bar > .learn {
left: 8px;
/* global _ */
(function () {
'use strict';
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Underscore's Template Module
// Courtesy of
var _ = (function (_) {
......@@ -114,6 +116,7 @@
if (location.hostname === '') {
window._gaq = [['_setAccount','UA-31081062-1'],['_trackPageview']];(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.src='//';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)}(document,'script'));
/* jshint ignore:end */
function redirect() {
if (location.hostname === '') {
......@@ -175,13 +178,17 @@
if (learnJSON.backend) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON.backend;
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
backend: true
} else if (learnJSON[framework]) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON[framework];
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
Learn.prototype.append = function (opts) {
......@@ -212,6 +219,26 @@
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', aside.outerHTML);
Learn.prototype.fetchIssueCount = function () {
var issueLink = document.getElementById('issue-count-link');
if (issueLink) {
var url = issueLink.href.replace('', '');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(;
if (parsedResponse instanceof Array) {
var count = parsedResponse.length
if (count !== 0) {
issueLink.innerHTML = 'This app has ' + count + ' open issues';
document.getElementById('issue-count').style.display = 'inline';
getFile('learn.json', Learn);
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"backbone": "^1.1.2",
"backbone.localstorage": "^1.1.16",
"jquery": "^2.1.3",
"todomvc-app-css": "^1.0.0",
"todomvc-common": "^1.0.1",
"underscore": "^1.7.0"
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