Commit b36ad646 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

set reindex_object to 1 when editing predicate

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 6e92fe7c
......@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
A Predicate object defines a list of criterions
which can be applied to test a document or to search for documents.
Predicates are defined by a combination of PropertySheet values
(ex. membership_criterion_list) and criterion list (ex. quantity
is between 0 and 10). An additional script can be associated to
extend the standard Predicate semantic with any additional
(ex. membership_criterion_list) and criterion list (ex. quantity
is between 0 and 10). An additional script can be associated to
extend the standard Predicate semantic with any additional
script based test.
The idea between Predicate in ERP5 is to have a simple
The idea between Predicate in ERP5 is to have a simple
way of defining simple predicates which can be later
searched through a simplistic rule based engine and which can
searched through a simplistic rule based engine and which can
still provide complete expressivity through additional scripting.
The approach is intended to provide the expressivity of a rule
based system without the burden of building a fully expressive
based system without the burden of building a fully expressive
rule engine.
meta_type = 'ERP5 Predicate'
......@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
isPortalContent = 1
isRADContent = 1
isPredicate = 1
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Declarative properties
property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
, PropertySheet.Predicate
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
Parameters can passed in order to ignore some conditions.
- tested_base_category_list: this is the list of category that we do
want to test. For example, we might want to test only the
want to test. For example, we might want to test only the
destination or the source of a predicate.
self = self.asPredicate()
......@@ -94,24 +94,24 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
self._range_criterion = {}
# 'testing %s on context of %s' % \
# (self.getRelativeUrl(), context.getRelativeUrl()))
for property, value in self._identity_criterion.items():
result = result and (context.getProperty(property) == value)
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after prop %s : %s == %s' % \
# (result, property, context.getProperty(property), value))
for property, (min, max) in self._range_criterion.items():
value = context.getProperty(property)
if min is not None:
result = result and (value >= min)
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after prop %s : %s >= %s' % \
# (result, property, value, min))
if max is not None:
result = result and (value < max)
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after prop %s : %s < %s' % \
# (result, property, value, max))
multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = \
......@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
membership_criterion_base_category_list = \
tested_base_category = {}
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# 'categories will be tested in multi %s single %s as %s' % \
# (multimembership_criterion_base_category_list,
# membership_criterion_base_category_list,
# (multimembership_criterion_base_category_list,
# membership_criterion_base_category_list,
# self.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList()))
membership_criterion_category_list = \
......@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
if (bc in multimembership_criterion_base_category_list):
tested_base_category[bc] = tested_base_category[bc] and \
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after multi membership to %s' % \
# (tested_base_category[bc], c))
elif (bc in membership_criterion_base_category_list):
tested_base_category[bc] = tested_base_category[bc] or \
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after single membership to %s' % \
# (tested_base_category[bc], c))
result = result and (0 not in tested_base_category.values())
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after category %s ' % (result, tested_base_category.items()))
# Test method calls
test_method_id_list = self.getTestMethodIdList()
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
if (test_method_id is not None) and result:
method = getattr(context,test_method_id)
result = result and method()
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# LOG('predicate test', 0,
# '%s after method %s ' % (result, test_method_id))
return result
......@@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
A Predicate can be rendered as an SQL expression. This
can be used to generate SQL requests in reports or in
catalog search queries.
XXX - This method is not implemented yet
portal_categories = getToolByName(self, 'portal_categories')
from_table_dict = {}
# First build SQL for membership criteria
# It would be much nicer if all this was handled by the catalog in a central place
membership_dict = {}
......@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
multimembership_select_list = map(lambda l: ' AND '.join(l), multimembership_dict.values())
# Build the join where expression
# Build the join where expression
join_select_list = []
for k in from_table_dict.keys():
join_select_list.append('%s.%s = %s.uid' % (join_table, join_column, k))
sql_text = ' AND '.join(join_select_list + membership_select_list +
sql_text = ' AND '.join(join_select_list + membership_select_list +
# And now build criteria
......@@ -245,17 +245,17 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
table_list = self.buildSqlQuery(strict_membership=strict_membership, table=table)['from_table_list']
sql_text_list = map(lambda (a,b): '%s AS %s' % (b,a), table_list)
return ' , '.join(sql_text_list)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCriterionList' )
def getCriterionList(self, **kw):
Returns the list of criteria which are defined by the Predicate.
Each criterion is returned in a TempBase instance intended to be
displayed in a ListBox.
XXX - It would be better to return criteria in a Criterion class
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
......@@ -277,16 +277,16 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
This methods sets parameters of a criterion. There is at most one
criterion per property. Defined parameters are
identity -- if not None, allows for testing identity of the property
with the provided value
min -- if not None, allows for testing that the property
is greater than min
max -- if not None, allows for testing that the property
is greater than max
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_identity_criterion'):
self._identity_criterion = {}
......@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
range_criterion[criterion] = self._range_criterion[criterion]
self._identity_criterion = identity_criterion
self._range_criterion = range_criterion
kwd['reindex_object'] = 1
return self._edit(**kwd)
# Predicate fusion method
......@@ -330,8 +331,8 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
provided in category_list. Categories behave as a
special kind of predicate which only acts on category
WARNING: this method does not take into account scripts at
WARNING: this method does not take into account scripts at
this point.
category_tool = aq_inner(self.portal_categories)
......@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
# reset criterions
self._identity_criterion = {}
self._range_criterion = {}
for c in category_list:
bc = c.split('/')[0]
if bc in base_category_id_list:
......@@ -376,12 +377,12 @@ class Predicate(Folder):
This method generates a new temporary predicate based on an ad-hoc
This method generates a new temporary predicate based on an ad-hoc
interpretation of local properties of an object. For example,
a start_range_min property will be interpreted as a way to define
a start_range_min property will be interpreted as a way to define
a min criterion on start_date.
The purpose of this method is to be called from
The purpose of this method is to be called from
a script called PortalType_asPredicate to ease the generation of
Predicates based on range properties. It should be considered mostly
as a trick to simplify the development of Predicates and forms.
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