Commit 38abc5ff authored by Peter Müller's avatar Peter Müller

Prevent global leakage of 'use strict' directive

parent 193752e8
/*global Thorax, _*/
'use strict';
name: 'stats',
events: {
'click #clear-completed': 'clearCompleted',
// The "rendered" event is triggered by Thorax each time render()
// is called and the result of the template has been appended
// to the View's $el
rendered: 'highlightFilter'
initialize: function () {
// Whenever the Todos collection changes re-render the stats
// render() needs to be called with no arguments, otherwise calling
// it with arguments will insert the arguments as content
this.listenTo(, 'all', _.debounce(function () {
// Clear all completed todo items, destroying their models.
clearCompleted: function () {
_.each(, function (todo) {
return false;
// Each time the stats view is rendered this function will
// be called to generate the context / scope that the template
// will be called with. "context" defaults to "return this"
context: function () {
var remaining =;
return {
itemText: remaining === 1 ? 'item' : 'items',
remaining: remaining
// Highlight which filter will appear to be active
highlightFilter: function () {
this.$('#filters li a')
.filter('[href="#/' + ( || '') + '"]')
(function () {
'use strict';
name: 'stats',
events: {
'click #clear-completed': 'clearCompleted',
// The "rendered" event is triggered by Thorax each time render()
// is called and the result of the template has been appended
// to the View's $el
rendered: 'highlightFilter'
initialize: function () {
// Whenever the Todos collection changes re-render the stats
// render() needs to be called with no arguments, otherwise calling
// it with arguments will insert the arguments as content
this.listenTo(, 'all', _.debounce(function () {
// Clear all completed todo items, destroying their models.
clearCompleted: function () {
_.each(, function (todo) {
return false;
// Each time the stats view is rendered this function will
// be called to generate the context / scope that the template
// will be called with. "context" defaults to "return this"
context: function () {
var remaining =;
return {
itemText: remaining === 1 ? 'item' : 'items',
remaining: remaining
// Highlight which filter will appear to be active
highlightFilter: function () {
this.$('#filters li a')
.filter('[href="#/' + ( || '') + '"]')
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