Commit f6514a85 authored by Colin Eberhardt's avatar Colin Eberhardt

Added a 'lax' mode

parent 1eeb0551
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ In order to run tests for a single TodoMVC implementation, supply a framework ar
It can be useful send the results to the console and a file:
mocha allTests.js -R spec 2>&1 | tee test.txt
mocha allTests.js -R spec
Failed tests can be found using grep:
......@@ -104,12 +104,20 @@ In order to keep each test case fully isolated, the browser is closed then re-op
Before each test all the todo items are checked as completed and the 'clear complete' button pressed. This make the tests run in around half the time, but with the obvious risk that the tear-down code may fail.
##Lax mode
There are certain implementations (e.g. GWT and Dojo) where the constraints of the framework mean that it is not possible to match exactly the HTML specification for TodoMVC. In these cases the tests can be run in a 'lax' mode where the XPath queries used to locate DOM elements are more general. For example, rather than looking for a checkbox `input` element with a class of `toggle`, in lax mode it simply looks for any `input` elements of type `checkbox`. To run the tests in lax mode, simply use the `--laxMode` argument:
mocha allTests.js -R spec --laxMode
##Test design
Very briefly, the tests are designed as follows:
+ `ToDoPage.js` - provides an abstraction layer for the HTML template. All the code required to access elements from the DOM is found within this file. The XPaths used to locate elements are based on the TodoMVC specification, using the required element classes / ids.
+ `TestOperations.js` - provides common assertions and operations.
+ `page.js` - provides an abstraction layer for the HTML template. All the code required to access elements from the DOM is found within this file. The XPaths used to locate elements are based on the TodoMVC specification, using the required element classes / ids.
+ `pageLaxMode.js` - extends the above in order to relax the XPath constraints.
+ `testOperations.js` - provides common assertions and operations.
+ `test.js` - Erm … the tests! These are written to closely match the TodoMVC spec.
+ `allTest.js` - A simple file that locates all of the framework examples, and runs the tests for each.
var testSuite = require('./test.js'),
fs = require('fs'),
argv = require('optimist').argv,
argv = require('optimist').default('laxMode', false).argv,
rootUrl = "http://localhost:8000/",
frameworkNamePattern = /^[a-z-_]+$/;
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var testSuite = require('./test.js'),
var list = fs.readdirSync("../architecture-examples/")
.map(function(folderName) { return { name : folderName, path : "architecture-examples/" + folderName} });
list = list.concat(fs.readdirSync("../labs/architecture-examples/")
/*list = list.concat(fs.readdirSync("../labs/architecture-examples/")
.map(function(folderName) { return { name : folderName, path: "labs/architecture-examples/" + folderName} }));
list = list.concat(fs.readdirSync("../labs/dependency-examples/")
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ list = list.concat(fs.readdirSync("../labs/dependency-examples/")
list = list.concat(fs.readdirSync("../dependency-examples/")
.map(function(folderName) { return { name : folderName, path: "dependency-examples/" + folderName} }));
// apps that are not hosted at the root of their folder
// apps that are not hosted at the root of their folder need to b ehandled explicitly
var exceptions = [
{ name : "chaplin-brunch", path : "labs/dependency-examples/chaplin-brunch/public" }
......@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ list = {
return exception.length > 0 ? exception[0] : framework;
// filter out any folders that are not frameworks (.e.g hidden files)
list = list.filter(function(framework) { return frameworkNamePattern.test(; });
......@@ -40,5 +38,5 @@ if (argv.framework) {
var testIndex = 1;
list.forEach(function(framework) {
testSuite.todoMVCTest( + " (" + testIndex++ + "/" + list.length + ")",
rootUrl + framework.path + "/index.html", argv.speedMode);
rootUrl + framework.path + "/index.html", argv.speedMode, argv.laxMode);
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
function Page(browser) {
function Page(browser, laxMode) {
function xPathForItemAtIndex(index) {
// ----------------- utility methods
this.xPathForItemAtIndex = function(index) {
// why is XPath the only language silly enough to be 1-indexed?
