Commit c5031e49 authored by TasteBot's avatar TasteBot

update the build files for gh-pages [ci skip]

parent 629a5a04
<!doctype html>
<html data-framework="webrx" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>WebRx - TodoMVC</title>
<link href="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="node_modules/todomvc-app-css/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header">
<input autofocus data-bind="textInput: @current,
keyPress: { 'enter': { command: addCmd, parameter: $data } }"
id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?">
<section data-bind="visible: todos.length" id="main">
<input data-bind="checked: remainingCount === 0, command: completeAllCmd" id="toggle-all" type="checkbox">
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul data-bind="foreach: filteredTodos" id="todo-list">
<li data-bind="css: { completed: completed, editing: editing }">
<div class="view">
<input class="toggle" data-bind="checked: @completed" type="checkbox">
<label data-bind="text: title, event: {
dblclick: { command: $root.editItemCmd, parameter: $data } }">
<button class="destroy" data-bind="command: { command: $root.removeCmd, parameter: $data }">
<input class="edit" data-bind="textInput: @title,
hasFocus: { property: editing, delay: true },
event: {
blur: { command: $root.saveEditingCmd, parameter: $data } },
keyPress: {
'enter': { command: $root.saveEditingCmd, parameter: $data },
'esc': { command: $root.cancelEditingCmd, parameter: $data } }">
<footer data-bind="visible: completedCount || remainingCount" id="footer">
<span id="todo-count"><strong data-bind="text: remainingCount">0</strong>
<span data-bind="text: remainingCount === 1 ? 'item' : 'items'"></span> left</span>
<ul id="filters">
<a data-bind="sactive: { name: '$', cssClass: 'selected' }, sref: '$'">All</a>
<a data-bind="sactive: { name: 'active', cssClass: 'selected' }, sref: 'active'">Active</a>
<a data-bind="sactive: { name: 'completed', cssClass: 'selected' }, sref: 'completed'">Completed</a>
<button data-bind="visible: completedCount, command: removeCompletedCmd" id="clear-completed">Clear completed</button>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
<p>Written by <a href="">Oliver Weichhold</a></p>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script src="node_modules/todomvc-common/base.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/rx/dist/rx.all.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/webrx/dist/web.rx.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
/*global wx */
(function () {
'use strict';
var localStorageKey = 'todos-webrx';
var displayModeAll = 'all';
var displayModeActive = 'active';
var displayModeCompleted = 'completed';
// represent a single todo item
function Todo(title, completed) {
this.title =;
this.completed =;
this.editing =;
// our main view model
var ViewModel = function (todos) {
// map array of passed in todos to an observableArray of Todo objects
this.todos = wx.list( (todo) {
return new Todo(todo.title, todo.completed);
// we want to get notified of changes to any of the todos contained in the list
// not just of structural changes to the list (via "listChanged" obserable).
// Those changes are then exposed using the list's "itemChanged" obseravable
this.todos.changeTrackingEnabled = true;
this.current =;
this.showMode ='all');
// create a live-filtered projection of the todos collection that will update
// when its source (this.todos) or any of its items changes or when when "showMode" changes
this.filteredTodos = this.todos.project(function (todo) {
switch (this.showMode()) {
case displayModeActive:
return !todo.completed();
case displayModeCompleted:
return todo.completed();
return true;
}.bind(this), this.showMode.changed);
// add a new entry, when enter key is pressed
this.addCmd = wx.command(function () {
var current = this.current().trim();
if (current) {
this.todos.push(new Todo(current));
}, this);
// remove a single entry
this.removeCmd = wx.command(function (todo) {
}, this);
// mark all todos complete/incomplete
this.completeAllCmd = wx.command(function () {
this.todos.forEach(function (todo) {
}, this);
}, this);
// remove all completed entries
this.removeCompletedCmd = wx.command(function () {
this.todos.filter(function (todo) {
return todo.completed();
}).forEach(function (item) {
}, this);
}, this);
// edit an item
this.editItemCmd = wx.command(function (item) {
item.previousTitle = item.title();
}, this);
// cancel editing an item and revert to the previous content
this.cancelEditingCmd = wx.command(function (item) {
}, this);
// stop editing an item, remove the item, if it is now empty
this.saveEditingCmd = wx.command(function (item) {
var title = item.title();
var trimmedTitle = title.trim();
if (title !== trimmedTitle) {
if (!trimmedTitle) {
}, this);
this.countCompleted = function () {
return this.todos.filter(function (todo) {
return todo.completed();
// create an observable output-property representing all completed todos
this.completedCount = Rx.Observable.merge(this.todos.listChanged, this.todos.itemChanged)
.select(this.countCompleted, this)
this.countRemaining = function () {
return this.todos.length() - this.completedCount();
// create an observable output-property representing all todos that are not complete
this.remainingCount = Rx.Observable.merge(this.todos.listChanged, this.todos.itemChanged)
.select(this.countRemaining, this)
// setup routing
var self = this;
// Configure the Base-Url for all states (in a production-setup you would probably
// pass this from server to client via a custom query-parameter or something similar)
wx.router.baseUrl = '/examples/webrx/';
name: '$',
onEnter: function () {
name: 'active',
onEnter: function () {
name: 'completed',
onEnter: function () {
// reload root state ($)
// persistence
Rx.Observable.merge(this.todos.listChanged, this.todos.itemChanged)
.subscribeOnNext(function () {
localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify( (x) {
return { title: x.title(), completed: x.completed() };
}, this);
// check local storage for todos
var todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey));
// bind a new instance of our view model to the page
var viewModel = new ViewModel(todos || []);
This diff is collapsed.
