// This is a build profile for Dojo version of TodoMVC.
// This is a build profile for Dojo version of TodoMVC.
// To use this, place todomvc directory at the directory containing dojo/dijit/dojox/util (and follow the procedure of building Dojo).
// Refer to todomvc/architecture-examples/dojo/js/lib/dojo-1.8 and todomvc/architecture-examples/dojo/js/lib/dijit-1.8 to see what built files need to be copied.
Developers often ask what the difference is between Dojo 1.7+ and Require.js, which also supports the use of [AMD](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD) modules.
To build the Dojo app, you first need to download and extract the [Dojo SDK](https://dojotoolkit.org/download/#sdk).
At the root folder of the extracted SDK, copy or symlink the complete `todomvc`
folder, so your directory structure looks like this:
Require.js is a loader which implements AMD and may be used with various toolkits.There are some other AMD implementations like curl.js.
├── dijit
├── dojo
├── dojox
├── todomvc
└── util
Dojo is a toolkit which has been converted to use AMD and ships with an implementation of an AMD loader and optimization tools. As such, you do not need to use Require.js in order to write AMD modules using Dojo.
Enter the `dojo-release/util` folder and run these commands to build the
`dojo.js` file including all required resources and copy it back into the
todomvc folder. You need either java or node on your system to run these:
After a new release of Dojo, you may need to copy more files for this to work.
Check out the `js/lib/` folder for other files that are required from the
You can now open the app in your browser.
## AMD Notes
Developers often ask what the difference is between Dojo 1.7+ and Require.js, which also supports the use of [AMD](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD) modules.
Require.js is a loader which implements AMD and may be used with various toolkits. There are some other AMD implementations like curl.js.
Dojo is a toolkit which has been converted to use AMD and ships with an implementation of an AMD loader and optimization tools. As such, you do not need to use Require.js in order to write AMD modules using Dojo.