return "//ul[@id='todo-list']/li[" + (index + 1) + "]";
......@@ -27,15 +29,21 @@ function Page(browser) {
this.tryGetToggleForItemAtIndex = function(index) {
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[contains(@class,'toggle')]"));
var xpath = this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[contains(@class,'toggle')]";
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.tryGetItemLabelAtIndex = function(index) {
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//label"));
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//label"));
// ----------------- DOM element access methods
this.getEditInputForItemAtIndex = function(index) {
var xpath = this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[contains(@class,'edit')]";
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getItemInputField = function() {
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath("//input[@id='new-todo']"));
......@@ -57,7 +65,7 @@ function Page(browser) {
this.getItemLabelAtIndex = function(index) {
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//label"));
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//label"));
this.getFilterElements = function() {
......@@ -93,7 +101,7 @@ function Page(browser) {
this.editItemAtIndex = function(index, itemText) {
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[contains(@class,'edit')]"))
return this.getEditInputForItemAtIndex(index)
.then(function(itemEditField) {
// send 50 delete keypresses, just to be sure the item text is deleted
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
Page = require("./page");
function PageLaxMode(browser) {
Page.apply(this, [browser]);
this.tryGetToggleForItemAtIndex = function(index) {
// the specification dictates that the checkbox should have the 'toggle' CSS class. Some implementations deviate from
// this, hence in lax mode we simply look for any checkboxes within the specified 'li'.
var xpath = this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[@type='checkbox']";
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getEditInputForItemAtIndex = function(index) {
// the specification dictates that the input element that allows the user to edit a todo item should have a CSS
// class of 'edit'. In lax mode, we also look for an input of type 'text'.
var xpath = "(" + this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[@type='text']" + "|" +
this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + "//input[contains(@class,'edit')]" + ")";
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
module.exports = PageLaxMode;
\ No newline at end of file
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
test = require('selenium-webdriver/testing'),
assert = require("assert"),
ToDoPage = require("./ToDoPage"),
Page = require("./page"),
PageLaxMode = require("./pageLaxMode"),
TestOperations = require("./testOperations");
exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode, laxMode) {
test.describe('TodoMVC - ' + frameworkName, function () {
var otherUrl = "http://localhost:8000/";
var TODO_ITEM_ONE = "buy some cheese";
......@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
page = new ToDoPage(browser);
page = laxMode ? new PageLaxMode(browser) : new Page(browser);
testOps = new TestOperations(page);
// for apps that use require, we have to wait a while for the dependencies to
......@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
testOps.assertItemText(0, TODO_ITEM_ONE);
testOps.assertItemText(1, TODO_ITEM_TWO);
testOps.assertItemText(0, TODO_ITEM_ONE);
......@@ -147,12 +149,13 @@ exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
// testOps.assertItemAtIndexIsCompleted(0);
// page.toggleItemAtIndex(1);
// testOps.assertItemAtIndexIsCompleted(0);
// testOps.assertItemAtIndexIsCompleted(1);
});'should allow me to un-mark items as complete', function () {
......@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
test.describe('Editing', function () {
test.describe('Editing', function () {'should hide other controls when editing', function () {
......@@ -324,8 +327,8 @@ exports.todoMVCTest = function(frameworkName, baseUrl, speedMode) {
testOps.assertItemText(1, TODO_ITEM_THREE);
testOps.assertItemText(0, TODO_ITEM_ONE);
// testOps.assertItemText(1, TODO_ITEM_THREE);
//testOps.assertItemText(0, TODO_ITEM_ONE);
});'should allow me to display completed items', function () {
......@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ function TestOperations(page) {
this.assertItemAtIndexIsNotCompleted = function(index) {
page.getItemElements().then(function(toDoItems) {
toDoItems[index].getAttribute("class").then(function(cssClass) {
assert(cssClass.indexOf("completed") === -1);
// the maria implementation uses an 'incompleted' CSS class which is redundant
// TODO: this should really be moved into the pageLaxMode
assert(cssClass.indexOf("completed") === -1 || cssClass.indexOf("incompleted") !== -1);
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