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#todoapp {
background: #fff;
margin: 130px 0 40px 0;
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box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
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#todoapp input::-moz-placeholder {
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#todoapp input::input-placeholder {
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font-smoothing: antialiased;
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box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.03);
#main {
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border-top: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
label[for='toggle-all'] {
display: none;
#toggle-all {
position: absolute;
top: -55px;
left: -12px;
width: 60px;
height: 34px;
text-align: center;
border: none; /* Mobile Safari */
#toggle-all:before {
content: '❯';
font-size: 22px;
color: #e6e6e6;
padding: 10px 27px 10px 27px;
#toggle-all:checked:before {
color: #737373;
#todo-list {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
#todo-list li {
position: relative;
font-size: 24px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ededed;
#todo-list li:last-child {
border-bottom: none;
#todo-list li.editing {
border-bottom: none;
padding: 0;
#todo-list li.editing .edit {
display: block;
width: 506px;
padding: 13px 17px 12px 17px;
margin: 0 0 0 43px;
#todo-list li.editing .view {
display: none;
#todo-list li .toggle {
text-align: center;
width: 40px;
/* auto, since non-WebKit browsers doesn't support input styling */
height: auto;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
margin: auto 0;
border: none; /* Mobile Safari */
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
#todo-list li .toggle:after {
content: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="40" height="40" viewBox="-10 -18 100 135"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="none" stroke="#ededed" stroke-width="3"/></svg>');
#todo-list li .toggle:checked:after {
content: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" width="40" height="40" viewBox="-10 -18 100 135"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="none" stroke="#bddad5" stroke-width="3"/><path fill="#5dc2af" d="M72 25L42 71 27 56l-4 4 20 20 34-52z"/></svg>');
#todo-list li label {
white-space: pre;
word-break: break-word;
padding: 15px 60px 15px 15px;
margin-left: 45px;
display: block;
line-height: 1.2;
transition: color 0.4s;
#todo-list li.completed label {
color: #d9d9d9;
text-decoration: line-through;
#todo-list li .destroy {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 10px;
bottom: 0;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin: auto 0;
font-size: 30px;
color: #cc9a9a;
margin-bottom: 11px;
transition: color 0.2s ease-out;
#todo-list li .destroy:hover {
color: #af5b5e;
#todo-list li .destroy:after {
content: '×';
#todo-list li:hover .destroy {
display: block;
#todo-list li .edit {
display: none;
#todo-list li.editing:last-child {
margin-bottom: -1px;
#footer {
color: #777;
padding: 10px 15px;
height: 20px;
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0 9px 1px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
0 16px 0 -6px #f6f6f6,
0 17px 2px -6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#todo-count {
float: left;
text-align: left;
#todo-count strong {
font-weight: 300;
#filters {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
position: absolute;
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#filters li {
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#filters li a.selected,
#filters li a:hover {
border-color: rgba(175, 47, 47, 0.1);
#filters li a.selected {
border-color: rgba(175, 47, 47, 0.2);
html #clear-completed:active {
float: right;
position: relative;
line-height: 20px;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
#clear-completed:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
#info {
margin: 65px auto 0;
color: #bfbfbf;
font-size: 10px;
text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
text-align: center;
#info p {
line-height: 1;
#info a {
color: inherit;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: 400;
#info a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
Hack to remove background from Mobile Safari.
