Commit 68d605ac authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud :octopus:

Do not hardcode group name, but rely on Form_getGroupTitleAndId, as some...

Do not hardcode group name, but rely on Form_getGroupTitleAndId, as some form's groups may have a title (for web mode).

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 22f0e212
......@@ -62,17 +62,14 @@
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="main">\n
<tal:block tal:define="field_errors python: request.get(\'field_errors\',{});\n
dummy python: request.set(\'here\', here);\n
left_group python: form.get_fields_in_group(\'left\');\n
right_group python: form.get_fields_in_group(\'right\');\n
center_group python: form.get_fields_in_group(\'center\');\n
dialog_actions python: here.Base_fixDialogActions(actions, dialog_category);\n
current_action python: here.ERP5Site_getCurrentDialogAction(current_url, dialog_actions);\n
field_render here/field_render/macros/field_render;">\n
<tal:block tal:condition="preferred_html_style_developper_mode">\n
<tal:block metal:use-macro="developper_shortcut_render/macros/form" />\n
<div tal:condition="python: len(left_group) or len(right_group) or len(center_group) or len(dialog_actions)>1"\n
<div class="dialog_box">\n
<div tal:condition="python: len(dialog_actions) > 1"\n
<label for="dialog_selector"\n
......@@ -80,6 +77,7 @@
, \'object_print\' : \'Select Print\'\n
, \'object_search\' : \'Select Search\'\n
, \'object_report\' : \'Select Report\'\n
, \'object_fast_input\' : \'Select Fast Input\'\n
}.get(dialog_category, \'Select\')"\n
i18n:translate="" i18n:domain="ui"></label>\n
<select name="select_dialog" id="dialog_selector"\n
......@@ -98,6 +96,8 @@
i18n:translate="" i18n:domain="ui">Go</span>\n
<div class="content"\n
tal:define="group_list python: form.Form_getGroupTitleAndId();\n
gid_list python: \' \'.join([x[\'gid\'] for x in group_list if x not in (\'bottom\', \'hidden\')]);">\n
......@@ -115,9 +115,11 @@
<p class="clear"></p>\n
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="bottom">\n
<tal:block tal:define="field_errors python: request.get(\'field_errors\',{});\n
dummy python: request.set(\'here\', here);\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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