• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    ui_test: test how interaction workflows can change values when saving · fcde3e85
    Jérome Perrin authored
    This uses a foo_interaction_workflow that sets a short title when title
    is set to a special value. We use it to check that when user set the
    title to that special value and save, next time the form is displayed,
    the values displayed are the ones after interaction workflow modified.
    This is a simple and a bit unrealistic scenario, but we have for example
    interaction workflows that update security definitions when some
    properties are modified, we want the next form to display the values
    after modifications.
    This is also the case of editions of portal components which sets the
    document to "modified" state and "re-validate" it at the end of
    transaction, unless pylint detects error.
testEditWithBeforeCommitInteractionWorkflow.zpt 1.45 KB