Can't use it globally since it destroys checkboxes in Firefox
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
#todo-list li .toggle {
background: none;
#todo-list li .toggle {
height: 40px;
#toggle-all {
-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
@media (max-width: 430px) {
#footer {
height: 50px;
#filters {
bottom: 10px;
hr {
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text-decoration: none;
color: #b83f45;
.learn a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #787e7e;
.learn h3,
.learn h4,
.learn h5 {
margin: 10px 0;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 1.2;
color: #000;
.learn h3 {
font-size: 24px;
.learn h4 {
font-size: 18px;
.learn h5 {
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 14px;
.learn ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0 0 30px 25px;
.learn li {
line-height: 20px;
.learn p {
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: 300;
line-height: 1.3;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
#issue-count {
display: none;
.quote {
border: none;
margin: 20px 0 60px 0;
.quote p {
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.quote p:before {
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transition-property: left;
transition-duration: 500ms;
@media (min-width: 899px) {
.learn-bar {
width: auto;
padding-left: 300px;
.learn-bar > .learn {
left: 8px;
/* global _ */
(function () {
'use strict';
/* jshint ignore:start */
// Underscore's Template Module
// Courtesy of
var _ = (function (_) {
_.defaults = function (object) {
if (!object) {
return object;
for (var argsIndex = 1, argsLength = arguments.length; argsIndex < argsLength; argsIndex++) {
var iterable = arguments[argsIndex];
if (iterable) {
for (var key in iterable) {
if (object[key] == null) {
object[key] = iterable[key];
return object;
// By default, Underscore uses ERB-style template delimiters, change the
// following template settings to use alternative delimiters.
_.templateSettings = {
evaluate : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
escape : /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g
// When customizing `templateSettings`, if you don't want to define an
// interpolation, evaluation or escaping regex, we need one that is
// guaranteed not to match.
var noMatch = /(.)^/;
// Certain characters need to be escaped so that they can be put into a
// string literal.
var escapes = {
"'": "'",
'\\': '\\',
'\r': 'r',
'\n': 'n',
'\t': 't',
'\u2028': 'u2028',
'\u2029': 'u2029'
var escaper = /\\|'|\r|\n|\t|\u2028|\u2029/g;
// JavaScript micro-templating, similar to John Resig's implementation.
// Underscore templating handles arbitrary delimiters, preserves whitespace,
// and correctly escapes quotes within interpolated code.
_.template = function(text, data, settings) {
var render;
settings = _.defaults({}, settings, _.templateSettings);
// Combine delimiters into one regular expression via alternation.
var matcher = new RegExp([
(settings.escape || noMatch).source,
(settings.interpolate || noMatch).source,
(settings.evaluate || noMatch).source
].join('|') + '|$', 'g');
// Compile the template source, escaping string literals appropriately.
var index = 0;
var source = "__p+='";
text.replace(matcher, function(match, escape, interpolate, evaluate, offset) {
source += text.slice(index, offset)
.replace(escaper, function(match) { return '\\' + escapes[match]; });
if (escape) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + escape + "))==null?'':_.escape(__t))+\n'";
if (interpolate) {
source += "'+\n((__t=(" + interpolate + "))==null?'':__t)+\n'";
if (evaluate) {
source += "';\n" + evaluate + "\n__p+='";
index = offset + match.length;
return match;
source += "';\n";
// If a variable is not specified, place data values in local scope.
if (!settings.variable) source = 'with(obj||{}){\n' + source + '}\n';
source = "var __t,__p='',__j=Array.prototype.join," +
"print=function(){,'');};\n" +
source + "return __p;\n";
try {
render = new Function(settings.variable || 'obj', '_', source);
} catch (e) {
e.source = source;
throw e;
if (data) return render(data, _);
var template = function(data) {
return, data, _);
// Provide the compiled function source as a convenience for precompilation.
