> Fast, elegant and component oriented framework for desktops, mobiles or servers _(node.js)_
> _[Atma - atmajs.com](http://atmajs.com)_
The framework consists of several stand-alone libraries. This approach not only reduces barriers to entry, but also
allows developers to exclude or replace any library with other third party one.
The goal of the framework is to deliver the component-based development and to provide libraries for making their composition easily and with blazing fast performance _(even on mobile CPUs)_.
— is a class-model implementation. A business logic layer for applications. It accumulates best practices of the OOP and supports model de-/serialization with the persistence to localStorage, RESTful service or MongoDB. Any additional adapter can be created by the developer.
— is the core library of the Atma.js framework. It brings HMVC engine into play and everything starts with the markup. Instead of HTML, more compact and component-oriented syntax is used, which is similar to LESS and Zen Coding. But not the syntax is the advantage of the mask markup, but the DOM creation approach. It allows very fast to parse the templates to tiny MaskDOM (_json with the tree structure_). And while traversing the MaskDOM, the builder creates DOM Elements and initializes components. As the MaskDom structure is extremely lightweight, each component can easily manipulate the MaskDOM. So the all dynamic behavior, like interpolation, 1-/2way-binding, component's nesting and many other things, are almost for free in sens of the performance. Beyond fast DOM creation there are other distinguishing features:
- model agnostic
- components hierarchy
- better referencing via ```find/closest``` search _in a jquery way)_
- better communication via signals and slots. _Piped-signals are used to bind components, that are not in ascendant-descendant relation, but anywhere in an app_
- one-/two-way bindings with complex object observers, so even if deep, nested path to the property is used, any manipulations with the model preserve observers in place.
- custom attribute handlers
- designed to be used with other libraries. For example, with small wrappers we can encapsulate twitter bootstrap markups and widgets initializations
- high code reuse
To mention is, that the templates and the components can be rendered on the server side.
- better debugging: loads javascript in browsers via ```script src='x'```
- for production builder can combine and optimize all resources into single ```*.js``` and single ```*.css```. All the templates are embedded into main ```*.html```. _Developing a web page using Atma node application module, builder also creates additionally single js/css/html files per page from the components that are specific to a page_
##### µTest
— _inspired by Buster.JS_ Simplifies unit test creation and runs them in node.js or in browser-slave(s) environments. All the Atma.js libraries are tested using the µTest.
##### Ruta
— is not only an url routing via History API or ```hashchange```, but it implements a Route-Value Collection for adding/retrieving any object by the route.
#### Atma.Toolkit
— command-line tool, which runs unit tests, builds applications, runs node.js ```bash``` scripts, creates static file server with live reload feature, etc.
— a connect middle-ware. All the routes are declared in configuration files, and there are 3 types of endpoints:
- Handlers
- RESTful services
- Pages
Pages benefits from component based approach. Each component's controller can define caching settings, so that the component renders only once. Developer can restrict any component for the server side rendering only, so that the controller itself and any sensitive data is not sent to the client. When a component is rendered, then only HTML is sent to the client, _where all bindings and event listeners are attached_. So it is extremely SEO friendly.
Here are some links you may find helpful:
-[Get Started](http://atmajs.com/get/github)
-[Mask Markup Live Test](http://atmajs.com/mask-try)
-[Atma.js on GitHub](https://github.com/atmajs)
_If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please [let us know](https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/issues)._
### Implementation
The Application is split into components hierarchy, and so the application structure consists of a Component and an Application Layer. Any component has the resources (_that are component specific, like styles / templates and other nested components_) in the same folder and sub-. These makes it easer to _reuse_ them in other applications and makes it easer to develop and test them.
For the application globals dev build of Atma.js was used.
### Run
To run the main example, file access should be allowed in browser, as ```include``` loads templates with
```XMLHttpRequest```. But you can also start a built-in local server:
$ npm install -g atma # install atma.toolkit
$ atma server
navigate to ``` http://localhost:5777/ ```
### Build
To build the application for release, run ``` $ atma ```. We provide also a compiled version in 'build/' directory, so you
can see how the application looks like for production.
## Contact
- [team@atmajs.com](mailto:team@atmajs.com)
- [Google Group QA](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/atmajs)
"description":"Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.",