Commit c07b9e2a authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

Backbone.Marionette - code style

parent 6f25047d
......@@ -6,6 +6,22 @@
<title>Marionette • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/todomvc-common/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header"></header>
<section id="main"></section>
<footer id="footer"></footer>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
Created by <a href="">Jarrod Overson</a>
and <a href="">Derick Bailey</a>
using <a href="">Backbone.Marionette</a>
<p>Further variations on the Backbone.Marionette app are also <a href="">available</a>.</p>
<script type="text/html" id="template-footer">
<span id="todo-count"><strong></strong><span></span></span>
<ul id="filters">
......@@ -38,22 +54,6 @@
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id="todo-list"></ul>
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header"></header>
<section id="main"></section>
<footer id="footer"></footer>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
Created by <a href="">Jarrod Overson</a>
and <a href="">Derick Bailey</a>
using <a href="">Backbone.Marionette</a>
<p>Further variations on the Backbone.Marionette app are also <a href="">available</a>.</p>
<!-- vendor libraries -->
<script src="components/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
<script src="js/TodoMVC.TodoList.Views.js"></script>
<script src="js/TodoMVC.TodoList.js"></script>
// Start the TodoMVC app (defined in js/TodoMVC.js)
$(function () {
// start the TodoMVC app (defined in js/TodoMVC.js)
......@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
'use strict';
TodoMVC.module('Layout', function (Layout, App, Backbone) {
// Layout Header View
// ------------------
Layout.Header = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: '#template-header',
......@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ TodoMVC.module('Layout', function (Layout, App, Backbone) {
// Layout Footer View
// ------------------
Layout.Footer = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: '#template-footer',
......@@ -61,12 +58,12 @@ TodoMVC.module('Layout', function (Layout, App, Backbone) {
updateCount: function () {
var count = this.collection.getActive().length,
length = this.collection.length,
completed = length - count;
var count = this.collection.getActive().length;
var length = this.collection.length;
var completed = length - count;
this.ui.itemsString.html(' ' + (count === 1 ? 'item' : 'items') + ' left');
this.$el.parent().toggle(length > 0);
if (completed > 0) {
......@@ -87,10 +84,9 @@ TodoMVC.module('Layout', function (Layout, App, Backbone) {
onClearClick: function () {
var completed = this.collection.getCompleted();
completed.forEach(function destroy(todo) {
completed.forEach(function (todo) {
......@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
'use strict';
TodoMVC.module('TodoList.Views', function (Views, App, Backbone, Marionette, $) {
// Todo List Item View
// -------------------
// Display an individual todo item, and respond to changes
// that are made to the item, including marking completed.
Views.ItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: '#template-todoItemView',
......@@ -82,7 +80,6 @@ TodoMVC.module('TodoList.Views', function (Views, App, Backbone, Marionette, $)
// Controls the rendering of the list of items, including the
// filtering of activs vs completed items for display.
Views.ListView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: '#template-todoListCompositeView',
itemView: Views.ItemView,
......@@ -129,10 +126,8 @@ TodoMVC.module('TodoList.Views', function (Views, App, Backbone, Marionette, $)
// Handler for filtering the list of items by showing and
// hiding through the use of various CSS classes
App.vent.on('todoList:filter', function (filter) {
filter = filter || 'all';
$('#todoapp').attr('class', 'filter-' + filter);
......@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
'use strict';
TodoMVC.module('TodoList', function (TodoList, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// TodoList Router
// ---------------
// Handle routes to show the active vs complete todo items
TodoList.Router = Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
appRoutes: {
'*filter': 'filterItems'
......@@ -19,20 +17,17 @@ TodoMVC.module('TodoList', function (TodoList, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _)
// Control the workflow and logic that exists at the application
// level, above the implementation detail of views and models
TodoList.Controller = function () {
this.todoList = new App.Todos.TodoList();
_.extend(TodoList.Controller.prototype, {
// Start the app by showing the appropriate views
// and fetching the list of todo items, if there are any
start: function () {
......@@ -68,7 +63,6 @@ TodoMVC.module('TodoList', function (TodoList, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _)
// Get the TodoList up and running by initializing the mediator
// when the the application is started, pulling in all of the
// existing Todo items and displaying them.
TodoList.addInitializer(function () {
var controller = new TodoList.Controller();
controller.router = new TodoList.Router({
......@@ -77,5 +71,4 @@ TodoMVC.module('TodoList', function (TodoList, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _)
......@@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
'use strict';
TodoMVC.module('Todos', function (Todos, App, Backbone) {
// Todo Model
// ----------
Todos.Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
title: '',
completed: false,
......@@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ TodoMVC.module('Todos', function (Todos, App, Backbone) {
// Todo Collection
// ---------------
Todos.TodoList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Todos.Todo,
......@@ -53,5 +49,4 @@ TodoMVC.module('Todos', function (Todos, App, Backbone) {
return todo.isCompleted();
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