• Tatuya Kamada's avatar
    Inventory: Change the default inventory parameter for Inventory indexing. · 22fea21f
    Tatuya Kamada authored
    default_inventory_calculation_list = ({"inventory_params" :
                                            {"node" : self.getDestination(),
                                             "group_by_sub_variation" : 1,
                                             "group_by_variation" : 1,
                                             "group_by_resource" : 1,
    default_inventory_calculation_list = ({"inventory_params" :
                                           {"section": self.getDestinationSection(),
                                            "node" : self.getDestination(),
                                            "group_by_sub_variation" : 1,
                                            "group_by_variation" : 1,
                                            "group_by_resource" : 1,
    This is because Inventory_view of erp5_trade has both 'section' and 'node'
    fields, so users can input both values, but due to the old default parameter,
    the section will be ignored for inventory indexing. This is inconsitent.
testInventory.py 159 KB