template.source = 'function(' + (settings.variable || 'obj') + '){\n' + source + '}';
return template;
return _;
if (location.hostname === '') {
window._gaq = [['_setAccount','UA-31081062-1'],['_trackPageview']];(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.src='//';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)}(document,'script'));
/* jshint ignore:end */
function redirect() {
if (location.hostname === '') {
location.href = location.href.replace('', '');
function findRoot() {
var base = location.href.indexOf('examples/');
return location.href.substr(0, base);
function getFile(file, callback) {
if (! {
return'Miss the info bar? Run TodoMVC from a server to avoid a cross-origin error.');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', findRoot() + file, true);
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status === 200 && callback) {
function Learn(learnJSON, config) {
if (!(this instanceof Learn)) {
return new Learn(learnJSON, config);
var template, framework;
if (typeof learnJSON !== 'object') {
try {
learnJSON = JSON.parse(learnJSON);
} catch (e) {
if (config) {
template = config.template;
framework = config.framework;
if (!template && learnJSON.templates) {
template = learnJSON.templates.todomvc;
if (!framework && document.querySelector('[data-framework]')) {
framework = document.querySelector('[data-framework]').dataset.framework;
this.template = template;
if (learnJSON.backend) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON.backend;
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
backend: true
} else if (learnJSON[framework]) {
this.frameworkJSON = learnJSON[framework];
this.frameworkJSON.issueLabel = framework;
Learn.prototype.append = function (opts) {
var aside = document.createElement('aside');
aside.innerHTML = _.template(this.template, this.frameworkJSON);
aside.className = 'learn';
if (opts && opts.backend) {
// Remove demo link
var sourceLinks = aside.querySelector('.source-links');
var heading = sourceLinks.firstElementChild;
var sourceLink = sourceLinks.lastElementChild;
// Correct link path
var href = sourceLink.getAttribute('href');
sourceLink.setAttribute('href', href.substr(href.lastIndexOf('http')));
sourceLinks.innerHTML = heading.outerHTML + sourceLink.outerHTML;
} else {
// Localize demo links
var demoLinks = aside.querySelectorAll('.demo-link');, function (demoLink) {
if (demoLink.getAttribute('href').substr(0, 4) !== 'http') {
demoLink.setAttribute('href', findRoot() + demoLink.getAttribute('href'));
document.body.className = (document.body.className + ' learn-bar').trim();
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', aside.outerHTML);
Learn.prototype.fetchIssueCount = function () {
var issueLink = document.getElementById('issue-count-link');
if (issueLink) {
var url = issueLink.href.replace('', '');
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(;
if (parsedResponse instanceof Array) {
var count = parsedResponse.length
if (count !== 0) {
issueLink.innerHTML = 'This app has ' + count + ' open issues';
document.getElementById('issue-count').style.display = 'inline';
getFile('learn.json', Learn);
This diff is collapsed.
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "^0.9.0"
"dependencies": {
"rx": "~2.5.2",
"todomvc-app-css": "^1.0.0",
"todomvc-common": "^1.0.1",
"webrx": "~0.9.75"
# Webrx TodoMVC Example
## About WebRx
WebRx is a browser-based MVVM-Framework that combines functional-reactive programming with declarative Data-Binding, Templating and Client-Side Routing.
The framework is written in [Typescript]( and built on top of [ReactiveX for Javascript (RxJs)]( which is a
powerful set of libraries for processing and querying asynchronous data-streams that can originate from diverse sources such as Http-Requests, Input-Events, Timers and much more.
## Routing
The routing implementation in the example uses the HTML5 history and thus does
not create valid URLs when run without a proper server configuration. This issue
is tracked as [#1293](
## TodoMVC
This TodoMVC implementation demonstrates many of the framework's built-in core features:
- [View-Models](
- [Observable Properties]( and [Output Properties](
- [Observable Lists]( and Projections
- [Commands](
- [Data-Binding](
- [Routing](
## Learning WebRx
Here are some links you may find helpful:
* [Website]( is a great resource for getting started.
* [Documentation](
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2252,6 +2252,40 @@
"webrx": {
"name": "WebRx",
"description": "WebRx is a browser-based MVVM-Framework written in Typescript that combines functional-reactive programming with declarative Data-Binding and Templating.",
"homepage": "",
"examples": [{
"name": "Example",
"url": "examples/webrx"
"link_groups": [{
"heading": "Official Resources",
"links": [{
"name": "Tutorial",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "API Reference",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "Documentation",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "Live examples",
"url": ""
}, {
"heading": "Community",
"links": [{
"name": "WebRx on Stack Overflow",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "WebRx on Twitter",
"url": ""
"templates": {
"todomvc": "<header> <h3><%= name %></h3> <span class=\"source-links\"> <% if (typeof examples !== 'undefined') { %> <% examples.forEach(function (example) { %> <h5><%= %></h5> <% if (!location.href.match(example.url + '/')) { %> <a class=\"demo-link\" data-type=\"<%= example.type === 'backend' ? 'external' : 'local' %>\" href=\"<%= example.url %>\">Demo</a>, <% } if (example.type === 'backend') { %><a href=\"<%= example.source_url %>\"><% } else { %><a href=\"<%= example.source_url ? example.source_url : example.url %>\"><% } %>Source</a> <% }); %> <% } %> </span> </header> <hr> <blockquote class=\"quote speech-bubble\"> <p><%= description %></p> <footer> <a href=\"http://<%= homepage %>\"><%= name %></a> </footer> </blockquote> <% if (typeof link_groups !== 'undefined') { %> <hr> <% link_groups.forEach(function (link_group) { %> <h4><%= link_group.heading %></h4> <ul> <% link_group.links.forEach(function (link) { %> <li> <a href=\"<%= link.url %>\"><%= %></a> </li> <% }); %> </ul> <% }); %> <% } %> <footer> <hr> <em>If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please <a href=\"\">let us know</a>.</em> </footer>"
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